There is no denying we have entered a great time of change. And often, when confronted with the upheavals and undercurrents of change, we may question what we should do. In all cases, there is on answer which will guide you clearly. Be the light.
Change means new. Whether for good or bad (as we perceive) change is the direction from one thing into another. It is metamorphosis and transformation. It is subtle and yet profound. For one thing to become another, there must be alchemy. Alchemy requires some degree of magic. And in alchemy is that which we cannot touch or define, the thing of magic and yes, miracles. The things that the eyes cannot see.
As one thing becomes new, it leaves the old behind, the butterfly cannot remain the caterpillar. The adult cannot remain the child. The flower cannot remain the seed. And though the flower contains within it the aspect of the seed (as a blueprint), as does the butterfly the caterpillar, and the adult the child, there will always be the aspect of the former within the later and without one the other could not be- not as far as fulfillment of it’s greater design.
The flower could not be a flower without first embodying a seed. And for the seed to never fulfill its potential of becoming a flower would be for it to have forfeited its purpose. The blueprint that remains a blueprint and does not become the building it was intended to does not breathe the life it was meant to breathe.
So as you’re being prodded internally and possibly externally to grow and to become, know that the challenges you may be facing as you prepare to shift and transcend pale in greatness to the accomplishment of honoring the flowering of your potential and allowing for the unfolding of what you were meant to be. Without flowering into your fullest potential, you will not feel completely fulfilled.
Change is organic, it’s natural. It’s necessary. When we incorporate the elements of courage, strength and faith, we find ourselves flowing smoother paths, encountering less obstacles, and making greater strides through the leaps and bounds we make. And we find we begin to make bigger leaps with ease.
Look to the body for clues during this transformation. Back, shoulder, neck and hip, ankle or knee pain- where are you rigid or inflexible in moving forward? Where are you holding yourself back or holding in an aspect of you or your karma that needs to be released? What areas are you holding resistance or restraint. Where, in what areas aspects of your life have you had too much restraint? Allow for the answers to be shown to you. If whenever you need more clarity on your path, you ask and remain open, before long, you will know. Embody the change by opening to the clues and rolling with the groove. This is the way of becoming new. Being the light is staying true to that place that is constant, that is calming, that is core. This light leads you out of the darkness of what’s been and of what you don’t yet understand. It burns through the obstacles of illusion and the blockages of pain and shows us the clearer path from which all things lead.
You are the light. It can be no other way. Aligning with the spirit of this truth, with truth itself merges you with your I AM light-being self. It’s how the caterpillar becomes one with wings. It’s how the flower transforms from the seed. It’s how the child grows into maturity. Transition and transformation are the alchemy of life that are elemental to the process of becoming. And as we are constantly becoming, the power of Being on a deeper, more intentional level, moves us with the rhythm of the flow and makes the magic and the miracles possible. Your only job really is just to let it all be.
Be Light. Be love. Be your greatest possibility.
In the momentum,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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