When you're spinnin' and you need to regain your center, your composure, your sanity, and your peace, it seems like you can't remember a thing to do to get out of the trenches and come from your heart instead. Here are a few pointers, reminders, and tips to stop you from trippin' and put an end to the spin.
Get Outa My Head
Whose thoughts are these anyway? Pay attention to who’s thinking for you and exit any outside voices. What others will think, what we should be doing, even judging self.
Hall Monitor
If it’s out of bounds on the outer, it’s out of bounds on the inner. If you wouldn’t be allowed to say it to someone else, not ok to say to self. Monitor and replace with love. Seed the love. Weed the critic.
Who’s who is misconstrued. Nothing is what it seems. We all have our own ‘stuff’ going on and our own weaknesses and strengths. It’s easy to look at someone else and compare notes as a way of making yourself wrong (or right) and not worthy ( or better than). Set the boundary. Don’t do it. It’s not fair to you. It’s only your perception. And most of the time, it’s not real.
Perusing the past doesn’t serve when it involves condemnation and regret. Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Long lost opportunities and golden windows are all another form of self-sabotage…AND a big form of running away. It’s easy to get lost there and completely hijacked from a loving vibration. Swimming in back thoughts of yesterday are an easy way to avoid making the shift, being accountable. And surfing the now. Say no to the rewind and yes to the reward and the resources of the now.
Head Trip
Stay out’a that head- you’re thinking too much. If you find yourself lost in thought, unable to exit from your head space, or tail-spinning on this internal tangent or that- eject. Get out’a there, at all costs. Move out of that head space, because the longer you remain, the more susceptible you are to being sunk deeper. Distraction, meditation, exercise, engage- whatever it takes to create new movement will create new flow- oxygen to the situation, stirs the stagnant waters of what’s breeding in your head.
Stop the Insanity
Judgment, self-loathing, criticality, berating, and otherwise dragging yourself through the mud are all acts of cruelty. It’s abuse. Not allowed. Recognize when you’re wounding you and raise the bar. Set the intention for self-love and soothe you instead. Call on the angels if you have to, but don’t tolerate the mean girl in your head. It sets your inner child reeling and running for cover, gives the inner critic free reign, and sends you into a state of turmoil and inner dichotomy. Who’s side are you on anyway? Really for team YOU. You really can move mountains with you on your side. Be the liberator and the invigorator rather than the kiss of death.
Create the Intention and Ground Rules
Establish what’s acceptable and what’s no long er part of the game. You create the stag. Set it up to your advantage. Knowing and being clear ahead of time what’s allowed and what’s forbidden will help you be more solid in times of inner-spinning. Write down the rules if you have to, then be prepared to take action and blow the whistle on the out-of-bounds when the time comes to jump in.
Love, Love, Love
Water it with love. Nourish yourself, do something healthy, playful, creative, or fun. All of these shift energy and take you to a higher vive of love. Switch gears and open to a new way to get out of the rut. Listen to Spirit for clues as to what to do. When you turn on your higher-realm ears, you’ll receive. Follow the small voice guidance even when there’s a pep-rally of funk in your head.
Don’t Follow the Stream
One thought creates another and another, and before long you’re barreling down the rapids with tocks tied to your feet. Thoughts are seed. When you plant them, they sprout and germinate. Be mindful of your garden. Some weeds too easily take hold and smother the life of what you’re trying to grow.
Thought Magnets
When you think one good thought, it attracts another. When you think one bad thought, it attracts ten. Once you are hooking into a pervasive pattern of negativity, fully bought into a story, you’re going to magnetize back up and proof and soon anything that can be attached to that mind from and support it will be standing in line for a turn at taking you down. Realize that you can change the story at any time and that changing the story pulls the plug on the evolution of discordant energy. De-magnetize the not-feel-good stuff, release the charge, and you destabilize the fib.
Intend Higher
Simply state “I wish to go higher’ in a moment when you know your vibration needs to shift and the intention will extend to your Higher Self which will jump in and show you the way.
Change the Script
When you catch yourself in your story and your story’s going round in your head, jump ship. You don’t have to be part of that screen play in your mind anymore- just quit.
Detachment Is Your Friend
Release the need to know, to make happen, to control the outcome or anticipate the need. Release the comfort of the familiar, of the recognizable triggers and dramas, of the need to do it the same. Let go, release, surrender. In this you will come to a place of allowing and you will come to a place of peace.
So, go in peace, my friend. And remember, you're not alone, you're not crazy, this will not last forever, and there is always, always and forever a way through, a way forward, and a way called love.
Blessing you quadruple,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.