And for those who stand on the threshold, wondering if this time those doors to the past will close, and if this time, you will finally find our way home, I tell you now to sink into your heart and love you there. Love you through this moment in the matrix of your becoming, because that light you’ve been searching for, that joy you’ve been told of, is what waits for you within the bubble of your love. And it’s the very thing that will save you from yourself.
This time is that of long-winded story telling as the sagas of your identity roll out into clearer view of consciousness. And it is for you, dear ones, to decide if these are indeed the stories you cherish most. When you find yourself replaying such messages again and again for review, take heed, for there is a moral to the story. And that moral, quite simply, is whether or not you want to continue to replay this tale in your life, as your point of view, as your opinion of yourself or of others. And you have everything within you to walk out on that story right now, if you will open yourself to the obvious and wipe away the unclear. The only thing left to learn is whether or not you’re ready to put it down and let it go.
It’s interesting to discover just how attached you may have become to a recurring theme or a harsh judgment. Think of one thing within your realm that you’ve held fast to and ask in this moment if you question it’s validity. Question from a heart-based perspective. And then ask yourself what you need to do to be free of that limiting belief or way of being.
Decide if it couldn’t be as simple as a choice- a choosing to become more, to expand, to outgrow, to leave behind what no longer fits. And if this is truly your heart’s desire, then you can back it with your integrity. You can support your forward movement by drawing the line and deciding, making a conscious choice, not to cross it- by declaring that you’ve crossed to the other side- to the side of completion.
Once you make this declaration of peace within yourself, this resolution to resolve rather than regret where you are or where you’ve been, you create the space for all possibility and are no longer disabled by the boundaries of what’s been. You become free to move within the cabin of your creation, no longer harassed by the ghosts of who you’ve been.
So, as the spirits of your beliefs and experiences arise, rather than fear their presence, know that they are meant to be put to rest. But first, as with any soul, the soul of all of all of the songs you have sung or were meant to sing, must be released. For as long as you hold tight to a truth (or a glimmer of a life) within that aspect of you, as long as you resist it’s passage and try to keep it alive, you will struggle with a feeling of being caught between worlds.
Let go and allow for the release of what remains and needs to go. Allow yourself to open to the next window of opportunity. It is all in perfect order and perfectly divine. Be blessed in your next endeavors. Be loved by yourself above all. And be courageous, for this is your time of glory.
You must ask yourself what has held you back and continues to stand in the way of your bliss. What’s not working? If you’re tending to wallow in reflection of what’s been or swallowed by guilt or despair, it’s time to recognize the opportunity to stop the ride and get off. It’s only making you dizzy. Swimming in your thoughts and paralyzed by what’s not working doesn’t serve you. As long as you are submerged in what’s not (working), you fail to see what is.
When we bring this current repetitive lesson (train of though) to a close, to an end, at whatever cost, at whatever mustering of strength, will, self-love, we will be delivered into the opening and new beginning- the release we so long for ( and God knows, we deserve!)
A particularly difficult lesson that we have been schooled in is to be more conscious in our choices. And as we have asked to become more conscious, we have been given many circumstances in which we could choose from a higher place. Many times, we have stumbled and fell and the lessons became painful, as in the aftermath we would be submerged in the review which became a maze (and a madness) of regret, guilt, and frustration with ourselves for not getting it right). All of which, at times, felt completely consuming, and for many, not reflective of where we felt we should be on our path. We felt we had grown and resented the ‘drop back’ into these ‘lower’ emotions. We sought to distract ourselves so as not to feel them, and consequently, we failed to get the lesson one more time. When we embrace the lesson, extract it’s essence, and choose to move into the present with resolve, when we say to ourselves “Ok, I get it, I’ll be more aware. I’ll take the time to be more mindful in my decisions rather that react based on old beliefs that were running my way of being”, we can stop dancing in circles and revisiting the same old pain.
On so many levels, we continue to give away our power in pursuit of approval. And for many, this is such a long-standing conditioned response. Most often, we fail to have compassion with our selves each time we choose ‘automatically’, in favor of what we ‘should’ be doing rather than following our hearts. And even though we know the lesson, we continue to react in these moments again and again the same old way. Each time, becoming more painful. At some point, we began to realize that we can’t afford to do it that way anymore. But to shift to ‘Organic Choices’, choices that come from an intentional, conscious, place, we have to bring that awareness into the present, into the moments of growth where we can choose to do it differently. This means becoming mindful, becoming present, so that when the lessons do present, we can stop, drop (into your heart and allow it to advise you rather than respond via autopilot, a.k.a age-old conditioning), and roll with the situation in a forward movement rather than create another opportunity to learn the same old thing again.
Reflections of what needs to go are teaching us, not torture, when we step out of the emotion and into conscious awareness of what’ s being presented. Everything’s a gift. These things are not a measure of who we are. They are a measure of where we are on our path, and of what we want to dislodge, transmute, transform-in order to go further, higher, and obtain peace.
Many blessings to you, dear ones. Ascend in grace!
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Many blessings to you, dear ones. Ascend in grace!
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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