Take a minute now to connect to the Source within you- the Source of who you are. Feel the radiance, the shimmering effervescent quality of your being. Feel the love, the stillness, the wonder, and the joy. Allow yourself to embrace that Isness and to offer it up to your day.
Remembering who you are is often easy to forget as we get swept away by the parts of us that hold true to separateness. The part that believes we are unworthy of unwhole (unholy) is persistent and has much to say to sway us in the opposites direction of our Truth.
To this, bring your awareness so that your mindfulness will help you to understand where the battle has been fought. Yes, you have expanded spiritually, and in so many other directions, but pay special attention to whatever may be lingering in your head.
It’s surprising to witness the doubletalk and the downplaying. It’s saddening to know that this is what we succumb to as we’re ever reaching for greatness.
Go now to your vibrant heart and ask it for forgiveness. Ask to be blessed with a knowing that doesn’t waver, with a strength that withholds from doubt and fear, and with a determination to always be reaching for alignment; to always come from Source. To be what you are. To be joy.
You will want to grab on to the core knowing of whatever centers you, be it I AM, I am Divine, I am Love, and pair with this to ride the wave above the energy of what is being released.
In allowing, energy blocked becomes part of vibrant life within you. By remaining neutral, by depersonalizing the pain, and letting- letting it be, letting it go, letting it speak to you, letting yourself become free.
Your life is a sacred journey. Walk in grace and know that the knowing will find you as you open to the stillness of your being and as you allow for what ever was in the way of the whisper to fall away.
To become aligned means to surrender. To be connected to what you desire, to your highest self, your highest aspirations, means to go by the grace of God. Let Him in and let yourself off the hook from trying to figure it out all the time. The details aren’t up to you. Your job is to Be. Being centered in that connection brings peace. From peace flows abundance. From abundance flows joy. From joy flows Truth.
Simply feel your way through. As the elements of life filter through, ask in honesty, ‘Will this bring me joy?’ and ‘Is this mine to keep?’ When you can answer yes to the former and no to the latter, you know that you are in alignment. You know that you are living from integrity. This is a place of balance; this is where you can center. And from there, all that flows will be in accordance with your highest good. From there you can flow with ease.
May you be bestowed with the love of the ages, the knowing of the everything, and the presense of peace.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely
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