Friday, June 17, 2011

The Alchemy of Change

There is no denying we have entered a great time of change.  And often, when confronted with the upheavals and undercurrents of change, we may question what we should do.  In all cases, there is on answer which will guide you clearly.  Be the light.

Change means new.  Whether for good or bad (as we perceive) change is the direction from one thing into another.  It is metamorphosis and transformation.  It is subtle and yet profound.  For one thing to become another, there must be alchemy.  Alchemy requires some degree of magic.  And in alchemy is that which we cannot touch or define, the thing of magic and yes, miracles. The things that the eyes cannot see.

As one thing becomes new, it leaves the old behind,  the butterfly cannot remain the caterpillar.  The adult cannot remain the child.  The flower cannot remain the seed.  And though the flower contains within it the aspect of the seed (as a blueprint), as does the butterfly the caterpillar, and the adult the child, there will always be the aspect of the former within the later and without one the other could not be- not as far as fulfillment of it’s greater design.

The flower could not be a flower without first embodying a seed.  And for the seed to never fulfill its potential of becoming a flower would be for it to have forfeited its purpose.  The blueprint that remains a blueprint and does not become the building it was intended to does not breathe the life it was meant to breathe.

So as you’re being prodded internally and possibly externally to grow and to become, know that the challenges you may be facing as you prepare to shift and transcend pale in greatness to the accomplishment of honoring the flowering of your potential and allowing for the unfolding of what you were meant to be. Without flowering into your fullest potential, you will not feel completely fulfilled.

Change is organic, it’s natural. It’s necessary.  When we incorporate the elements of courage, strength and faith, we find ourselves flowing smoother  paths, encountering less obstacles, and making greater strides through the leaps and bounds we make. And we find we begin to make bigger leaps with ease.

Look to the body for clues during this transformation.  Back, shoulder, neck and hip, ankle or knee pain- where are you rigid or inflexible in moving forward?  Where are you holding yourself back or holding in an aspect of you or your karma that needs to be released?  What areas are you holding resistance or restraint.  Where, in what areas aspects of your life have you had too much restraint?  Allow for the answers to be shown to you.  If whenever you need more clarity on your path, you ask and remain open, before long, you will know. Embody the change by opening to the clues and rolling with the groove. This is the way of becoming new. Being the light is staying true to that place that is constant, that is calming, that is core. This light leads you out of the darkness of what’s been and of what you don’t yet understand. It burns through the obstacles of illusion and the blockages of pain and shows us the clearer path from which all things lead.

You are the light. It can be no other way. Aligning with the spirit of this truth, with truth itself merges you with your I AM light-being self. It’s how the caterpillar becomes one with wings. It’s how the flower transforms from the seed. It’s how the child grows into maturity.  Transition and transformation are the alchemy of life that are elemental to the process of becoming.  And as we are constantly becoming, the power of Being on a deeper, more intentional level, moves us with the rhythm of the flow and makes the magic and the miracles possible. Your only job really is just to let it all be.

Be Light. Be love. Be your greatest possibility.

In the momentum,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Distilling the Truth

What you are beginning to open your eyes to, these are the things that inhibit your capacity to  love.  And your ability to love determines your capacity for living fully.  It is why you are here- to love in limitless expression.  And so, the onion you’ve been peeling is derivative of the foundation for your success in living a joy-filled fully wondrous life.

That onion was constructed meticulously, very carefully compiled layers of emotions and drama which you have undertaken as identity.  And each experience that has served to validate and substantiate or further create more layers of the onion has been a product of your life’s work.  For, up until now, you have created through this lens and through these layers without recognition ( or being able to overcome the fact0 that they have clouded your truth. )

You are not the onion.  You are no the layers of skin that are peeled away.  You are not the pungent smell which this process of peeling creates.  You are not so simple as these things you’ve clung onto.  You simply haven’t been able to see beyond where you’ve been because you’ve been because of the weight and the distraction of the layers that have held you down, held you in place.

