Tune into your inner dash board and notice what is directing you. As the year comes to a close, we are being asked to relinquish what's no longer working and to deconstruct what stands in our way. If we have not found alignment with our peace, the warning light will be alerting us to this indiscretion and the radar of our internal navigational system will be directing us in the way we need to go in order to bring old chapters to a close. Your radar will send you warnings in the form of unease. If you're feeling out of sorts, it's because you have business to attend to, and what's been pushed aside or neglected can no longer be overlooked as your soul leads you further on the path of integration and closer to the highest truth of who and what you are meant to be. Irritation and anger are our guides right now. Frustration is lending itself and it’s electrical current of unrest to get our attention and focus us in on what’s working and what needs to go.
How to shake it down….come closer. That argument you’re having with yourself; that script you’re rehearsing; that tight grip of contention you’re holding onto for dear life- none of it gives you power. You are not strengthening your resolve, or yourself, by splurging or overindulging in defense mentality.
But shutting it down, per se, doesn’t work either. Just getting out of your head is a bit more complicated than it seems. Only though, until you realize how simple it can be.
Ok, so stay with me as I guide you through the steps. First, you’re going to set up your awareness radar. You’re going to notice frustration, irritation, and anger as a radar- an area of focus. Next, bring consciousness to those areas of sensitivity so that you’re not reacting to the soarce and perpetuating the cycle. If the fire alarm is going off, you need to investigate the situation. So, awareness-check. Consciousness injected-check. Now’s where you’re going to have to bring in a little self-discipline.
That story you’re telling- the one that doesn’t serve you, the one that’s bringing you pain- put it down. Step away from the story. Notice your resistance to this We hold on tight to this inner dialect and drama because we think (key word) that it’s going to show us the way to feel better. We hold on because we believe that we need to defend ourselves if we’ve been wronged or misunderstood. We think we have to resurrect ourselves, right the wrong, balance the equation.
And some of this is right- to a degree. We are not totally off the mark. But our approach needs a little tweaking. Let me offer you a fresh perspective. Any pain within your being is alerting you to imbalance ( and yes, this includes discomfort). This signaling, or alarm system, is alerting you, as king of the castle, to bring order to your realm. We tend to react to these triggers, to freak out or run away. Alternately, we’ll zoom in (real hard) on what’s troubling us, but end up spinning our wheels as we never move beyond the surface of the pain.
You have to move away from the source of your pain, distance yourself a bit, in order to go deeper. Neutrality gives you perspective in the higher sense), and allows you to be more objective so that you can turn off that damn fire alarm and bring to your kingdom order and peace. That’s your job. Become clear on that first. Setting someone else strait, defending yourself, lashing out, withholding your love- al of the above are just a temporary fix created in defense. They may serve to disengage the fire alarm temporarily, but they don’t put the core flame to rest. You have to go to the source of the pain. And the source of the pain is within you. No one can trigger a reaction so deep that it sends you spinning unless there’s something within that needs resolve. The source of your pain is not someone or something else. The source of your pain is your story- the one you’ve been telling yourself. The one that’s been bringing you pain. And the only way to find peace is to put it down.
As angry or irritated as you may be at someone else- this isn’t about them. They are simply a player. They are simply pointing you back to what desires to be healed within you- to the warning light that’s blinking. Does knowing this lesson your grip any?
Here’s where integrity comes in. Time to be honest with yourself. Time to pull out of the tantrum in your head and look at it more clearly. You have to let go of your belief in the story and the notion that it’s bringing you power in order to find real strength. We hold on because we think it is charging us. We think it is ammo. And that argument we’re rehearsing in our head or that wrong we’re righting will become more potent the more it’s rehearsed. Or so it seems. This is an old way of being- one we’re ready to leave behind (hence the discomfort). How can I be so sure? - because I’m certain you’re ready for peace.
Here’s what you need to know, and this is the key- Retaliation and retribution will not take you where you need to go. Though they will promise to defend your honor and define your truth, they are mistaken. Your truth is not found there, in defense of yourself. Your truth is love, peace, and joy. And your job is to align with that, at all costs.
The warning light sometimes serves as a distraction as we get lost in the details and fail to get the message. And the message, if you listen closely, most often is that you’re out of alignment with you truth. You are spindling into a much lower vibration because you’re ruminating in a story that no longer needs to be told.
So zoom in. What’s the story? What’s the theme? And ask yourself from a heart place if it’s really true, if it’s really serving you. Loosen the grip. It may have been part of your identity until now, part of what you’ve played out and pretended to be (and you’ve done it well). But it’s time to put it down now and become new. Yes, it is that simple. Be firm. Let go. And when you loosen the grip and watch it fly away, you’ll see beneath the surface. You’ll see what it’s been showing you about who you’ve been. You’ll recognize how you’ve played it out forever on the time table of your existence and how you’re ready to wipe that slate clean and really get to the core of your truth.
No more playing out karma. No more living through the lens of drama (and really, that’s what this all is). In letting go, you move forward, you fly higher, you realign with your true design.
Try it on for size. The other way’s not working. It’s dragging you down. And maybe, just maybe, the lesson isn’t what you think. If you haven’t found clarity or peace with a played out story so far, then come to it with a new perspective. Release the need to hold tight and you will become lighter. You will become clear.
Your story does not define you. It confines you, and sentences you to certain death. It’s a distraction and it keeps you from your peace. From here on, you define what Is by realigning with your Truth (peace and love) and disengaging from any and all that is not that.
Have compassion with you and let it flow out to the players who brought things into focus. Release them, release you, and move forward. There you will find resilience to turn your back on what seems to be, and turn your attention to moving into a higher vibration. (Actually this will happen for you just by creating the grace of letting it all go.)
The truth is so much bigger than what we could ever imagine and so much greater than what it’s been limited to through our current perspective. Expansion means opening to that possibility and not needing to have all the answers, all the why’s and what’s, and not needing to seek justice. Create the space for this expansion within your experience and you will find yourself floating away from your story and into greater ease. Create a story defined by grace, ease, and peace and let the warning light direct you not distract you. As you align with your true story, and integrate it into your being, you will cease to attract to your life a reflection of the old story that’s played out and it will quit coming up for review.
Be gentle with your self and open with a new way of being.
Soon you will be free.
Great blessings to all,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.