The energy forecast for today…
The high heart, enveloped in a radiant glow of light which represents purity. In this image, it’s anchored over or floating above the head. This is about coming from a higher place, choosing (intentionally) how you are going to live, choosing to be pure- in your intentions, in your actions, in your will. No more rolling over and playing dead. No more giving it a go and giving up. What do you stand for? I mean really? What are your ideals. What are you in the name of, in your life, what does it mean to Be you, to carry out the terms of your service in this form that you have chosen this time around? It’s time to get serious, and on purpose, about what you came to do and why you’re here. The energy of today is about clearing and aligning intentionally.
All grievances block the Light. If you are holding onto the past, assigning blame, labeling and judging (yourself or another, as well as relationships and ventures in which you’ve found yourself or haven’t) realize that that energy, over time, becomes abusive. It holds you in a state of shame, or wrongness, and disallows you to be free. It captures you in the energy of remorse, of what was or should have been, and it’s all based on the illusion of doubt in all being divinely played.
Mother Mary comes in strong today, her outreaching hand cutting through the thickness of grievances and illusions in order to be and remain clear and pure of heart.
The higher heart is about higher integrity and holding self to higher standards of what you intend to align with. You have to choose peace in order to have, and even want, joy. As long as you are siding with your grievances, those deliciously tempting contemplations that deliver you into the arms of evil (or seperation from Self and God), you are choosing ‘not peace', and you are delivering yourself from Joy. Joy is your birthright, it’s your natural state of being. So every time you side with what is not joy, you are out of alignment with your Self.
There’s a lot of talk about aspiring to unconditional love, but what about unconditional joy? What about folding back into a state of being that allows for a natural flow? Unconditional joy requires, and actually is, an attunement in grace. Make it your intention to pull from and move into a higher way of being over what wants to dominate (inner chatter), and for no reason at all. You don’t have to align with any dissonance or discord. Just acknowledge it and release. Be in joy just because of choosing it, or aligning with it rather than for a reason, rather than as a result. There is no cause for joy, it's a state of being, as is love, as is peace, and it doesn't require that something takes place in order for it to be other than that something being allowing the state of being to be. Be in joy just because. Yet understand that if there are grievances within your heart, there is a part of you that wants to be heard.
Part of your self feels wronged, which is why grievances pursue justice and persist. They want to be acknowledged (heard), and witnessed. But just as in relationship, when you’re disappointed, disillusioned, dis-graced (or brought out of center), you have to move on (forgive or make right) in order to full-fill, in order to top self off with love rather than fear or pain.
There’s an energy of believing that you’ll never have the thing you desire if you haven’t had it or it hasn’t been there for you thus far. If you’ve been deprived of happiness, dreams, or joy, if you haven’t been satisfied (satiated) with what you’re living, there’s a desire there that’s strong (and saddened) at the realization of not being filled, fulfilled, played out. There’s an energy to what you’ve created within your heart, within your mind’s imagination, within that something you desire. And if it hasn’t been allowed to manifest or come to fruition, there is a loss, and a longing, for what hasn’t been that actually exists somewhere within you but hasn’t come to life.
You have to go beyond belief of ‘not having’ (which brings up all of that unworthy energy), to someday will. Just because you haven’t doesn’t mean you won’t. And what needs to shift in order to manifest isn’t simply or only the situation which you are in, but the belief (that it can) which creates an opening. And in order to make way for the opening you have to let go of what’s been. Otherwise it remains in the energy field (as grievances) and blocks the Light (what you desire or wish to align with, and already do align with on a soul level) from coming in.
Believe in the dream. Vision it. Aspire to it. Let it take you higher. Let it be your flow and the diffusing agent of what’s been so you can move higher into the high heart of imagining peace, love and joy. And those aren’t just words, those are actual states of being form which you can create purposefully from in your everyday state if you are conscious and intentional about aligning with them over lower states of being. Choose higher, will yourself to go into higher ways of being, and make it so.
Be intentional about where you spend your time and energy today. As with the Mother Mary energy (the mother energy) whose hand guides the flow, directs it, be gentle but firm with your self about where you focus your self and what you will allow in and out, what you will allow yourself to be effected by and where you channel your flow.
Mother Mary’s heart is aglow, reminding us to lead with our hearts, to be pure of heart. Halo over her head represents the grace-full state, the surrender with which she is guided. Mary said yes to God’s plan for her without hesitation, without stipulation. It is your job now (or your choice) to say yes, unequivocally, and fold into the hand of God or continually drag your feet deliberating in doubt. Let your halo, your rising sun, your Light radiating from your being, wash away the pain and the fear so that you are no longer blocking what is rightfully coming to you.
There is a lot of barbaric energy today. It’s primal. So let bursts of rage, irritation, frustration be utilized and directed into a power and force to get things done. Use this energy to direct your flow, channeling it into creating purposefully rather than misdirecting it (or letting it direct you) into destabilizing anxiety or irriation. Be on the mark, focused, centered, deliberate and determined today and the energy (though iradic but strong) can be used greatly to your advantage. It is a powerful day of creation. Create with intent.
Yesterday was a void day, a day in between. Void days are days in between time and space, days after endings and before beginnings where everything discombobulates and comes together. On days like this (yesterday’s void day) just allow and let be, even though it can be a little (and sometimes a lot) uncomfortable as you open to being re-fitted and adjusted for the next thing. If you are aware of this energy, it can be very productive as you lay in wait for what’s on the way and allow for what’s been to further wash away. The day after a void day (today) can be extremely rejuvenating- like you’ve been given new life (and you have, as you’ve been rebirthed once again). It is a day to charge forth and create and it is also a day to make it so (whatever you’ve been dreaming of or desiring). It’s a green light day, a day to make it go. You may also experience the birthing of what you’ve desired as manifestations come to life after the gestation phase you’ve just exited. Expect miracles, milestones, and the majestic. Bathe in the flow. Be on purpose. And know what ya know. Remember to bask in the halo, give over what you don’t know (all uncertainties and doubts ). You are the CEO. You are the executive director of You in this life. You have accountants (angels) and advisors (guides) who can handle all of the mundane aspects of running your company (life). Give those aspects (the details) over to the ones who know what to do with them and focus on what you know…the visions within your heart. Search the chambers of your heart for what you truly desire if you don’t know already, then aim high and let the arrow of your intention (and your energy) flow.
Numerological, it’s a ten day, a God day. You’re on the money, you’re exact, you’re in alignment, you are Divine. Take advantage of this alignment, create with the grace of Mother Mary, and the ease of the one who knows. You are divine already. Today’s the day to Act like it and let everything else (that isn’t God) go.
May you see and feel and rise to Being the light within you as you begin to open to the majesty of your life.
In loving grace,
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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