As you have become attached to the identity you have formed through the screen of illusions, you will feel the grief and the pain of the loss as your truth stretches into a position of setting itself free.  Sleeping truth has laid somewhat dormant within the nesting dolls of who you’ve known yourself to be.  But now it awakens hungry for fulfillment, eager for actualization and strong in its conviction to bring forth the energy of life you were meant to live.

And so in this process, in preparation for ‘the coming of your Soul’ you will be distilling the truths and untruths so that your filter may become clear, so that your channel can become open to receive the highest messages of the heart and at last repel the separateness of illusion s that each layer has successfully cemented in place.

What you are needing to come to terms with and face, whatever uncomfortable truth that is bringing itself into your awareness is rising so that it may fall.  You are being presented with an opportunity to release your resistance to love and to fully live by opening to a new way of being and fully let go.  These ‘things’ are being brought into your awareness not so that you may claim them as identity or attach to them, which will continue to cause you suffering and pain.  They are being disclosed so that you may become aware of them as the inhibitors that they are and as the restriction that they pose.  You are being asked ( and you are being assisted) in seeing this from a detached place so that you can integrate this wisdom as truth.  Once it is ‘in’ you, once it is part of you, you can begin to live from that awareness, to embody the new way of being without being over-ridden by the previous underling structures and with the freedom to create more truth.

Get it.  Integrate it.  Become it.  This allows you to step into the leadership role of your life. This gives permission to the process to guide you to the next level of wisdom and to the next step.  In this, ou are allowing the flow.  And in stepping out of the way, in allowing the layers to fall, you are freeing up energy- the energy of creation and joy.  In this you are honoring release.
Begin to see the clarity and the vision which are the gifts being presented in this passage into truth.  The order and the balance you desire for your life has been restricted.  and as you peel further and open more fully to the truth, you begin to feel compassion for how conflicted you’ve been inside, and you will see that you couldn’t bring order to the outer with so much conflict within.

What is required is a marriage, a coming together of all aspects, so that you can move to the next thing. You need to get it mentally, understand what it is you are dealing with and what it is that truly needs release.  This is distilling the truth.

You need to integrate it into the body, as the barriers of what is are lifted and KNOW it on a deep level- the lesson, the learning, the relevance or importance of this message to your soul. You will feel this as a shift, and a lightening, a being able to see things as you could never before, as finally you are ready to hold the Truth of the message, to see what is from a solid ground without hiding, and the liberty in this is that the karmic heaviness evaporates and creates movement of the lineage of what's been. This has been stored in your vessel. This has been stored in your bones. Breathing into the body, into the tight places ans intending the cleansing of the old, the sending of what no longer serves you to the Light, and the newness of purity to be restored where so long all of these tightened and hard things have been anchors and weights.

Then, you will need to take action- to live it.  To live this truth that you've incorporated into your being and become it in an outward way. This becomes the foundation for your forward movement, the new momentum, the new paradigm from which you operate, as you see where you've been and wish you no longer wish to go, as you see what you are capable of once you no longer need to make excuses for you in order to hide from the truth or the pain.

Explore fun ways to get past the resistance. Negotiate with the inner-saboteur as you fill in the blanks with creativity and play. Allowing the flow and being open to a new way is what proceeds the shift and the glimpse of clarity.  Just give yourself permission to give it over and Be. The rest will be shown. You don't have to hide behind the pain in order to protect yourself from the 'pitfalls' of loving fully, of living on fire. You don't need to wait for rescue from your story or your suffering. Just open. The life will begin to flow in. And in this much will wash away then.  And in this you will be filled.

Loving you gently forward into a new way of being. In grace and in mercy, find your beauty by opening to your soul.

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blowing in the Breeze

Today, I opened all of the windows of the house to clear the air, expecting just a little window of opportunity for breeze before the heat rolled in. Instead we were blessed with a cooling gentle wind and heat-reducing clouds that have created the perfect environment for little souls to explore and create new adventures in the yard and just BE. A storm is on its way to wash the land and cleanse the air and create new life-force energy. And I have taken this time just to be present with it all, with the wind, with the land, with my spirit, and with my babies. Such a rich and blessed day filled with treasures and brimming with the essence of love.

