We can stop at this place and become grounded, or we can become lost in the wilderness of the unknown. The unknown is calling, but the imagined perception, the fear of the darkness that the unknown unveils is challenging to even those who have traveled along the path for a long while. And so, in these moments and in this juncture, as you find yourself facing the unbearable of the past and wanting to do it a new way, you will find that the only thing left to do now is jump, for the days of vacillation and indecision are over, and what lie before you is a chance to break free from the ropes of the past, of the unexpressed freedom, and the sorrow of not being able to move in the direction of your heart for so long.
There are patterns that are playing out within the circle of your awareness in order to alert you to the underlying dramas of your mind; most of which you have been asleep to, most of which have dominated your every move. It is not until these are brought to the light that you will be able to disconnect yourself from the repetitive ways of ‘doing it’, of living your life in a way that spurs regret, discontent, and pain.
You have the power within you to jump through these hoops, to out-smart these demons, to transform your way of being. You only need trust in a higher way and give yourself to this moment rather than the last, in order to save yourself from the drama and the discord of regret. Yes, you should feel the grief of having given it away. Yes, you should look at the dramas and illusions that are coming into consciousness for your viewing. But no, do not allow yourself to become lost in the pain, to become mired in the mistakes, to become drowned in the could and should-have-been’s, because in that you are missing the boat of this moment, you are missing the right now and you are falling into the trap of the mind that wants to take you further down the lane of misery, further away from yourself, and farther out to sea.
You must come to see, and you will as you begin to invoke consciousness and compassion, that all of your actions and deeds have been prompted by something. All of everything you’ve ever done has had a denominator that for you has carried great truth. And the ‘truth’, though illusion, has been something you’ve had great allegiance to. You have honored this ‘truth’, though it has brought you pain, and you are beginning to see now that it is a lie unto itself, that its service to you has been limited, and that in order to transcend you must now lay down your pact with this truth, that you must sever your ties, because as you are growing into a newer and more conscious being, you are beginning to see that to remain is to continue the pain. And as you evolve you are becoming to know that the pain is not gain, that there is a newer way to be, and a wholesome way of living that is not barricaded by the ‘truths’ of the past and is not bogged down with the ‘wisdom’ handed down through the ages that has served as a detour and a detriment to your peace.
It is time now to invoke compassion for yourself, as you are faced with the momentum of overturning these rocks within your river. It is time to invoke grace as you walk forward into the presence of this now, leaving the past behind, leaving the old ways to themselves, so that you can move freely, so that you may be unobstructed by the banter of the monkey-mind chatter that sucks you in and sucks you dry. You need not live your life banged up and bruised.
This is an inside job. Though it has been your nature and of greater ease to direct the blame onto everyone and everything else ‘out there’ , this is for you to heal. This is for you to look at. The guilt and the pain and the grief and the sorrow, all are yours to mend. The way that you’ve interacted with life has everything to do with what’s been molded in your mind, with the conditioning of what you’ve been raised on and subjected to. You are a product of your environment. Or, at least, you have been. Be patient with your sweet self, and be gentle, as you move forward now to a better way. It takes time to relinquish learned behaviors and credos that we’ve lived by. It takes time and grace to change. In order to be truly free, you must absolve yourself from the past, you must be willing to not need it to be any other way than it has been. You need to release your attachment to the outcome of everything that’s been and allow yourself the grace and the opportunity to be without that for now, for the moment, so that you can open to a way of being that is powerful and new.
These lies we tell ourselves are well-rehearsed and hold much authority over what we think, feel, and do. Each day, we are infiltrated with more of the same lines, playing out as they do, on the screen of our awareness, taunting us into recreating more of the same, so that they can be validated and fulfilled. Each day, we continue in this fashion, listening to the mind, allowing it to dismantle our peace, and feeling sorrow over not climbing higher on the rungs of the journey. We are given the chance now though, to see these meanderings for what they are, to see this way as habit, and to realize that we have it within our power to break free. We need not remain slave to what we’ve been. We can allow ourselves to step through the gate. We are new in this moment. We are new now. And in each next moment, we have the opportunity to choose where we will be led. We have the chance to side with the negative self-talk that drags us under and create more of the same pain and suffer for the pain we’ve created. Or we have the chance to do it new, to create magic and beauty and live the life of our truth in fullness and in glory; allowing this moment to be enough, not needing to go back and correct any other moments; allowing for the grace to pull us through into the present as we make final peace with our past.
Choose this now moment in the name of you. You can take this further, this momentum of change- into the rivers of abundance and joy. You can choose to smile, to laugh, to give, to breathe. You can choose to wallow, to be eaten by guilt, to disconnect, to become the pain. You know more now. You have grown and you have come to know that you have tools, that you have wisdom, that you have power, that you are love. You are being seasoned in all of these overtones so that you can strive to thrive, so that you can be a conscious co-creator, so that you can discontinue the karma and pain.
All of this is on purpose. every moment, every opportunity, every thing. All of this is working in your favor, for your divine potential, so that you can evolve into greatness, so that you can capture the wonder, so that you can live your dreams. As you are in the trenches, and feeing bombarded by lessons coming at you from all directions, it can become easy to get lost in the lesson, to get swallowed by the pain, to get distracted by the detour and feel that from this you have nothing to gain. It can become overwhelming and disheartening as you are confronted with your ‘failures’ and as you come face to face with what has been. But realize that these are all truths and lies that you have been running from for all of your existence. These are all the greater source of your pain. These are the components that have taken from you your life and your liberty and have kept you searching in vein. And until the pain is great enough we remain. Until we’ve had enough and want it to end, want out, want new bad enough, we recycle the habits and formulas for life that we’ve always lived by, and the results are the same.
Look into the eyes of the demons before you now. Place them in the center of your awareness rather than running any longer, rather than allowing them to frighten and freeze you, and see what they have to say. Bring them to the light so that you may see what’s had such a hold over you. And in this you will loosen the chains. As you bring one to the surface, another will follow. In your search for peace and consciousness is the response of clarity, like you’ve never known before, and in this clarity comes all things to the surface that have been hiding, all things that have been unknown.
You are enough to make it through this transition, to make it to the other side of your self. Take one at a time and keep breathing, knowing you are worthy of becoming more than you’ve been, knowing you are completely loved, knowing you will find the light and bask in a better way.
Release yourself from these patterns, from this form of perseverance. It is no way to go on with as you become more whole unto yourself. Connect with the holiness within you and create the space for you to move on up and out into the world of your vision, into the creations of your heart. You are not your pain. You are not all of these things that you’ve talked yourself into being. You are sacred, a creature of joy. You are everything you have desired yourself to be. Be that now. Move beyond the pain, move beyond the re-runs and the have-to’s, break free from what’s familiar so that you can run whole-heartedly into the arms of the everything that awaits you.
Sunshine on your mind will take you to the wonderment. Even in times of release, even in times of facing the shadows of what’s stood in your way, even in your darkest moments, you are not the rain. You are the ever-lasting, the eternal, and the almighty Sun of God. You are always connected to Source and can choose, in all moments, now and forward, to live that light, to shine that grace, to evolve with strength and fortitude. For you are the one you’ve been waiting for. You are the one who must step into the next moment and the one the moment belongs to. Be free in this moment, as you say goodbye to the last, as you say hello to your spirit and allow it to guide you forward. Precious soul, your heaven awaits you. Wait no longer to walk on the clouds of your joy. All will fall away from you in the moment that you breathe into the possibilities and let go of the troubles that have weighed you down. All was there to begin with. And All is there for you now.
May peace fill you as you honor the newness of your becoming and find faith in the truth of who you are.
In grace,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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