Saturday, October 9, 2010

Opting to Unsubscribe

As we move along up the ladder of consciousness, we must continue to shave away the patterns and ways of being that no longer support us so that we can more fully move into the radiance of who we are.

The more consciousness we become, the more access we have to the scope of the greater picture.  The grander view of All things opens up to us and we can, from a whole new point of being, begin to co-create our reality with purpose and pleasure.  And the aspects of our selves long buried will rise,  some to be thrown aside and overturned at long last, others to be savored and fully embraced.  And each step becomes new as each moment is different and uniquely its own.  As we begin to operate from a place of wisdom (the most-fortunate byproduct of self-realization) every experience we have is christened with our own unique signature.

Suddenly we are free in this place, free in places we didn’t even know existed.  And as the old comes peeking to the surface to be viewed, we can look with new eyes and we can know that we can absolutely get along without it.  For we can decide to unsubscribe in any moment.  How did we not know we had that option for so long?  And once we discover that we do, we can buy out, we can say no.  But how do we locate that often elusive unsubscribe button that frees us from receiving messages from a deeply hidden and unconscious part of ourselves?

As with everything, we become still.  We become present. And we trust in our stillness to lead us to the offender of peace so that it can be brought into alignment.  We open to Knowing.  We listen.  And we get out of the way.  If something isn’t working in your life or is bringing you discomfort, take a look at your deeper premise in that arena.  When conflict arises, it is an indication that you are out of balance.  It is your truth (desire for peace, joy, fulfillment) up against not-truth, or a belief that’s distorting your way of being and blocking you from connecting on a deeper level to what you long for.

These beliefs begin to pop up into consciousness back to back.  As quickly as we have cleared one, another appears in broad-view range, requesting our attention (loudly).  As we move along, we begin to encapsulate what it means to be free, what it means to be joy, what it means to truly love, completely.  And as we get a taste for these spiritual delicacies, we desire them as a long-standing way of being.  We also become more empowered as our dance with the Light grows in  intimacy, as we become It and It becomes our way and we know that there is no other.  We come to know that we are NOT our darkness- that we are more than that-and that whatever serves to stand in our way only has power over us as long as we let it.

So, as the molding goes, you are refining your ability to access your knowing and your courage to move forward into greater depths of your being.  And you are honing in on the spirit of strength to face the adversity within your world.  You are coming to a knowing of I Am-ness that allows you to explore the seas of experience on a more profound level and you are stripping away whatever contradicts that fulfilled way of being as you come to remember that there is no obligation to be tied to you restrictions. In the ever-expanding world of consciousness, you come to see that it’s your right to unsubscribe to anyone or thing that derails you.  And as you continue to claim ownership of your moment-to-moment experience, you come to see that it is not only a privilege to choose the bliss of freedom. The more you expand into higher levels of consciousness, the more you come to see that unsubscribing is in fact your responsibility.

As you evolve into a higher way of being, a higher way of choosing becomes the way.  You honor your Self.  You honor your experience.  And you begin to filter out what doesn't offer support to the structure of what's right and good. You are reaching these levels and are being challenged to approach life in a new way, in all of your experiences.  You are being offered the opportunity to access the availability of freedom in every moment. You are being equipped with new tools as you direct the flow of your life through the current of what serves you and you are accessing clarity and initiative like never before. Your ability is fully enhanced by the forces that be, as they line up to show their support and unwavering love, in order that you may know that you are on purpose, in order that you may beleive.  The higher way is upon you. Expand, sweet soul, expand into the realm of your dreams.

With pure love flowing to you in every moment, may you know the beauty of your being, and bring your beingness to all that is unfolding within your days.

Love and grace,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

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