And I have noticed, when I allow myself to be present, this present, as I am today, then spirit speaks through me the words that are most important, the ones that my children most need to receive. And He fills their ears with the lessons of nature, of the Earth Mother, and of my soul- the ones that truly matter and the ones that bring them back to their own divine seed.  When I follow where I'm being led, and see that divinity, and open my heart so wide to receive, these are the wonders that I'm graced with in a stand-still place of time that transcends all the things I've been limited too and reshapes the way I believe. When I go here, it is effortless, it is flowing, and it's clearly the only way to be. It's not always simple to get there, but in this place is such simplicity.

Words cannot contain these pleasures, this grace. And so it's a moving beyond words, to the feeling, and being in that without need to explain and in that there is greater experience, tasting more fully, fully receiving the miracle of that moment and the next without needing anything. Surrendered completely is like drifting in the wind, with purpose enough through spirit that there is intention, there is what needs to be.

Could this be the every moment. Could this be the arrival of the destiny. Perhaps if I continue to decide to show up and receive the gifts that are all right there in front of me, then this  can be the new Real. I intend. I intend to breathe into this experience of Oneness, to let it fill me even more complete. I allow for this moment of peace to flow continuous and to find me in the midst of the breath that I breathe. I AM the moment. I AM presence. I AM spirit. I AM peace.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

The River of the Flow

Don’t block it, let it flow.  This is the message my daughter echoed to me today while playing with her baby sister and it was so poignant, because this is the exact lesson of this moment, of this time, and she really seemed to tap into it and ‘highlight’ it in her own simple, pure, knowing way.  These little ones sure seem to do that a lot.  They are so tapped into the All and the Everything and so very connected.  There is so much we can learn from them as they mirror their own reflections of the Divine to us, and capture our image as well in a way that we can better pay attention to the important stuff that we might need remembering or that we might have otherwise just passed on by.

Synchronicities are a plenty right now, as everything’s pointing us forward, in the direction of the shift. Look for these moments, this clarity, these aha’s and awakenings.  They’re there to guide you, to confirm what you already know, to strengthen you, and to make the whole thing that much more exciting and fun.  Who can resist the pleasure of a synchronicity when you see one for what it is- an opening to and, if you allow, a receiving, of a miracle. Synchronicities are the language of this New Land. We have entered into a time of concentrating on being aware and alert to the signs, hints, symbols and events of spirit.

More coincidences, teachings, and insights  from the little people…While we were at a birthday party, my sweet little three-year-old, Sophie was playing a game with her Daddy. He was tossing a balloon up into the air and she would follow and catch it wherever it would go.  The look of delight on her face, the dazzle in her eyes was palpable, contagious. And this never got old, this game. It could have gone on for hours, because that is how it is when you’re small and still so unhindered by anything that’s extracted from that pureness and that connection. Everything is full of wonder.  You are so very completely full of delight and open to the miracle and the amazement of EVERYTHING! Imagine going back to that place.  Imagine living in wonder, with the thrill of everything no longer alluding you, but capturing you and filling you and washing you into that land of enchantment that you remember from when you were small.  Let’s go there again. Let’s go there because it’s available.  It hasn’t gone anywhere, this never-never land. It’s there, so let’s break on through what’s veiling it, what’s hiding it from our view and step inside. 

There are powerful energies coming through right now as we prepare for this time of shift.  We can make excellent use of these to reach higher and reach a platform that’s actually sustainable and from whence we can truly thrive and shine.  My daughter cranked up the radio this morning, and I was almost ready to turn it back down because I didn’t’ really like the song.  I had never heard it before, but then I listened for a moment. It was talking about Soul Shine. That’s what I’m talkin’ about too. That’s the stuff that makes it all ALRIGHT.  And you know that kinda ALRIGHT I’m talkin’ about. The hit the spot stuff.  And every moment can be that, exactly that perfection and pure, exquisitely profound peace when you step into the shine and become it.  You’ve been there.  You know what I’m talking about.  I know you have, I can feel it. Perhaps only for a moment or it’s been elusive or fleeting, but you’ve been there.  You’ve touched that place- that place of wonder, that place of grace, of profound and overflowing love.  You’ve been there at some point, maybe even yesterday. Go there now.  Touch it.  Feel it.  Be it.  Then bring it back with you.  Bring it back into this moment and swim there.  Swim there and let it bathe you- because this is the stuff you’re really made of.  You can feel that too.  You can feel that and you Know that by the way you feel when you’re in there, in that moment of bliss.  You don’t ever want it to end and you wish it could go on that way for eternity. 

