Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome to Wonderland

Neutrality plays out with or without us as we are somewhat removed, somewhat submerged in what is happening all around at this time.  And you may ask yourself ‘is this real?” And you may wonder ‘Is this me?’ And you may feel as if you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole as your reality is converging on the cosmic blend of what you’ve always known to be and what you’ve begun to create with your higher mind. And these are the categories of those times.

As your heart cage begins to break wide open, you witness where and how the hardening had happened and players present to take you there once again and show you the way out of the maze of darkness.  Be careful of the illusions as they present. It is a fine-line walk of feeling deeply what has always felt wrong and neutralizing it as the awareness that it is no longer real or that you just can’t do it that way again becomes more and more apparent.. Much is coming up to play out and be put to rest.  Categorize the themes that are taking front and center.  Write them down.  This will help you to peer into the windows of what’s unfolding and decipher what’s real and, well, what’s not. Siphon out and filter through the lens of your newer perspective.

You may find yourself talking yourself in and out of good and bad as now it’s progressively black and white and simultaneously every shade of grey. New colors are being added to the spectrum daily. Right and wrong are being turned inside out as you refine and readjust to a new way of being almost instantaneously once you decide you want to get there.  If it feels like your salvation is in your hands-it is, at least for now, until you shore up what aligns and what needs to be trimmed.

The pull toward unconditional love becomes harder and harder to ignore.  You just can’t get away with not walking the talk like you used to.  Perhaps it’s because now you ‘Know’ better at such a deep level that it becomes more and more lopsided as you attempt to keep one foot in this reality and one in the other.  And sometimes when it feels like it’s going to be hard or painful and we want mor than ever to close off or reinforce the barriers of our love, we know inside that it is a time to grow our hearts larger- to expand instead of contract.  And we reach a point where the pain of withholding is far greater than the risk of being wide open.

Revisiting the castle of doom that we’ve locked ourselves within as we’ve walked in fear may be on the soul agenda- a sort of submergence in suffering in order to SEE what we’ve allowed to permeate our being for a lifetime.  And it may feel as if you’re plunged into a lifetimes of pain condensed, as a very raw act of refinement and a stern reprimanding of where you know you shouldn’t go.

Beware of the ‘shoulds’ and where they take you.  They are an indication that you are living under someone else’s sovereignty.  Pay close attention to reactions and habitual choices that are underlined and implemented by ‘shoulds’ that have shrouded the You you’re reaching for.

Clarity is unfolding if you are willing to sift through the mix of the rippling emotions, thoughts, and experiences that are presenting in order to bring you to the point of greater presence.  More and more, in every moment, you are being offered the choice of choosing. as life becomes something of a game show and you feel you are gambling away your peace if you should choose incorrectly. But rest assured the moment after and the moment next to that will offer a fresh chance to BE of your essence and become more than the pain that’s driven you.

Resist the urge to be hard on yourself as you fall.  The lessons are coming now at light speed.  Rest assured you will have the chance to pick again if you felt you failed the test this time.  Wield neutrality so that you can maneuver through this maze of illusions.  Listen to the ever-stronger voice that whispers ‘this isn’t real’.  Know that you will KNOW what choices to make in every moment the more you allow yourself to center.

Embrace the ancient pains peeking out for redemption and show them that you now have the courage and the strength to do it different.  Ultimately it’s about you.  So much of what you’re going to be revisiting will appear in the guise of someone else’s.  But if it touches you on such a deep level, it’s yours, and yours alone to heal.

So if it feels like a relationship is dysfunctional or painful and it’s time to move on, maybe so, but what part of that is piercing you?  What part of you needs to be looked at endearingly and full-heartedly and healed in order for you not to play out similar experiences in your future, in order for you not to play out that same experience now.

How much do you love completely?  Have the relationships in your life been free-range?  Are you able to move freely and completely within them, heart wide open? Or are you shutting off in this moment or that because what it brings is too painful to bare?   Love yourself there, in that place, so that you can open.  Perhaps what the relationship needs (and each person in it) is a breath of fresh air-of love exposed to the light and no longer complicated by worn out pain and childhood stories. 

Look for the times you are the wounded child and the times that you are the pure soul.  Your inner child will be paying frequent visits.  Welcome her as she stop by, and love her, but correct the misdeeds or acting out as you reign in on what’s no longer ok and what you’ve outgrown.  She is you and you are her, but it’s time to merge into an updated version of your We, so you can embrace the Oneness of your being and live form that place as you narrow the divide.

The depths will take you deeper.  And the deep may seem more dark.  But you have the Light, you Know the Light and you can, as dark as any moment may seem, excavate what’s keeping you from your freedom, from being whole, from being wide open, from being peace.

Brave wisdom warrior, honor you for continuing on your mission and conquering your fears. By altering your reactions, you are shifting your identity and changing your reality. You are finding your way through, and you are stronger now than you may know. Embrace yourself fully, and you will find your way.

Be Still and Be Love.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely  

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