The high road, what does that mean? Many spiritual warriors find themselves conflicted when confronted with situations that demand a response that either respects our own borders or allows another to get off scott-free.
We think that we must take the 'high road’ and by that I mean avoiding confrontation and bypassing standing in dignity as it may represent that we are disturbing the peace. We reject the option of saying no, for fear that someone’s feelings will be hurt of that we will cause anger and argument. But we end up hurting ourselves by complying to out-dated versions of right-ness and then spend precious time angry and arguing with ourselves.
No is not a bad word. No is a boundary. And as expansive as we are, it’s important to honor our own uniqueness and individuality. Without defining ourselves clearly, we cannot accurately depict our selves out into the world in which we’re received.
We are not defined by everyone else. Yet we search for ourselves there and often wonder why we find our selves misunderstood. It’s because we’ve been misinformed about what we should be doing and how to handle our selves in conflict. The truth has been misconstrued and it’s time to reclaim clearer wisdom so that w can operate from wisdom rather than internal warfare.
Honoring our selves is like an investment. The more we do it, the more we’re able to think for ourselves and to come from a higher place that fosters discernment and the ability to determine what’s greatest for the whole. The whole includes us as well, not just others, We have to factor ourselves into the equation, We matter. How we feel in a situation matters. If we continue to react from a stance of unconscious conditioning, we will continue to be presented with the same lessons.
Why are the lessons often painful? Because on a deep level, we really want to get it this time and move forward. It’s like re-injuring a knee. The more times you contend with the pain of the injury, the more irritated and resentful you become with this thing that’s ‘gone wrong’ that should be operating ‘more right’. You want to operate ‘more right’ as a soul, as a being, from a conscious perspective, from a place of peace rather than discouragement or dis-ease.
Going forward in peace.
How to get there? Begin with a step forward rather than back. Next time you’re confronted with a situation , a lesson ( an opportunity to reclaim consciousness ) say, in the form of a confrontation, determine to stand in your truth. Now, you will have to discern what your truth is in that moment and you can more often base it on concurring themes of the past. Is your bridge to the other side, is your step to moving forward, grounded in standing up for your self and being solid in your truth (as it’s playing out at this moment)? Or will you gain greater contentment form standing in a place of peace, disengaging from the situation, and allowing circumstances to just be?
Chances are, if you’ve done it one way one-thousand times and it hasn’t brought joy, it’s time to do it another way. Take a chance on you. Trust that you are fully capable in being correct and that your choice will not be detrimental to another. What’s more detrimental is that , if you haven’t done so already, you now choose to admonish yourself.
You have learned from the lessons past, You revisit the learning through doubt, regret, and remorse, If you want to be free of this way of learning then you have to have the courage and the faith to trust in yourself to do it without the worry of revisiting those places, those barricades of the mind, where you get lost instead of found, and where your trepidations runs free.
Transcend self-doubt, release retribution of regret, and override any ounce of remorse that swims in your sea. Do you really need these elements to keep you in check? Is your moral ground so faulty that without them you would be reckless and mean? Know yourself better than that. Know you are a loving being with a tender nature and a heart that gives completely. Know that you are becoming solid enough now to tend to your self, your own lessons, desires, and needs, and that you can do that without the burden of feeling like you are neglecting or endangering anyone in the process.
You are deserving of the grace that flows like a fountain when we maintain a sense of order with ourselves, In that order is an arrangement of priorities that facilitates self-supporting nourishment and centered-ness, by way of creating balance and discerning the truth that will set you free. When you strive to honor yourself rather than worry about injuring another, you will begin to strengthen a bond with your spirit that will lead you deeper into peace. Spiritual maturity isn’t about always looking the other way or overlooking what matters to you in favor of what another needs. It’s about aligning with your truth and honoring your essence enough that you can see clearly the forest for the trees.
Loving you always,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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