You’re probably jilted by having gone high and low, up and down, back and forth, so very much along this journey and through this process, and who wouldn’t be. It’s been a crazy ride, more than confusing at time, and there’s no doubt that it ha tested our mettle in more ways than one- in more ways than we probably ever could have imagined.  And you’ve done the work, you’ve done so much work.  You’ve reached, you’ve scoured, you’ve purged, you’ve studied, you’ve invested, you’ve stretched to your capacity and then some ( more times than you could remember to breaking point and back- just so that you could move a few feet, a little bit of the way forward, and then more often than not, seemingly backward or at much of a still-point until you were throttled once again back into the trenches and into the waves of interior revolution in order to get back to the ever-looming WORK.

But you’re done now. You’ve done the heavy lifting.  You’ve done the unimaginable.  You’ve scoured, and scrubbed, and mined for the core and you’ve reached a soft spot inside the hollow that is ready to be filled again. It is this space, deep within the recesses of our hearts and our minds which was designed to be filled with spirit. And if you aren’t yet seeing the blessing ‘out there’ and all around, then know that spirit moves quitetly beneath the surface too, within those recesses, echoing in silence.

Aren’t ya tired of workin’ so hard? I know I am. I know that that work is through. We are at a time of basking now.  It is time to turn the hard-work mentality over and step into a place of ease and receive.  Receive the rewards and the caveats of all of our intensive endeavors and bask in the glory of how far we’ve come.  We have reached the other side.  The wave, in the ways that we’ve known has crescendoed. We rebirth is complete. We have risen. We have embodied the christedness and we have assumed our rightful place within the Kingdom. Once we abide in spirit, it provides the perfect opportunity to open the doors and let the spirit out into the world.

It is awkward here a bit, on this new platform.  Our legs are a little wobbly as we acclimate to this new way of being, and don’t be mistaken, it is not without challenge, but there is a distinct difference in the atmosphere, in the landscape, and in the overall feeling inside. There is a lightness here, and a weightlessness that has rescinded the burden that we’ve carried (faithfully) for far too long. There is a power behind us, a force, that is escorting us further, that is anchoring us, welcoming us, showing us that this is where we belong, and paving the way for us to walk further into this rich land of plenty and of splendor. And if you go within, if you tap into your heart, you can feel this.

So go there.  Go to this place.  Go to your heart. It’s more of an embodiment now, it’s more of a whole-being ness rather than a segregated part of you now- it’s more of a Way than a reaching for something that there’s only a hint of.  And work from that place with intention. The intention will carry you forward as the last of the last comes up and out (without need for review- at least not in the old guilt, resentment, regret-filled way of processing). Now we can work from a place of ‘seeing’ where we’ve been, who we’ve been, what’ s been blocking us and what we have or have not been able to do thus far and we can move forward with the intention of straddling the past, the limitations, the veils, and stepping into the new. We can move forward because we know we’re capable of maintaining and sustaining the light and integrating our truer selves,  of living in a place of integrity. We can move forward because we are supported and we feel more connected that magnanimous collective and all-inclusive support system right now more than ever. We can move forward because we’re ready.

We have arrived.  Welcome home, dear ones.  This was always your intention.  This was always your destination and your direction. You have successfully navigated your way through the trenches, the mind-fields, the distraction, and all of the seemingly imposed disabilities of the cloaks of misperception. Now you’ve entered the wonderland and the oasis, only this oasis is real-  and it’s here to stay.  Perhaps you’re thinking it’s far too good to last or to remain for long, but that’s only part of the illusion. And the illusion is what will try to tempt you backward into the land of disbelief and detention.  Stay powerful.  Stay in the energy of the light.  You don’t need to go anywhere, for your time has come to Be (finally) in the richness, in the glory, and in the miracle of what life ( of what you) were designed to be.

