Don’t block it, let it flow. This is the message my daughter echoed to me today while playing with her baby sister and it was so poignant, because this is the exact lesson of this moment, of this time, and she really seemed to tap into it and ‘highlight’ it in her own simple, pure, knowing way. These little ones sure seem to do that a lot. They are so tapped into the All and the Everything and so very connected. There is so much we can learn from them as they mirror their own reflections of the Divine to us, and capture our image as well in a way that we can better pay attention to the important stuff that we might need remembering or that we might have otherwise just passed on by.
Synchronicities are a plenty right now, as everything’s pointing us forward, in the direction of the shift. Look for these moments, this clarity, these aha’s and awakenings. They’re there to guide you, to confirm what you already know, to strengthen you, and to make the whole thing that much more exciting and fun. Who can resist the pleasure of a synchronicity when you see one for what it is- an opening to and, if you allow, a receiving, of a miracle. Synchronicities are the language of this New Land. We have entered into a time of concentrating on being aware and alert to the signs, hints, symbols and events of spirit.
More coincidences, teachings, and insights from the little people…While we were at a birthday party, my sweet little three-year-old, Sophie was playing a game with her Daddy. He was tossing a balloon up into the air and she would follow and catch it wherever it would go. The look of delight on her face, the dazzle in her eyes was palpable, contagious. And this never got old, this game. It could have gone on for hours, because that is how it is when you’re small and still so unhindered by anything that’s extracted from that pureness and that connection. Everything is full of wonder. You are so very completely full of delight and open to the miracle and the amazement of EVERYTHING! Imagine going back to that place. Imagine living in wonder, with the thrill of everything no longer alluding you, but capturing you and filling you and washing you into that land of enchantment that you remember from when you were small. Let’s go there again. Let’s go there because it’s available. It hasn’t gone anywhere, this never-never land. It’s there, so let’s break on through what’s veiling it, what’s hiding it from our view and step inside.
There are powerful energies coming through right now as we prepare for this time of shift. We can make excellent use of these to reach higher and reach a platform that’s actually sustainable and from whence we can truly thrive and shine. My daughter cranked up the radio this morning, and I was almost ready to turn it back down because I didn’t’ really like the song. I had never heard it before, but then I listened for a moment. It was talking about Soul Shine. That’s what I’m talkin’ about too. That’s the stuff that makes it all ALRIGHT. And you know that kinda ALRIGHT I’m talkin’ about. The hit the spot stuff. And every moment can be that, exactly that perfection and pure, exquisitely profound peace when you step into the shine and become it. You’ve been there. You know what I’m talking about. I know you have, I can feel it. Perhaps only for a moment or it’s been elusive or fleeting, but you’ve been there. You’ve touched that place- that place of wonder, that place of grace, of profound and overflowing love. You’ve been there at some point, maybe even yesterday. Go there now. Touch it. Feel it. Be it. Then bring it back with you. Bring it back into this moment and swim there. Swim there and let it bathe you- because this is the stuff you’re really made of. You can feel that too. You can feel that and you Know that by the way you feel when you’re in there, in that moment of bliss. You don’t ever want it to end and you wish it could go on that way for eternity.
You’re probably jilted by having gone high and low, up and down, back and forth, so very much along this journey and through this process, and who wouldn’t be. It’s been a crazy ride, more than confusing at time, and there’s no doubt that it ha tested our mettle in more ways than one- in more ways than we probably ever could have imagined. And you’ve done the work, you’ve done so much work. You’ve reached, you’ve scoured, you’ve purged, you’ve studied, you’ve invested, you’ve stretched to your capacity and then some ( more times than you could remember to breaking point and back- just so that you could move a few feet, a little bit of the way forward, and then more often than not, seemingly backward or at much of a still-point until you were throttled once again back into the trenches and into the waves of interior revolution in order to get back to the ever-looming WORK.
But you’re done now. You’ve done the heavy lifting. You’ve done the unimaginable. You’ve scoured, and scrubbed, and mined for the core and you’ve reached a soft spot inside the hollow that is ready to be filled again. It is this space, deep within the recesses of our hearts and our minds which was designed to be filled with spirit. And if you aren’t yet seeing the blessing ‘out there’ and all around, then know that spirit moves quitetly beneath the surface too, within those recesses, echoing in silence.
Aren’t ya tired of workin’ so hard? I know I am. I know that that work is through. We are at a time of basking now. It is time to turn the hard-work mentality over and step into a place of ease and receive. Receive the rewards and the caveats of all of our intensive endeavors and bask in the glory of how far we’ve come. We have reached the other side. The wave, in the ways that we’ve known has crescendoed. We rebirth is complete. We have risen. We have embodied the christedness and we have assumed our rightful place within the Kingdom. Once we abide in spirit, it provides the perfect opportunity to open the doors and let the spirit out into the world.
