This is a time of embodying sprit. As we journey through our awakening we often find ourselves out of our bodies as we encounter painful layers of emotion and face aspects or our truth that may seem too painful to bear and as we soar to new spiritual heights and want to stay there. We leave our bodies out of fear and through bliss. We are challenged now to become anchored and to not only be but to remain embodied as we become reconnected with our souls. When we are used to being ‘out of body’ or differentiating body from soul, this task of embodiment can be challenging. But when we focus our intent and our attention on creating the space to embody more fully, we will find that being in-body is a purer way to experience the flow.
How do we know when we’re out of our bodies? You may have trouble breathing, feel heavy, feel slow. You’re experiencing the lack of flow, the shell of body without spirit, the lack of fluidity as you’re operating from one place while in another and your energy isn’t sure which way to go. Perhaps your feeling clumsy, flat and unemotional or overly emotional (or vacillating between both), easily confused, tired, restless, irritable, or insane (depending on how long you’re been out). Once you ground these symptoms will begin to dissipate and the void between you and You will disappear. Other clues of outer-bodied-ness: Watch your word. You may find yourself saying things like ‘I’m out of it’. ‘I’m not myself’, ‘I’m just not here today’. And these are all true. On some level you know that you’re disconnected, you’re not anchored, and you need to get back ‘in’. You may have trouble connecting with others, which can be difficult when you’re disconnected with yourself. And you may find that you’re disconnected with the divine, but that’s just a symptom of being out of alignment and alignment now calls for embodiment, for being fully in.
As you begin to embody the light, you will find that you have similar qualities of experience as far as fatigue, weakness of strength, lethargy, and general malaise. This is your body reformatting to hold the form, hold the mass, hold indefinitely, rather than the intermediate revolving door of spirit in and spirit out that’s been the way of life for so many for so long. Part of realigning is remembering what it means to be sprit and reacquainting yourself with the ways of this new world you’re re-creating within your being.
Spirit wants to take you to your fullest potential. Most of us are not used to, or even familiar with our fullest potential in form. Becoming familiar with your body, creating a relationship with it by listening to it and honoring its needs is an excellent start in developing the space to Know who and what you are as a physical being who Is spirit. And it can be an excellent time to explore.
In anchoring, we are asked to create balance and creation by conjuring the inner male; the masculine that brings spirit into form, that fertilizes the egg, that brings dreams to reality. Without the masculine aspect, it is too easy to only envision and to only create within the realm of our hearts or our minds. By embodying the masculine, we anchor into reality, we bring forth and manifest in the physical, what we desire. Explore this aspect of your self and the aspects of power, determination, and implementation it entails. There is also a disciplined and driven component to the male energy which allows you to complete and to shuck what needs to go. The yin and yang of you need to be joined, as do the body and soul. Moving into allowing all to come forth creates new planes of reality that set the stage for integration of your dreams.
All of this is about learning to listen closer and learning to trust what’s told. As we’re growing in spirit, we are reminded where we are rigid and where we need to soften. Spirit is fluid. It will ask us to be flexible. Be open and subject to change- in any moment. And in our ‘testing’ or training period, we will be guided to one thing, perhaps rather strongly, and then may find that we are just as intuitively guided to do something completely different. This is not a mixed message from spirit, or a misinterpretation on your part. This is a teaching of non-attachment, of fluidity, and the ability to turn on a dime as you listen deeply to, and follow just as closely, the direction from within.
Remember the elements. Water is extremely grounding and purifying. Salt baths, water play, and any contact with water really, can help you to embody and bring greater peace. Connect with the wind, the breeze, the outdoor air under a starry-night sky or beneath a tree. Breathing brings balance, restores the flow, softens rigidity, and reminds you to slow. Wiggle your toes in grass that’s been kissed by the morning dew. Place your feet in a tub of volcanic rocks or sand when feeling extra spacey or like you’ve got a lot of energy running through. Stare into the majestic flame of a candle or a campfire to realign or create the fire element through smudging with sage. We are all elements. All elements exist within our being. Part of this embodiment is bringing these elements together, pulling on their strengths, and bridging the separateness between them as we begin to know the power of the fire within, the sacredness of our inner flow, the purity of our breath, and the necessity to ground in form.