Now, as your cultivating pureness, and  acclimating to your new surroundings, there will be elements that will be rising to your awareness in order that you can become even far greater masters in your ‘new’ realm.  You will be prodded and triggered into honing your tools- all of the tools that you have gathered along the way, all of the lessons that you’ve learned, the wisdom that you’ve harbored- now is the time to put it to use and to put it into place. You have what you need.  You always have.  This time has only been about you needing to remember that, to re-gather, if you will, all the pebbles of insight and importance along the path so that you could now build a better road- so that you could pave the rest of the way home.  This is the fun part.  This is where it gets exciting.  Because now, rather than digging, it’s about building, it’s about piecing together and creating the land of your dreams. It’s about the quest and it has everything to do with grabbing on to everything within your view that looks shiny, that looks enticing, that mesmerizes or calls to you and bringing it forward- making it yours, and weaving it into the magnificent tapestry that you are weaving. 

The buttons that are being pushed right now are simply that.  There’s no need for them to detonate.  There’s no need to implode. You have reached a place where you can navigate from an acquired sophistication of discernment. And so you see all of that time wasted on growing up, on growing out of never-never land, wasn’t wasted at all.  Because now you can bring together, you have the option to marry, the inquisitive starry-eyed, wonder-filled richness of childhood and all of the pureness and delight and playfulness, of un-limitedness and expansiveness that that entailed with the wisdom and the power and the authority and the strength and the knowing and the determination and the insightful deliberence that you have cultivated throughout your years of growth. You have the chance to be whole in that , to be all-inclusive and to reap the wonderfully rich rewards of the playground that’s rolled out for that integration of being.

Here are some guidelines for the beginning stages of your stay. There is a super-highway of energies flowing within you, further integrating what you need to receive and what need be released- further purifying, upgrading, and delivering you to higher ground. Stay neutral. Stay strong.  Stay focused. Stay aware.  And most importantly, don’t loose the wonder, stay in awe.  Just because some ‘stuff’ may be popping into awareness doesn’t mean you’ve abandoned your post.  You’re still here, you’re just setting up camp. You’re tending to your garden and readying it for even more richness- so you must take care to be mindful, to continue to be intentional about what you will allow and what you will forbid within your consciousness, and within the territory of you newly-staked claim at bliss-world.  Watch, listen, and taste the goodness. Feel. Experience. This will take you deeper into the exploration of this wonderland

Stay tuned for some highlighted areas of focus during this upward flow of integration and settling in. Judgment, forgiveness, and gratitude are on the radar (which we will talk more about in the next post).  Just notice what’s coming up for you in these areas and honor it.  Let it speak to you without taking it personally, Remember, it’s not about you.  Even though it is, kinda- it’s more about the ways that you can modify and move forward- with ease- without guilt- without retribution and pain. You’re fine-tuning.  Play it like a master. Do it like you already know what to do- cuz you do. Rock on in this play-filled vibration and enjoy your stay. Make love to this experience because this, my love, is IT. You did this.  You made this happen. And now, believe it or not, no matter what, and despite how some distractions may momentarily make it seem, you are here to stay. 

Welcome Home Again!