It is awkward here a bit, on this new platform. Our legs are a little wobbly as we acclimate to this new way of being, and don’t be mistaken, it is not without challenge, but there is a distinct difference in the atmosphere, in the landscape, and in the overall feeling inside. There is a lightness here, and a weightlessness that has rescinded the burden that we’ve carried (faithfully) for far too long. There is a power behind us, a force, that is escorting us further, that is anchoring us, welcoming us, showing us that this is where we belong, and paving the way for us to walk further into this rich land of plenty and of splendor. And if you go within, if you tap into your heart, you can feel this.
So go there. Go to this place. Go to your heart. It’s more of an embodiment now, it’s more of a whole-being ness rather than a segregated part of you now- it’s more of a Way than a reaching for something that there’s only a hint of. And work from that place with intention. The intention will carry you forward as the last of the last comes up and out (without need for review- at least not in the old guilt, resentment, regret-filled way of processing). Now we can work from a place of ‘seeing’ where we’ve been, who we’ve been, what’ s been blocking us and what we have or have not been able to do thus far and we can move forward with the intention of straddling the past, the limitations, the veils, and stepping into the new. We can move forward because we know we’re capable of maintaining and sustaining the light and integrating our truer selves, of living in a place of integrity. We can move forward because we are supported and we feel more connected that magnanimous collective and all-inclusive support system right now more than ever. We can move forward because we’re ready.
We have arrived. Welcome home, dear ones. This was always your intention. This was always your destination and your direction. You have successfully navigated your way through the trenches, the mind-fields, the distraction, and all of the seemingly imposed disabilities of the cloaks of misperception. Now you’ve entered the wonderland and the oasis, only this oasis is real- and it’s here to stay. Perhaps you’re thinking it’s far too good to last or to remain for long, but that’s only part of the illusion. And the illusion is what will try to tempt you backward into the land of disbelief and detention. Stay powerful. Stay in the energy of the light. You don’t need to go anywhere, for your time has come to Be (finally) in the richness, in the glory, and in the miracle of what life ( of what you) were designed to be.
Now, as your cultivating pureness, and acclimating to your new surroundings, there will be elements that will be rising to your awareness in order that you can become even far greater masters in your ‘new’ realm. You will be prodded and triggered into honing your tools- all of the tools that you have gathered along the way, all of the lessons that you’ve learned, the wisdom that you’ve harbored- now is the time to put it to use and to put it into place. You have what you need. You always have. This time has only been about you needing to remember that, to re-gather, if you will, all the pebbles of insight and importance along the path so that you could now build a better road- so that you could pave the rest of the way home. This is the fun part. This is where it gets exciting. Because now, rather than digging, it’s about building, it’s about piecing together and creating the land of your dreams. It’s about the quest and it has everything to do with grabbing on to everything within your view that looks shiny, that looks enticing, that mesmerizes or calls to you and bringing it forward- making it yours, and weaving it into the magnificent tapestry that you are weaving.
The buttons that are being pushed right now are simply that. There’s no need for them to detonate. There’s no need to implode. You have reached a place where you can navigate from an acquired sophistication of discernment. And so you see all of that time wasted on growing up, on growing out of never-never land, wasn’t wasted at all. Because now you can bring together, you have the option to marry, the inquisitive starry-eyed, wonder-filled richness of childhood and all of the pureness and delight and playfulness, of un-limitedness and expansiveness that that entailed with the wisdom and the power and the authority and the strength and the knowing and the determination and the insightful deliberence that you have cultivated throughout your years of growth. You have the chance to be whole in that , to be all-inclusive and to reap the wonderfully rich rewards of the playground that’s rolled out for that integration of being.
Here are some guidelines for the beginning stages of your stay. There is a super-highway of energies flowing within you, further integrating what you need to receive and what need be released- further purifying, upgrading, and delivering you to higher ground. Stay neutral. Stay strong. Stay focused. Stay aware. And most importantly, don’t loose the wonder, stay in awe. Just because some ‘stuff’ may be popping into awareness doesn’t mean you’ve abandoned your post. You’re still here, you’re just setting up camp. You’re tending to your garden and readying it for even more richness- so you must take care to be mindful, to continue to be intentional about what you will allow and what you will forbid within your consciousness, and within the territory of you newly-staked claim at bliss-world. Watch, listen, and taste the goodness. Feel. Experience. This will take you deeper into the exploration of this wonderland
Stay tuned for some highlighted areas of focus during this upward flow of integration and settling in. Judgment, forgiveness, and gratitude are on the radar (which we will talk more about in the next post). Just notice what’s coming up for you in these areas and honor it. Let it speak to you without taking it personally, Remember, it’s not about you. Even though it is, kinda- it’s more about the ways that you can modify and move forward- with ease- without guilt- without retribution and pain. You’re fine-tuning. Play it like a master. Do it like you already know what to do- cuz you do. Rock on in this play-filled vibration and enjoy your stay. Make love to this experience because this, my love, is IT. You did this. You made this happen. And now, believe it or not, no matter what, and despite how some distractions may momentarily make it seem, you are here to stay.
Welcome Home Again!
To the beauty and love in all things,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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