Create flow through movement. It realigns you with your body and helps establish connection with the present and with the knowing that you are spirit in body and not just spirit out. Movement restores balance to the chi. Walking is good. Yoga is excellent. Any form of exercise is helpful. Movement is necessary as you’re integrating all aspects of self and creating a balanced way of being. How can you ‘embody’ spirit when you’re not connected with your form?
Anchoring energy (spirit) in body can be leveraged by concentrating on the sensual, the sexual, the pleasures and the treats. Ground and balance the first and second charkas by implementing the creativity and the pure possibility of spirit in this endeavor. Meet basic needs with compassion and renewed caring, honoring your nutritional needs and learning about what your body really desires, every body being different- yours is you unique own design. How does it tick? Cultivate that awareness. Ask questions and listen and even let yourself be surprised by what you hear.
Find balance in resting, in lounging,, in luxuriating and lazing around. Add the rejuvenating and powerful effects of meditation, stretching, mudras, and breath-work to you mix.
Notice how much sleep you truly thrive on and become accountable for sufficient rest time as a way to flow more balance to all of your organs as well as a way to overcome the deplete. Resist the urge to be rigid as you’re channeling the flow and allowing your spirit to tell you which way to go. Sometimes your sleep needs are minimal and the ‘need’ for playtime or creation will outweigh the sleep-time tally, so remember to let spirit determine the Know.
This is how you become more fluid. This is how sprit can begin to fill your body with greater ease. This is where you learn to trust.
Remember that basic needs extend beyond the basics and that as spirits (and bodies) we have pleasure quotas to fill. Extend into grounding your second chakra qualities of playfulness, creativity, and intimate pleasures as well. Taste your experiences, as if for the first time, fully exploring with your senses, as a new way of connecting with the glorious You. Explore new ways to treat yourself and nourish that involve pleasure and touch (which the body thrives on). Try reflexology, energy therapy, or message.
Take guidance from Gia when you find the embodiment to be beyond your measure. She, like you, is consciousness in form. Let her show you the grace and the ease with which she’s embodied soul. Feel her wisdom come through the earth and in through your toes. Amaze yourself with her character as you take in the simplicity and profundity of her sprit in the mountains, in the tress, in the meadows. She is here to teach us and she’s definitely one who Knows.
Stand tall, and strong. Integration of the light means facing what’s been hiding, means overcoming the ways in which you’ve given into the dark. As clear of a conduit as you can be benefits your receiving of the pure and the divine which benefits your embodiment. The taller you stand, the more you come into your power as a soul, creating the space for fluid movement of energy up and down the spine, up from the earth and into your body, down from the cosmos and into your form. Receiving the light. Living your truth, proud with excellent posture, with charkas aligned, releasing restriction, receiving the flow.
When you’re having trouble ‘hearing’ spirit, become slow. Stop what you’re doing, stop what your thinking, and slow. You can get the Know in the slow. In the texts of ancient wisdom there is no hurry. There’s no rush in getting acquainted with your soul. Be still and see where it wants you to go.
Be with who you Are. Take the time to become one again, beautiful body, beautiful soul. This isn’t about being perfect, this is about aligning with the flow. There are many ways to get there. These examples are just a few to help you through. Your body knows what it wants, your soul knows what it needs. Become that. Become the facilitator by becoming reacquainted and by stepping into the Know. Your ‘Know’ is within you. That’s where it’s always been. Step into that place and live from it, staying present, staying in instead of out, and in the process becoming whole.
This is your journey. It's the journey of the hero. You have everything you need to make the transition into oneness. Shine your light on the path as you venture forward. Into your greatness, into your vast and immeasurable divinity, into the awe-filled wonder of the being your in the process of becoming as you make room for your spirit to fill your form.
Abundant blessings and blissful dreams,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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