To the beauty and love in all things,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Waves of unmistakable peace and love and compassion, spontaneously flowing through. New-found and effortless connection to Source, to the All That Is, to the Beyond becoming more of the every-day.  A knowingness that all is well and perfect and supreme. Moments of chaos, discomfort, discord, old stuff rising- this is excellent news. Panic attacks, anxiety, stress, fear- all normal for this time. You are riding the wave. The wave is rippling through you.  You are on the crest of the new. You are emerging.  There’s shift taking place. It’s big! And you’re going to feel it.  That’s been your natural response to transition, to challenge, to breaking out of the norm (the comfort zone) and going higher, becoming more.  So you’re going to FEEL it.  Recognize it.  Release it.  Breathe into it.  You don’t need to allow it to take you over or take you down.  It’s there.  It’s alerting you that you’re being triggered, you’re being moved to in order to move- forward.  And this is where you want to go.  It’ been your intention.  So let it happen.  Let go.  Step into it and nurture your way through. Be there for you like you’ve never been before and LOVE your way there. Make it easy on your self.  It doesn’t have to be hard.  It just IS.  And the more you adjust to it, bend to it, simply allow- the easier for you it will be.

You may feel the energy and the vibration moving through you and within you, becoming you, as you become still, as you settle, or before you go to sleep.  Do not be disturbed by this.  It simply is recalibrating, simply going higher.  Simply IS. Breathe into it and let it Be.

Nothing need ‘disturb’ you during this time of great change, though you may be inclined to react, to interpret, or to respond.  Allowing for everything rising or falling within you to just flow through you, remembering neutrality, resisting temptation to ‘do’ something about it, and opening to the flow.  Becoming the flow.  Allowing the flow to direct you in the way that you need to go.

Feel into it.  Feel the peace.  Feel the Oneness.  Feel the grace.  It’s there.  Always.  But even so much, much more now in this time of turning into the new, in this time of becoming.  Absorb and make great use of this gift of cosmic love.  Immerse yourself in it.  Lavish it.  Explore it.  Open to its richness and fullness and allow yourself to go deeper.

This is a window.  This is a peak into the radiance and light that is ever available to you and to the extraordinary experience that beckons to you now within this portal of potentiality and peace.  This is how you could feel at all times.  This connected, conscious, joy-filled way of being is available to you now.  Can you feel it? Go beyond whatever else may be bubbling or surfacing.  Go beyond the limiting mind and the thoughts.  Go beyond your comfort zone that holds you just beyond arms-distance or further still from your spirit, from the wonder..  go beyond and go within.  It’s synonymous.  This is where you will find the balance.  This is where you will find that constant connection to the radiance of which I speak- the radiance of which you seek.

It’s seeking you. It’s yours.  It’s waiting for you.  It’s available to you.  It’s right here.  Now.  Know that.  Feel it.  Now be it.  It’s time to step into the portal of peace.  Your everything awaits you.

Feel that too.  Feel your everything.  Feel what you desire.  Feel what you are in truth.  Listen for it.  Open your eyes to witnessing it as it begins to  unfold in your reality and all around you.  Look for it.  Expect it.  It’s there.  It’s you that’s been hiding.  Peak now around the corner of the curtain or the armor which has shielded you.  Allow for that veil to fall.

There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore.  Your openness, your nakedness, your vulnerability- it’s just new to you, a little foreign, a little uncomfortable.  A little beyond what you’ve become accustomed to and lived by.  But that’s ok.  When you step into something higher, when you open to something new- it just IS a little different than what you’re used to and that’s part of the course.

Don’t label it.  Don’t feel the need to run.  It’s a good thing because it shows you that you’re going beyond.  It proves that you’re making progress.  You are FEELING the sensation of stepping out of the old.  Celebrate this.  Honor it.  And allow for yourself to be comforted if need be if that helps.  Don’t judge your process, if you can abstain.  Just notice.  Notice everything and let it Be.  This is the way of the Wisdom Path.  This is the direction home.  There is a reason that these simple truths have been passed down through the ages.  There is a reason they’ve stood the test of time.  They work. They’re proven. Open to the teachings.  Listen to the musings of your soul.  It’s taking you there, to that place that you’ve dreamed of. Open. It’s time to receive. Go beyond and into the everything that calls to you-it's so much more in the Openness, so much more than you could previously perceive.  There's nothing left to do now but merge with it, fall effortlessly into it.  The effort is in the lack of flow.  The effort is when you slow to the current and restrict yourself from bending with the breeze. Bask.  Breathe.  behold.  You're there now. Just let the rest go.

