Atop the cone that we visited in the last energy update, was a Star Tetrahedron. The Star Tetrahedron is a very powerful symbol. I witnessed The Star as the energy ‘image’ that appeared on 2/29. Though there was mush else to report on that day, The Star report has been delayed until now, so this will be a bit of a catch up for what has appeared since and an overview of what it means.
The Star appeared on 2/29, and on 3/1 the Star of David was visible within the astrological line up of the chart for that day. This is very significant and meaningful, and it is important to note that The Star is also coming back for a cameo appearance at the end of the month, 3/31 to be exact. I’m not sure if this has happened before, but the fact that it’s happening now and the fact that it’s happening at exactly the first and the last day of this obviously powerful month is significant and preminisent of big and life-changing things to come, all within this window of the third month of this year.
The Star of David is another name for the Star Tetrahedron. The tetrahedron symbolizes harmony and equilibrium. Also known through the wisdom of Ancient Egypt as the Merkaba (or vehicle of light), The Star is an amazing and powerful tool, especially during these current times of shifts and transitions. It bridges spirit and man, physical and ethereal, and guides us into greater consciousness of what still stands in our way (through pattern and belief) by mirroring back to us our truly divine nature. The two tetrahedrons within each other represent the two poles of creation in complete equilibrium (showing the way to balance, which is extremely necessary at this time, by far, a big part of what we need to 'succeed').
Here we are given the map to symbiotic relationship of the inner/outer male and female (which holds such rich keys for healing on so many levels). The Star bridges the opposites of positive and negative, manifest and unmanifest, and brings us out of polarity and duality, by showing the harmony inherent in all things. By meditating on the Merkaba we are able to merge with Source, the Divine, All That Is, and bring that All That Is forward, into being, into our lives, and through our own Selves as we merge more fully with spirit and incarnate further into our bodies through the art of embodiment (or bringing heaven to earth).
This means that we are being given the divine map or blueprint for how to merge heaven and earth. And in this time where creation, or our ability to create at will is unprecedented, it would greatly behoove us to be able to be in alignment with our highest so that what we ‘bring’ forth into creation, what we create as matter, is the truest form of what we desire. The truer meaning and significance of this seems to be though, the ability to bridge our I AMness with our human form and BE in our highest as a way of operating and moving forward. We are being guided to look to the heavens, to See with God’s eyes, to be in alignment with Source, and beyond that, to trust in and be committed in faith to what that Source has in store, and to do that above all things. So the only real ‘activity’ we should be commencing at this time is to attune to our Greatness through the looking glass of God and fall in line with what that source of information is guiding us towards.
The divine blueprint of The Star, or Merkaba, is a testament to how to Be through what we do. This is about discipline. This is about greater alignment than ever before ( or what we remember anyway on a conscious level). This is about bringing divinity into matter through sourcing our inner knowing and bringing more of who we truly are into our beingness. What does that mean? That means that we are further letting go of what is not us. We are further moving away from what is not truth. We are creating through the impetus of joy rather than recreating the drama and pain of our past. The Way is mapped in peace and purpose. If you beleive you are finding peace by dwelling in your past or holding tight to your old ways then there is no need to look further towards a way of redemption. ( But be real) Question your motives. Question your outcomes. Question what you truly sense and feel. Redemption is a change of view. Your perspective must shift into allowing and grace over struggling and striving. This is done by letting go. This is achieved through aligning with Source through the You-ness of You in the highest form.
The Crystalline Key
On 3/1, I received the vision of a crystal going through, or entering, the center of the Merkeba. This symbolized being given the key, or the ability to now unlock the grid. The grid is another way of saying that you’re on the map to evolution. You are plugged in to a higher knowing, to consciousness on a higher and more divine level. To do this you must be able to access certain elements of who you are and of the Divine. The crystal is like a tuning fork, giving you the frequencies and attuning you to the cellular memory that remembers what it is to be connected to Source on a much deeper level. We have remained disconnected for so long. We have been separate and shut out. It is time to reclaim the key and turn that lock that has kept us in wandering, that has kept us unaware of our truest and highest nature and order.
Now is the time to return. Now is the time to reclaim our kingdom and remember our souls and our missions and become again like a child of God. To become a child of God, to be reborn, we must be again in the fluid nature, the manifest being of flow, that is no longer hindered or impaired by an underlying bidding of internal war and a nature that is flocked with fear. There is no fear in the sprit. There is no fear in our higher form. To retain memory of the Higher Self at this level, to bring it into body enough that we could live from this place not only simplifies the process of ascension, it creates the pathway to Become the greatness that we have always been and remain to be, without the need to continually resolve and recycle our karmic activity.
