Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Promised Land

Soften. Allow for the space to form to hold more love, to hold what’s real.  Relax into the knowing that you are love, that you are worthy~ that you are compassion and reverence and beauty~ that you are perfect and divine and blessed and pure knowing and that grace is upon you now, in this moment, and in all moments, especially when that cruel voice within you speaks.

Realize that your potential is far greater than you had realized and that you are ever evolving into a self-assured and realized being ~ emanating love and peace, courage and strength.  Bathing in the Light,  breathing in the power of the All-Knowing divinity that shines upon you now.

Forgive your mistakes.  Have mercy on yourself as you move forward in the direction of the next Now.  Unfold into the moment without the state of worry of doubt that wants to enter, without the tribulation that has echoed your existence for far too many moments thus far.

You are beyond that now. Really. Can’t you feel that? You have moved to the next place. And so there really is no meaning in looking back behind you, or in pulling that residue forward, other than to show yourself that it no longer holds that same charge that it did before and that you are moving beyond its reach as you no longer find yourself ensnared in the drama or dancing with the demons in all of the ways you had before (or at least not with the same intensity).

And you are finding, as you move further away from the suffering (by choice) and closer still to the truth, that the only way to maintain this equilibrium, this new-found balance within you, is to soften into the stillness of the now where eternity lies and all wisdom speaks.  There, your evolution becomes quickened as you fold into the flow and know, without question, what Is and what Will Be.  It becomes no longer a question of what’s right or what’s wrong, good/bad, black or white, as the outline of grace sparkles illumination on the solitary option of being in emergence with what is purely truth.  And from that place, you walk, you live, you pilot, as all other priorities fall away.

To give away your footing means loosing step with your hard-earned Truth.  And when you decide that your suffering  has gone on long enough and you are ready to create the space to honor your allegiance above al things, then the peace that you’ve been seeking will at last be found.  And as you begin to set down all of the false gods to whom you’ve paid homage (all of the beliefs that you've bought into and the lies that you've told yourself), and as you walk away from the past to which you’ve continually repeated your penance, you will embark on the freedom entailed by the One God within you and the perfection of divine bliss within a moment that has no time-line nor destination.  Within your heart is the blessing of wisdom and strength, and within your soul is a blueprint laid out before you as you walk your freedom path strait forward now into the sunset of your promised land.

And you will recognize this land because in it you will begin to cultivate a new awareness, a new understanding of what truly IS and what isn't will begin to melt away. You will begin to see with new eyes as your heart leads the way, whispering sacred insights~ things you could never have known before all of the distractions and disabling thoughts were set aside. And these insights will speak of what's really real, though in some cases seem too good to be true or hard to beleive. This land is your land, and you will know it as you settle into the comforts of Home. You will no longer feel quite so vulnerable as you begin to strengthen in this new stance, as you become more familiar with the steps of this new dance, and consciousness and compassion become your constant guides. And all of this will come naturally ( though you may question it and fight the fight).  It will seem familiar. It will cause you to question if everything before now really wasn't just a dream. And the metaphors and the cliches will echo in their simplicity as you begin to know these truths through the art of living them.

And in this land, there are no worries, no restrictions, no bounds. For it becomes clear that all that will ever be or has been is only as is necessary and is always on purpose and in alignment for your greater good. For in this land, within the moment, is peace. For in this land there only is the moment and it is a forever moment in the now. And you will see that your perception defines your greatness, or lack there of it (though the lack could never be other than in your mind). And then it will become that what regales you worthy is ludicrous, is silly.  For your greatness of being is far greater, far more expansive than all the ways in which it has been defined or restricted. And you will know this! You will know it as truth, and you will be able to take that wisdom into your ways by transcending the barriers of before simply by seeing in this new light, simply by owning it. 

