Thursday, March 22, 2012

Seeing 'I' through the 'We' and Finding Your Way Back to Me

Seeing ‘I’ through ‘We’, through pleasing, is how we loose ourselves in the world.  Longing for belonging crates a shaft in our aura, creates a window that lets out our soul, lets in a draft and leaks away all of our power.  It creates subservience that dominates our will.  And when a life lived in the name of creating sustenance from the vein of acceptance is all said and done, the one who mattered most feels like they have all but dried up and gone. It's hard, after all, to accept yourself when you know you're giving yourself away.

Eventually, you have to step up to the plate and step into the role of authority in your life- authority for and to you.  This is called owning. You have to make your decisions and carve out your choices based on your own authentic truth.  And when you don’t know what that truth is or can’t see it because it’s so muddled by everyone else’s, it’s time to pull back and ask for reform. You have to reform your method of operation so that it reflects your values rather than recreating the feedback of habitual patterns. You have to own your choices by becoming conscious of them and then disciplined enough to align them with what matters most to you in order to create your truth.

There comes a time when you realize no matter how long you’ve been marching in those boots or how solidified you’ve been in marching to the beat of everyone else’s drum, that the marching must come to a halt. And rather than marching on, faithfully like a good little soldier, you have to become selective about the source of your marching orders.

Go inward. Seek the wisdom of your soul.  Disable all of the chords and connections to everyone out there whom you’ve put in charge of your direct flow.  You are not a little child who needs to be told what to do.  It is not everyone else’s job to guide you, to make your choices, to direct your life.  It’s yours. Honor that.  Respect it. So many of us are still waiting for permission to take our lives by the reins and live them and we don’t even know why we’ve given them up.  You are giving away your God-given power though to everyone/thing else every time you pass on making choices. When you base your lives on what others think, feel, and do, you are out-sourcing your power and you can very well feel that diminished sense of self right there in your belly (third chakra). Chances are, you are aware that you’re living in this co-dependent state, but more than likely you’re not really sure why you’re still doing it or how to switch it into a more empowered way of being

Let’s take a look at where and when it begins. There’s a lot of directive in the flow of the development of the charkas and the distortions that happen throughout our development most certainly direct our flow (or not flow) through the rest of the stages of our lives.  In fact, what happened then is directly effecting you now, and will continue to effect you and guide your choices until you can bring awareness (consciousness and light) to it and begin to dispel the myths you’ve been living under.

In the first chakra, the root, where we create a sense of our identity, it is all about gratification and self-sustenance. We seek to get our needs met from another because, in infantile stages, it can be no other way.  We are reliant and dependent on other to meet our needs and to ‘tell’ us who we are based on their reflection and response to us. And here, when we don’t get our needs met or don’t get the message that we matter, we begin to develop layers of the all-immobilizing shame, which tells us that we did not get needs met or don’t matter because we are wrong, or not good enough. And here, we begin the foundation for continuing to create imbalance based on the belief that is formed, not only that we are not good enough for the love of others, but that we are not good enough to receive the love of God. Here, we become separate, we sever our connection to Source, in shame, and without that connection in tact, we are forever searching for another power outlet.

In the second chakra, we begin to develop more intimate relationships and shape our view of what relationships mean.  If we are inhibited or restricted in this stage of our development, if we are unable to bond or connect in the ways that we need of lack the intimacy that’s necessary for our understanding of healthy exchange of self, we can become thwarted and are ever seeking communion, connection, and fusion.  We then deepen our already existing shame-based perceptions about being good enough to be received. And we continue to seek gratification and connection in unhealthy and imbalanced ways as our search becomes a seeking that is ungratifiable because no one or thing can fill us in the way that the Light can, and when we turn away from the light, we are chased by a sense of ensuing darkness.

So by the time we begin developing the third chakra, we have already been unplugged.  Our unbiblical chord that streams to Source is severed in first chakra time due to feelings of not being worthy of the Light.  In second chakra time, though we try to plug into others, conditions are distorted or thwarted which further offsets our understanding of who we are and how free we feel to embrace life (or our right to live it- otherwise known as empowerment).

In third chakra (the highlighted chakra for this month), as we attempt to individuate, we struggle because we have lost the connection to our Source and our Selves.  We have forgotten our power (our divinity) and have lost connection to it’s truest source. And when we try to manipulate or control our world in order to make sense of it and find or establish our authority, we end up feeling frustrated or coming up short because ‘out there’ isn’t where the power lies. Since we have early on lost connection with our selves and faith in who we are and have come to believe that we are not only separate but unworthy of the love we so desperately need to receive, we begin a perpetual search for the ‘filler’ that will replace the ‘hole’ whose only antidote is wholeness and a return to the original power source of the divine.

As some point, we must learn that we can’t remain in wounded child stance forever.  We eventually and ultimately have to assume the role of actualized adult.  The ascension process isn’t only about spirituality, it’s about maturity. This means that we own our lives, and not only take responsibility for our actions but also for the underlying belief systems that create and make them so.  This means that we enact our will and use it to direct our lives (intentionally) through discipline and perseverance rather than tantrumming and throwing fits or remaining a victim to chance and fate.  This means that we set our focus on accomplishing what we desire by plugging back in to our internal source of power and stop giving it away to circumstance and innocent bystanders.

If you’ve grown tired of the same old scenarios, power plays, and mellow dramas, then it’s time to redirect your attention, reconfigure your stance and fuel from within.

Alike and equal are not the same thing.  We don’t have to conform to the norm in order to be ok.  We don’t have to ‘be’ what we think we’re wanted to be in oder to be enough, to be loved, in order to be equivalent of love, in order to equal love.

We already Are equal- we are One.  We are enough.  We are abundant in who we are, as we are- without giving into a collective idea about who or what we need to be.  Knowing this helps us to individuate in a way where we can find ourselves and go beyond the conformity that we’ve bound ourselves to and into the divinity of our purest expression.  Knowing this releases us from the need to be something we’re not.  Living this restores our breath to full capacity and our hearts to the rhythmic beat of self-love.  Being this- being true- emulates the largeness that we’ve always longed for.

We already belong, by way of being part of the All.  Nothing and no one can change that. It’s intrinsically part of our nature.  It’s who we are.  We are All children of God and we belong to One Another and nothing can take that away from us.  And though we need (biologically) to experience belonging as a member of the human family, in human form, beyond our spiritual legacy of connectivity, perhaps knowing (remembering) our belong as a species, as spirits, as God sparks, will help us soften in our evolution of finding our way back to ourselves.  And in doing so, we are assured the path back into the loving arms of the soul tribe that awaits us and to the heart of humanity that has always been (simply without all of the stipulations of it needing to be about meeting needs or being a certain way in order to be ok). Let go of the expectations (of yourself and one another).  It's time to reconnect to our own power grid within and live from that place, radiating outward, and make our way from there- as it was intended to be. And though we've forgotten our way, we're remembering our way back again, and we are growing stronger in the momentum of this rediscovery every day. Nourish it. Believe in the power of living from that place. And as you fold back into the power of you and uncover the strength and the beauty that lies there, and you begin to drink from the essence that is your uniqueness, you will find yourself wondering how it ever could have been any other way.

Silly creatures we are!

Find your way back to you today, and stay there for a while. Love it a little longer each time you return.

To the beauty of you and to your abundance in life!

In loving grace,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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