Are you allowing the moment to guide you in the direction you need to go?
Choose action over reaction. Feeling guilt or regret?_ Do the thing you wish you would have. Now. Do it how you wish you would have. Write a new page. Extract the lesson, become responsible, take charge, and implement what you’ve learned. Here you will find resolve. Here that inner calling will be heeded. Chock one up on the scoreboard for conscious choices, for reflecting on your heart’s wisdom and following it.
This is what we’re being asked to do in these moments of growth- to walk the talk-to integrate the wisdom and live it. This requires that we pause in our everyday experience and reflect on what is being requested of us.
As you lend yourself to the moment, you can better moniter your responses and refrain from frustration, anger, irritation, or conditioning, You can begin to anchor into a new way of being without needing to defend your reactions or later contend with regret.
This means, and this is very important, that we become one with the moment, the present, the situation-whatever that may be. Neutrality. So if you’re feeling frustration, notice it. Be with it. Use your faculties to discern the bigger picture ( or wholeness of the situation ) and you will be able to come from an expanded place- which is what you desire anyways. It’s just going to take some time, some retraining, as with any new way of being.
So incorporate your knowing, the tools you’ve garnered throughout the year. Incorporate awareness, so that you can operate from a broader view. Factor in allowing, so that you can learn from what you’re feeling, from what’s presenting, and honor it and grow. Remember, resistance to resentment of what is only exacerbates the learning and holds it off for another day. By avoiding what is, you’re avoiding the lesson and bloscking yourself from moving forward because you haven’t advanced to the next level of solving the clues. Remember it’s all just a game, so try not to take yourself too seriously. When contemplation comes to the plate, exercise compassion for yourself and override contempt for your seeming failure to ‘get’ what’s being presented.
Operating from a heart-place will take some adjustment and we will need to be patient and endearing with our souls as they shift out of the ancient embedded grooves and release into a fuller way of being. Surrender daily, moment-to-moment, or as often as it takes. Moving forward takes grace. Afford yourself with the momentum that comes from simply being. This is a vital aspect of co-creating. When we allow our selves to step aside and let it be, et God, let go and lend to the unfolding of what Is by stepping out of the way and removing our resistance ( which sometimes comes from pushing too hard) and overextending, over-analyzing, or juicing it ( working it to death).
Presence. If you’re here you’re clear. And the next time the situation, or lesson to be learned, presents itself ( and it will until you learn it, or do it differently) you can be prepared and pro-active. You can move it to a place of smother operation and facilitation of life experiences rather than feeling like you’re continually caught off guard.
Expect a ripple. As we shift in our experience, the experience of those within our world will shift as well. We’ve heard this often, but what we fail to remember or realize is that the impact plays out in certain ways.
So as you dislodge in preparation for experiencing the new, and experience emotional outbursts and physical symptoms- so too will others in your world. Know that their own individual expression of this is unique, though often a reflection of the shift you’re mastering, it’s important to honor and respect their expression and hold compassion (avoid reaction) as they too find their way through. This is part of supporting the whole. And as we usher in awareness of this process and bring consciousness to the ripple of our effect, we will begin to see how our environment is seeking to match the vibration of our awakening, and we can further ease the duration and confusion of what they’re experiencing and absolve ourselves from re-learning lessons we’ve learned but are just needing to put into play.
Much of what we’ve learned simply needs to be integrated and acted on. A lot of the ‘lessons’ playing out are more about teaching us to reflect on what we know and put it to use in our experience. We’ve come too far not to be who we are. And part of what we are is the combined lessons of our experiences. So reach deeper- into your beingness. Relearn how to live from consciousness and discover that your progression into a life of joy is only about opening to the tools that you’ve excavated along your way and executing the master status that you’ve tasted from time to time. It’s about going from temporary to permanent. From knowing to being. Wear the new hat with confidence. Absolve yourself from not being able to achieve. Bring presence to your moments and integrity to your choices, and great momentum you will see. There’s freedom in finding a happy medium- balance is always the key. Acclimating to what’s becoming new in your life by leaving behind and detaching from what doesn’t serve you.
Shalom, bringer of peace. Invoke love as your compass, and from karmic retribution you will be set free. Be sovereign in your shift, heart-based in your life, and resolute in your conviction to break free of anything and everything that serves to hold you back from fully embracing your greatness. Become a master of your experience by mastering the tools that you have gathered and stepping fully into the moment of your now.
Be the fullness and truth of who you are and bring it to everything that you do.
Many blessings,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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