What you desire will be ‘beneath’ you, in that you will understand your worth to be far greater than it.  It will be like questioning if you are worthy of water, of air, of glimpsing the wonder of nature. It will be as if suddenly all of the universe could be given you and still that would not even begin to equate to your worth. And in these glimpses you will begin to know certain truths as surely as you know your own name. and as these truths come upon you, you will be delivered to another place in time where what made sense to you before no longer holds any weight. All falls away in this land of new discoveries. All mysteries made known. And the further you drift along through these peaks and valleys, the more surreal life becomes. Time and space loose their boundaries and your eyes will see that all that was ever in the way, all that has brought you suffering, is no longer significant, no longer reality, no longer who you are or who you choose to be ~ because you have come that far now. You have reached the edge of the uncertain shores and you have stepped into the land of eternity.

Do you feel this in your heart? Despite the possibility that you may linger for a moment longer in the questioning, in the doubt? Do you know that you have arrived and that you have successfully navigated your course. Do not let the continuing waves of fleeting thoughts and emotions dissuade you. There will still be more to fall away. This is natural, the nature of the process, the momentum of becoming. Allow for the rest to go.  Allow for the space to enter this wisdom of purity and peace.  Allow for the goodness to flow. When you enter the space and remain, the rest will take care of itself. No effort required. You have done enough. Soften into being, believing again. And as the opening takes place the wisdom, the peace, the power, and the love will dance the dance of the ages~ will dance you into a new realm from whence all is only within this moment and all is in perfect pace.

This is your now moment! Breathe in and absorb the wonder as your promised land welcomes you home again. This time, you're here to stay, and play, and create like a child and revel in joy. This is your brand new day.

Delight in your newness!

Grace be to you!


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Advancing the Unknown

We can stop at this place and become grounded, or we can become lost in the wilderness of the unknown. The unknown is calling, but the imagined perception, the fear of the darkness that the unknown unveils is challenging to even those who have traveled along the path for a long while.  And so, in these moments and in this juncture, as you find yourself facing the unbearable of the past and wanting to do it a new way, you will find that the only thing left to do now is jump, for the days of vacillation and indecision are over, and what lie before you is a chance to break free from the ropes of the past, of the unexpressed freedom, and the sorrow of not being able to move in the direction of your heart for so long.

There are patterns that are playing out within the circle of your awareness in order to alert you to the underlying dramas of your mind; most of which you have been asleep to, most of which have dominated your every move.  It is not until these are brought to the light that you will be able to disconnect yourself from the repetitive ways of ‘doing it’, of living your life in a way that spurs regret, discontent, and pain.

You have the power within you to jump through these hoops, to out-smart these demons, to transform your way of being.  You only need trust in a higher way and give yourself to this moment rather than the last, in order to save yourself from the drama and the discord of regret.  Yes, you should feel the grief of having given it away.  Yes, you should look at the dramas and illusions that are coming into consciousness for your viewing.  But no, do not allow yourself to become lost in the pain, to become mired in the mistakes, to become drowned in the could and should-have-been’s, because in that you are missing the boat of this moment, you are missing the right now and you are falling into the trap of the mind that wants to take you further down the lane of misery, further away from yourself, and farther out to sea.

You must come to see, and you will as you begin to invoke consciousness and compassion, that all of your actions and deeds have been prompted by something.  All of everything you’ve ever done has had a denominator that for you has carried great truth.  And the ‘truth’, though illusion, has been something you’ve had great allegiance to.  You have honored this ‘truth’, though it has brought you pain, and you are beginning to see now that it is a lie unto itself, that its service to you has been limited, and that in order to transcend you must now lay down your pact with this truth, that you must sever your ties, because as you are growing into a newer and more conscious being, you are beginning to see that to remain is to continue the pain.  And as you evolve you are becoming to know that the pain is not gain, that there is a newer way to be, and a wholesome way of living that is not barricaded by the ‘truths’ of the past and is not bogged down with the ‘wisdom’ handed down through the ages that has served as a detour and a detriment to your peace.

It is time now to invoke compassion for yourself, as you are faced with the momentum of overturning these rocks within your river.  It is time to invoke grace as you walk forward into the presence of this now, leaving the past behind, leaving the old ways to themselves, so that you can move freely, so that you may be unobstructed by the banter of the monkey-mind chatter that sucks you in and sucks you dry. You need not live your life banged up and bruised.

