Soften. Allow for the space to form to hold more love, to hold what’s real. Relax into the knowing that you are love, that you are worthy~ that you are compassion and reverence and beauty~ that you are perfect and divine and blessed and pure knowing and that grace is upon you now, in this moment, and in all moments, especially when that cruel voice within you speaks.
Realize that your potential is far greater than you had realized and that you are ever evolving into a self-assured and realized being ~ emanating love and peace, courage and strength. Bathing in the Light, breathing in the power of the All-Knowing divinity that shines upon you now.
Forgive your mistakes. Have mercy on yourself as you move forward in the direction of the next Now. Unfold into the moment without the state of worry of doubt that wants to enter, without the tribulation that has echoed your existence for far too many moments thus far.
You are beyond that now. Really. Can’t you feel that? You have moved to the next place. And so there really is no meaning in looking back behind you, or in pulling that residue forward, other than to show yourself that it no longer holds that same charge that it did before and that you are moving beyond its reach as you no longer find yourself ensnared in the drama or dancing with the demons in all of the ways you had before (or at least not with the same intensity).
And you are finding, as you move further away from the suffering (by choice) and closer still to the truth, that the only way to maintain this equilibrium, this new-found balance within you, is to soften into the stillness of the now where eternity lies and all wisdom speaks. There, your evolution becomes quickened as you fold into the flow and know, without question, what Is and what Will Be. It becomes no longer a question of what’s right or what’s wrong, good/bad, black or white, as the outline of grace sparkles illumination on the solitary option of being in emergence with what is purely truth. And from that place, you walk, you live, you pilot, as all other priorities fall away.
To give away your footing means loosing step with your hard-earned Truth. And when you decide that your suffering has gone on long enough and you are ready to create the space to honor your allegiance above al things, then the peace that you’ve been seeking will at last be found. And as you begin to set down all of the false gods to whom you’ve paid homage (all of the beliefs that you've bought into and the lies that you've told yourself), and as you walk away from the past to which you’ve continually repeated your penance, you will embark on the freedom entailed by the One God within you and the perfection of divine bliss within a moment that has no time-line nor destination. Within your heart is the blessing of wisdom and strength, and within your soul is a blueprint laid out before you as you walk your freedom path strait forward now into the sunset of your promised land.
And you will recognize this land because in it you will begin to cultivate a new awareness, a new understanding of what truly IS and what isn't will begin to melt away. You will begin to see with new eyes as your heart leads the way, whispering sacred insights~ things you could never have known before all of the distractions and disabling thoughts were set aside. And these insights will speak of what's really real, though in some cases seem too good to be true or hard to beleive. This land is your land, and you will know it as you settle into the comforts of Home. You will no longer feel quite so vulnerable as you begin to strengthen in this new stance, as you become more familiar with the steps of this new dance, and consciousness and compassion become your constant guides. And all of this will come naturally ( though you may question it and fight the fight). It will seem familiar. It will cause you to question if everything before now really wasn't just a dream. And the metaphors and the cliches will echo in their simplicity as you begin to know these truths through the art of living them.
And in this land, there are no worries, no restrictions, no bounds. For it becomes clear that all that will ever be or has been is only as is necessary and is always on purpose and in alignment for your greater good. For in this land, within the moment, is peace. For in this land there only is the moment and it is a forever moment in the now. And you will see that your perception defines your greatness, or lack there of it (though the lack could never be other than in your mind). And then it will become that what regales you worthy is ludicrous, is silly. For your greatness of being is far greater, far more expansive than all the ways in which it has been defined or restricted. And you will know this! You will know it as truth, and you will be able to take that wisdom into your ways by transcending the barriers of before simply by seeing in this new light, simply by owning it.
What you desire will be ‘beneath’ you, in that you will understand your worth to be far greater than it. It will be like questioning if you are worthy of water, of air, of glimpsing the wonder of nature. It will be as if suddenly all of the universe could be given you and still that would not even begin to equate to your worth. And in these glimpses you will begin to know certain truths as surely as you know your own name. and as these truths come upon you, you will be delivered to another place in time where what made sense to you before no longer holds any weight. All falls away in this land of new discoveries. All mysteries made known. And the further you drift along through these peaks and valleys, the more surreal life becomes. Time and space loose their boundaries and your eyes will see that all that was ever in the way, all that has brought you suffering, is no longer significant, no longer reality, no longer who you are or who you choose to be ~ because you have come that far now. You have reached the edge of the uncertain shores and you have stepped into the land of eternity.
Do you feel this in your heart? Despite the possibility that you may linger for a moment longer in the questioning, in the doubt? Do you know that you have arrived and that you have successfully navigated your course. Do not let the continuing waves of fleeting thoughts and emotions dissuade you. There will still be more to fall away. This is natural, the nature of the process, the momentum of becoming. Allow for the rest to go. Allow for the space to enter this wisdom of purity and peace. Allow for the goodness to flow. When you enter the space and remain, the rest will take care of itself. No effort required. You have done enough. Soften into being, believing again. And as the opening takes place the wisdom, the peace, the power, and the love will dance the dance of the ages~ will dance you into a new realm from whence all is only within this moment and all is in perfect pace.
This is your now moment! Breathe in and absorb the wonder as your promised land welcomes you home again. This time, you're here to stay, and play, and create like a child and revel in joy. This is your brand new day.
Delight in your newness!
Grace be to you!
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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