It’s time to move to a place of taking action based on instructions received from the Creator. This is Conscious Co-Creating. You become aware of (by feeling into) how you’re thinking, feeling, being. And upon realizing you’re in a lower-state story, you immediately make a shift to a higher place where the answers you’re seeking, and the solution, can be received.
If you have the problem, you have the solution. But as long as you’re focused on the dense, heavy emotions of the ‘problem’ you’re going to remain stuck. By telling the story over and again, to yourself or someone else, you are actually breathing fire into it, expanding it, and creating more muck. You have to let go of the problem in order to receive the solution.
To get to the solution, you have to get out of your thoughts. You have to get out of your head, out of the lower vibration. Your focus is mind-based when you are complaining about the problem or retelling the story. Your focus is heart-based when you are focused on the solution, focused on the fix rather than being stuck.
In order to be clear, you have to be able to hear. What’s in the way of that receiving? If there are strong beliefs that conflict with your inner truth and the greater guidance- then that’s where the shift needs to take place. Go to Creator and get clarity about what needs to go.
If courage or strength are the obstacles in question, if you doubt your ability to be what you need to be in order to get the outcome you wish to receive, then ask for that. Pray to be strong, pray to be brave, and then move out of the way.
In all situations that are lower, command to go higher and your higher self will meet you where you are and show you the way up.
Shift your values. If we’re true to our story and our story doesn’t’ reflect our highest truth then perhaps it’s time to reflect on what your story is breeding and what you’d like to grow. All of us long for peace, harmony, and love. Does what you’re telling yourself (or anyone else for that matter) create fear, anger, agony or does it create peace and love?
The story you’re telling yourself will either raise of lower your vibration. The more you tell it, the more you maintain the vibration or create more of the same. What are you creating? How conscious are you about your creations?
Become mindful of your reactions, of your triggers, of the temptations to grab on tight to that story and let it carry you away. You have a choice. You are in power, not your tale. Decide that you aren’t going to be dictated and disturbed by the story that’s rising in your consciousness and grab onto a different version instead.
It’s challenging at first to turn down the temptation. There’s almost a decadence to it, especially if it’s worn in and familiar. There’s comfort in the same. But notice where it gets you when you dip your feet in those waters. Notice your breath. Notice your vibration. And shift out before it takes you too low to shift out as easily.
You story is simply only based on your perception. And your perception isn’t necessarily real. As you are creating a new reality, you will need to alter the way you do things in order to support the new you.
Become conscious of your choices and decide what’ best for you. You have the authority, you don’t need to divert to someone else to help you see. That connection is yours and it’s unequivocal. That’s just hard to see sometimes when you’re stuck in the muck.
You have to soften in order to receive the guidance you seek.
You have to want the solution over the problem. If your payoff involves recreating the problem and the pain, question whether or not you would place higher value on peace, love, harmony and unity and then let that be your intent. Raise your vibration by raising your intent. Intend to go higher so that you can see from a perspective that’s clear.
As long as you remain in the lower vibration of the story or the problem, you are creating more space for it and manifesting more thoughts, emotions, dramas, and recreations of the same. Taking the first step and doing it a new way, an empowered way, will set you up to do it a next time and a next. You are creating a new pattern by stepping out of the old
When we are stuck we tend to go outside of ourselves for the solution. We encourage you to remember that the answers you seek are within. If you create the shift out of the low vibration and go higher, you will receive the information and the guidance you seek. This is about taking responsibility for your own life, your energy, and your problems. In taking responsibility and ownership, you become empowered. You realize that you have the power and the solution, you have the wisdom and the strength and you begin to know that you CAN move forward beyond what seems to be in your way.
You are the creator and the creation. Soften into a new way of being that engulfs your inner power, wisdom and love. This is the way forward. This is the way to BE. The more you practice awareness in these areas of your life, the more you'll be able to shift to a place of higher connection, from where you'll be able to constantly receive. And from that place is flow. Your energy is your responsibility. Your thoughts, your feelings, your being. In everything you do, be mindful of one thing... What's your energetic footprint- what is the mark your leaving on your own life and on others, on the world at large and into the collective. Are you creating the greater good or are you adding to the pollution?
Mastering mindfulness and creating change, you're on your way to the next thing- the bigger, the better, the best you can be. Because in this moment you choose higher, and in the next that's what you receive.
In Gratitude for you,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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