This is an inside job.  Though it has been your nature and of greater ease to direct the blame onto everyone and everything else ‘out there’ , this is for you to heal. This is for you to look at.  The guilt and the pain and the grief and the sorrow, all are yours to mend.  The way that you’ve interacted with life has everything to do with what’s been molded in your mind, with the conditioning of what you’ve been raised on and subjected to.  You are a product of your environment.  Or, at least, you have been.  Be patient with your sweet self, and be gentle, as you move forward now to a better way. It takes time to relinquish learned behaviors and credos that we’ve lived by. It takes time and grace to change. In order to be truly free, you must absolve yourself from the past, you must be willing to not need it to be any other way than it has been.  You need to release your attachment to the outcome of everything that’s been and allow yourself the grace and the opportunity to be without that for now, for the moment, so that you can open to a way of being that is powerful and new.

These lies we tell ourselves are well-rehearsed and hold much authority over what we think, feel, and do.  Each day, we are infiltrated with more of the same lines, playing out as they do, on the screen of our awareness, taunting us into recreating more of the same, so that they can be validated and fulfilled.  Each day, we continue in this fashion, listening to the mind, allowing it to dismantle our peace, and feeling sorrow over not climbing higher on the rungs of the journey.  We are given the chance now though, to see these meanderings for what they are, to see this way as habit, and to realize that we have it within our power to break free. We need not remain slave to what we’ve been.  We can allow ourselves to step through the gate. We are new in this moment.  We are new now.  And in each next moment, we have the opportunity to choose where we will be led.  We have the chance to side with the negative self-talk that drags us under and create more of the same pain and suffer for the pain we’ve created.  Or we have the chance to do it new, to create magic and beauty and live the life of our truth in fullness and in glory;  allowing this moment to be enough, not needing to go back and correct any other moments;  allowing for the grace to pull us through into the present as we make final peace with our past.

Choose this now moment in the name of you.  You can take this further, this momentum of change- into the rivers of abundance and joy.  You can choose to smile, to laugh, to give, to breathe.  You can choose to wallow, to be eaten by guilt, to disconnect, to become the pain.  You know more now. You have grown and you have come to know that you have tools, that you have wisdom, that you have power, that you are love.  You are being seasoned in all of these overtones so that you can strive to thrive, so that you can be a conscious co-creator, so that you can discontinue the karma and pain.

All of this is on purpose.  every moment, every opportunity, every thing.  All of this is working in your favor, for your divine potential, so that you can evolve into greatness, so that you can capture the wonder, so that you can live your dreams.  As you are in the trenches, and feeing bombarded by lessons coming at you from all directions, it can become easy to get lost in the lesson, to get swallowed by the pain, to get distracted by the detour and feel that from this you have nothing to gain.  It can become overwhelming and disheartening as you are confronted with your ‘failures’ and as you come face to face with what has been.  But realize that these are all truths and lies that you have been running from for all of your existence.  These are all the greater source of your pain.  These are the components that have taken from you your life and your liberty and have kept you searching in vein. And until the pain is great enough we remain. Until we’ve had enough and want it to end, want out, want new bad enough, we recycle the habits and formulas for life that we’ve always lived by, and the results are the same.

Look into the eyes of the demons before you now.  Place them in the center of your awareness rather than running any longer, rather than allowing them to frighten and freeze you, and see what they have to say.  Bring them to the light so that you may see what’s had such a hold over you.  And in this you will loosen the chains.  As you bring one to the surface, another will follow.  In your search for peace and consciousness is the response of clarity, like you’ve never known before, and in this clarity comes all things to the surface that have been hiding, all things that have been unknown.
You are enough to make it through this transition, to make it to the other side of your self.  Take one at a time and keep breathing, knowing you are worthy of becoming more than you’ve been, knowing you are completely loved, knowing you will find the light and bask in a better way.

Release yourself from these patterns, from this form of perseverance.  It is no way to go on with as you become more whole unto yourself.  Connect with the holiness within you and create the space for you to move on up and out into the world of your vision, into the creations of your heart.  You are not your pain.  You are not all of these things that you’ve talked yourself into being.  You are sacred, a creature of joy.  You are everything you have desired yourself to be.  Be that now.  Move beyond the pain, move beyond the re-runs and the have-to’s, break free from what’s familiar so that you can run whole-heartedly into the arms of the everything that awaits you.