*For those that need a little extra help balancing the energies, try the exercise below:

Breathe into your base chakra. Breathe deep and all the way up and out the top of your head. Repeat as needed.  Excellent for panic attacks, heart palpitations, anxiety, huge surges of Kundalini, and even sadness and grief that are ready to be released and let go. Breathing into your base chakra, you are breathing into the fear that you are feeling.  Breathing out the crown, you are breathing into the Universal energy which is always pure and stable, you are breathing into balance and peace. Breathing deeply and connecting with your body, you are aligning the flow.    Be blessed and be peace.

In celebration of your arrival, and in honor of you dancing in grace,

~Would love to hear about your expansion and your extraordinary experiences. Would love to just hear from you! Connect below in the comments and let us all hear about You. You are an integral part of the ALL. As the ALL calls, et us come together in our experiences and in our joy.~

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Open To The Path of Wonder

You’re here because you’re here.   Do not question where you are on your path, just open to what the experience is teaching you.  Let it speak to you.  Expand fully into every moment, swimming in the possibilities- the energy of all things  making their way towards you in this moment, on the edge of the moment, and as you open to perceiving these possibilities, you will become one with your experience.

All that you desire is swimming toward you like sperm to the egg, desiring life, desiring fruition, desiring to merge with you in the co-creation of your dreams coming into being. You truly are pregnant with possibilities, as is every moment, as it beckons to you to believe in what you dream, to believe in the yet unseen.

Now, when you ponder and then concentrate your energy on what you don’t have or what you have lost; on your pain or your misdeeds, you are shutting the door to these fruitions.  They are still there, waiting in the ethers ( whish is simply just beyond the moment as only what is in this moment now is completely tangible and real). But their ability to manifest, to become actualized is frozen when you are focused on other not so good things. You are blocking their passage to you.  You, in effect, are holding your dreams and your desires at bay.

Become conscious of your musing and where you allow your thoughts to drift.  For not only do diminishing thoughts defuse your energy, they discharge the convergence of the possibilities coming into play.  And so, if you feel as if your life is going nowhere, or you are swimming in circles and progress in the direction you desires is slow to nil, it’s not due to bad luck or unworth or the Universe being pitted against you.  It is due to the fact that you are (inadvertently) standing directly in your own way. 

Everything you want is right there, floating on the outer rim of your existence- all experiences come to fertilize and bridge creation with your dreams.  They are there.  They are real.  They have already become actualized, they have already come into being.  They are simply waiting to be received.  So, as you soften, and allow these possibilities to come forth, for this new life to stream to you, then life becomes magical and effortless.  It becomes like you knew on some level it should be.  But when you resist, when you grab on, hold tight, and run with the thoughts that disable your dreams, you are wasting precious time that could be spent loving instead of loathing and expressing joy rather than pain.

This will go on until you bridge awareness with your experience directly in this moment.  And once you are conscious of the ways in which you’ve allowed yourself to be depleted and deceived, you can begin side-stepping the streams of thought that disconnect you from all of the possibilities that lay in wait.  And they will no longer have precedence, these thoughts, because you realize that your power lies in choice and that you can choose in any moment to participate with pain or open wide and play with the possibilities.

Step into the now and perceive what there is waiting for you in abundance, and then know that all there is left to do is reach out your arms, open your heart, and receive.  When you ‘feel’ what’s just beyond and folding into being, you will believe.  This will strengthen your resolve to resist temptation and move away from your ‘pseudo truths’ and to step into the land of the unseen. This will reconnect you with the place where all things are created and where all things are within your reach.

And as you step into the wonder of these perceptions you will begin to envelop the truth known by the heart of one who is stepping into Oneness! And life will become a beautiful unfolding into What Is! Beautiful unfolding at last into You, as you release all of the everything else and come to know that all that matters is this one thing, this becoming, this mergence with the Divine, with the Self, with your dreams! Beautiful path of wonder that gives way to joy as you set the suffering aside and say hello to grace.  Summoning creation and crystallizing dreams. 

Believe again. 
Open to the wonder
and allow your fullest potential to shine through!

Abundant blessings,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.