The crystal radiates the rainbow of all creation, the color grid that is reflected in our energy centers, and the key to a balanced and sustained life. With the key in place, anchored into The Star Merkeba, we are shown that we are being called forward and simultaneously called back into our divine heritage and beckoned to release the need for it to be any other way. Look for the miracles. Notice and anticipate the messages of the unfolding, as the crystal also beckons the beings of light, the angelic beings. You will be guided further and assisted greater from this point forth so that you can make your ‘deadline’ so that you can jump on board’ and become better acquainted with what life ‘should’ be, or what it is on the other side of the veil without all of the turbulence and the travail of our lower way of being, or seeing through a lens that's been limiting our means of believing in a higher way of being .
The Golden Rod
On 3/2, the vision was a rod going through the center of the Tetrahedron. This is the rod of light that actually goes through the Merkeba (which is situated near the perineum of all beings, and is an energy opening) and rises up along our spines, resurfacing again out the energy center of the Crown Chakra. The rod of light is a symbol of alignment. It means that it is time to bring all of your centers online and get as further into alignment as you can possibly be. You are being called forward, to awaken, into the right hand of God, into your Divinity. You are being shown the ‘workings’ of things, so that you may know the way. You do, on an instinctual level. You know what all of these signs and symbols mean. That is why we are being given the symbology and the visions at this time, so that we can remember what to do and reawaken. The Rod of Light is what also bridges us with Heaven and Earth, and through the connection of the Chakras below and above our bodies, we can begin to form greater union with the Above and the Below, which anchors us even greater in our ability to bridge spirit and matter (which, my dear beings, is a big part of what we’re here to do. Not to mention, it will make life a hell of a lot easier!)
The Flow
The vision for today 3/3 is lava. It is a flowing mass coming in through the cone of the Crown Chakra through your head. This is about receiving (coming into alignment with) more of our selves. We are shown Self as fluid, as liquid, as lava, in order to understand ourselves on a different, and actually more profound, level. We are being shown that there is a balance between spirit and form, and that not all is as it’s perceived. The flow that we are receiving is rich with nourishment and information that will infiltrated our systems and allow for greater movement in the direction of upward-held eyes, in improved focus on the Divine, in less tendencies toward the drama and the stage of life with it’s repetitive and dreary plays, and it will support us in our ability to Flow as an intentional ethereal being (in form that is).
The lava flows both directions. It flows through us and to us and it also flows upward and out. It is flowing both ways to show that we are part of creation not simply the matter or the result of Creation, but within the realm and intrinsically connected to the order of Creation itself. We Are Creator and the Created. We are facilitator and the facilitated. We are the rhythm and the rhyme, the Musician and the Music. And all of this simply Is. The Flow (shown to us today in the form of lava) teaches us that we are indispensable and that what is being revealed to us at this time is unprecedented in that we are being so greatly assisted, on all levels, to awaken to our divinity, that all the ‘rules’ have been suspended, and the optimal focus is to get us to get our game on, so that we are most congruent with our truest and deepest selves for the days ahead.
The lava is also representative of the volcano and of the creator/destructress goddess Pele. Many institutions and structures are being destroyed right now- within our own being. All of the old forms of communication, limiting behaviors/beliefs, and destructive patterns, pledges, and commitments are being toppled so that we can build anew. We must make way for the new to come by letting go of the old. Pele, and the lava, reminds us that destruction and creation are congruent and symbiotic, and are the order of balance, the way of life. We must remain willing to let go, to soften, to cleanse, and to allow parish that which must die in us in order that we may be reborn in the image of a greater likeness to our truest form.
How do we stay out of the way so that the flow can flow unimpeded? Remember that this month is about remembering joy. The way to joy is allowing, allowing for life, allowing for the flow, allowing without the need to judge or restrict or control. Allowing is moving out of the way. It is letting go of the tendency or the need to judge, to analyze, to interpret, to perceive. When you allow for the flow to go where it needs to go, to nourish and to enrich, then you will feel the opening within you, you will feel the grace pouring in. You will feel the baptism of spirit as you are moved to a new level of truth, and of love, and of life well lived from the platform of sanctifiable mastery.
So, it’s time, dear ones. It’s all systems go. Or at least it’s all systems in check, so that in the days and weeks and moths ahead, our truth is what we know. There’s no more time to play, in the sense of not knowing or pretending who we are. The order of things is being yanked and this means the game has changed. You were warned that things would shift, and you’ve been on alert that everything would change. You are being shifted inside out right now, and the way that goes for you is dependent on which side you find it more important to sway. Stay in the light. Stay focused, unequivocally, on the Divine. Let the You in, more and more, in every minute, and the shift will be sublime on more levels than you can muster the images, but be steadfast in your dedication to the unfolding of your joy- make that your new master- and the days ahead will be the markers of a changeover that will rock your world (in a good(God) way, of course).
Be the You that you came to be!
In love and grace, and great anticipation for the Flow of The Way to find its form in us,
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely