It’s been a year of growth and change. And as we lean towards a new year that promises more of the same, it’s good to take a little inventory of what we’ve learned and the tools we’ve gathered along the way. The insights we’ve gained into ourselves and our world have served as valuable lessons. Nothing has been in vein. Along the way, we’ve gathered strength and we’ve acquired new ways of being that will continue to serve us as we become more of who we are. The new ways of being are tools, and the tools we’ve been harnessing could quite easily be considered virtues. Virtues are proof of alignment. They are attributes to our character which will heighten our experience as we move towards a life of greater peace.
So let’s take a peek at what we’ve gathered. A year in review…
We’ve climbed many mountains and weathered many storms. And through it all, we have delved deeper into what it means to be alive, divine, and on purpose. And though at times, we felt like we were in over our heads, there’s no doubt that at this point we are more. By staying the course, we are coming into greater alignment and we are well on our way to the other side of the rainbow. As we’ve maneuvered through our journeys, searching for our Way Home, we’ve no doubt acquired, or have at very least begun to touch on the heart-based qualities that are helping us to become more complete. We’ve discovered perseverance; embraced honesty as a way of life; pulled out unlimited supplies of courage; developed greater compassion; created pathways to faith; renounced obstacles to becoming one and allowed for loyalty. And none of this could have been so without self-discipline.
Over and again, we have reclaimed our strength and resolve as we’ve tripped and fallen, certain we couldn’t go on, no less overcome the obstacles along our path of growth. Time and again discovering what we were capable of achieving as we stepped into newness. And through this we’ve acquired perseverance- the ability to continue onward, to pick your self back up again in the face of defeat.
As we’ve become more truth-filled and have embraced more authentic ways of being, reaching ever more for alignment with essence and realizing that in doing so our reward is peace, we’ve come to a place of greater honesty, with ourselves and others. Becoming more clear and real about what works for us and doesn’t and learning to live more whole-heartedly from integrity.
Courage has been no stranger (though we don’t always give ourselves the credit we deserve) as we’ve been facing our shadows, overcoming old ways of being and continuing forward, even when faced with adversity. For many, the journey has had everything to do with going toe to toe with fears and surmounting them one by one with bold acts of loving our selves forward, forgiveness, and changing the way that we ‘see’. Without courage, we would have given up long ago.
As we’ve opened our hearts that sometimes very much wanted to stay clamped closed, we’ve found new love for ourselves and our brothers and overall, a new way of being. We’ve become gentler in this nature, less rigid in perspective and all the more open to receive. We’ve touched on the graces of compassion as a way of life and we’ve opened to the knowing that in many ways this aspect of love is undeniably the key.
Faith has been our foreground as we’ve reestablished our footing, overcoming self-doubt and wondering relentlessly in our times of darkness if there really was a reason to continue, if this process was indeed real, and above all, as we’ve bucked the limitations of separation, if we are indeed supported, surrounded, and celebrated by greater forces unseen. As we’ve learned to allow and surrender, we’ve had to place our faith in a power beyond our own, let go of age-old control-mechanisms in place to keep us safe, and allow something more knowing and powerful to meet our needs. We’ve also begun to trust in our own abilities to create fulfilling experiences by stepping aside from the outcome and honor a deeper knowing or belief in divine timing and not always knowing (or needing to know) the big picture, as not everything is as it seems.
Self-discipline. Garnering consciousness has meant breaking out of old patterns and unconscious responses and it’s meant holding ourselves responsible for the choices we make rather than continuing to let old programming play out out of habit. We’ve had to break habitual patterns, become ever more aware of the consequences of our behavior, and hold ourselves responsible for our actions in order to break free of the chains that have bound us and the belief systems that made it hard to be in alignment.
The pay back has been greater integrity, strength, and flexibility as we’ve embraced a more solid approach to life and a more conscious way of being.
We’ve had to remain true to an undying (though at times shaky) resolve to commit to the journey, to our selves, to our greater good, and to the shift of the whole. We’ve chosen loyalty by knowing what we embarked on mattered, talking ourselves away from the defeat and ever reaching forward as we’ve gained greater awareness into our own truth, stronger allegiance to supporting our integrity, and determined to ‘stay the course despite the cost’ as we’ve shifted our perspective to incorporate Oneness, wholeness, and integration of All That Is and All that can be.
This year wouldn’t be what it was without resilience. Allowing for the nature of the process as we’ve bounced back from seeming set-backs, ready to face the day new, ready to come to the page with fresh perspective, and determined to push forward in the birthing of our being, despite labor pains or slaying of illusions that kept us locked in worry, doubt or fear. Time and again, we’ve popped our collective heads back out of the sand and have risen above whatever had seemed to bring us down, gathering up lessons, embarking on new territory, and all the while, becoming a brighter version through our strength and perseverance of what we originally knew ourselves to be.
Through the year and through the loving grace of where we’ve been and where we’re gong, there is overflow of what we’ve become. Virtues are acquired strengths, they are aspects of wisdom, and they are the gifts that you have given yourself by holding fast to the power of truth and love. It is no small feat to have acquired these virtues or to have incorporated them into your life. Take your toolbox forward into the new season of your being, knowing that your blessings will be magic and that the more aligned you become, the more your success is guaranteed.
Blessed Be.
Lovingly yours,
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