Sunshine on your mind will take you to the wonderment.  Even in times of release, even in times of facing the shadows of what’s stood in your way, even in your darkest moments, you are not the rain.  You are the ever-lasting, the eternal, and the almighty Sun of God. You are always connected to Source and can choose, in all moments, now and forward, to live that light, to shine that grace, to evolve with strength and fortitude.  For you are the one you’ve been waiting for.  You are the one who must step into the next moment and the one the moment belongs to. Be free in this moment, as you say goodbye to the last, as you say hello to your spirit and allow it to guide you forward. Precious soul, your heaven awaits you. Wait no longer to walk on the clouds of your joy. All will fall away from you in the moment that you breathe into the possibilities and let go of the troubles that have weighed you down. All was there to begin with.  And All is there for you now.

May peace fill you as you honor the newness of your becoming and find faith in the truth of who you are.
In grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Virtues vs. Vices

Stepping through the paces...

Much insight and wisdom has come your way through different forms and fashions.  But even the wisest of words fall deaf on ears when we are mired in the overwhelm of the how-to.  Here are some steps to walk you through the ‘how to’s of the path and hollow out the hold of the patterns from which you are trying to break free.

We often find ourselves in the role of a ‘one-man army’, the ‘do-it-myself’ mentality.  Though brave in theory, it’s the source that does you in.  Picture the image of the battle-weary soldier, wounded in spirit, crippled by the ravages of war.  He hobbles on, across a desolate field, flag in hand, held purely by the strength of patriotism and allegiance to what he’s been fighting for.  He pulls himself on, despite injured limbs, despite his defeats; last man standing, having come through the other side of his own personal hell alone.  Noble in cause, he carries the pain of all who remain within the trenches and splayed out along the battlefield, never to return home.  He wears a suit of martyrdom, mingled with madness, as he stands in his pride, as he stands his last ground, undefeated in ways, but thoroughly broken in others.

We carry our flags in the name of our fight, in the name of the conquered, and in honor of that which is left to defeat.  We are not a one-man army, however. And we were never meant to go it alone, completely not meant to shoulder our burdens or our trials in solidarity at the expense of our sanity, at the expense of our peace.  We are ever folded into the arms of Creation, into the womb of respite from the storm.  And though we model strong-willed children and over-zealous men of war, the battle can never be won as long as we remain rigid in those roles or steadfast to our pride and unhindered conviction.  We must remain pliable and soft in order to bend to the demands of the current of change.  We must remember that our strength is in softness rather than armor and that our greatest weapon is releasing our resistance and becoming the flow, sourcing the One, and sacrificing our ego-driven need to pursue combat.

When your critical selves are berating you, rather than defend, agree.  When the voices in your head are telling you ‘you’ve done it wrong’, ‘you’re terrible’, ‘you’ll never get it right’- agree with an ‘oh, maybe you’re right’ rather than running and hiding from the tyrant in your head, rather than letting it get the best of you. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it’s not true, but it’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about disengaging the fight.  Notice the softening that happens when you set down the need to defend your self even when it’s only against you. An act of defense holds no power- rather it is a form of giving your power away.  When we play into reactive responses to our dramas and destructive inner dialogues, we weaken our immune system to further spread dis-ease- dis-ease within our spirits, dis-ease within our souls.  We create a deeper longing and a wider crevice of pain.  We reaffirm the pattern.  We distill our peace and presence.  We dilute the greater wisdom of our being.

How to pull out…

At some point, we must come to realize that our habitual patterns and repetitively played-out dramas are vices.  They are crippling habits that we succumb to, that we become unconscious of, that we allow to dominate our lives and fashion us into chronic states of misery.  We believe that it is beyond our power to kick these habits, to overcome these vices, or lesson the ever-paralyzing grip they have on our lives. And before the fight is up, the battle is lost; we feel defeated, we feel disparaged, we feel out-manned.

We’re hitting walls with our defenses, with our conquer and defeats.  It’s time to regroup and see it from a standpoint of someone who’s empowered.  And someone who’s empowered knows who he is.  So you must ask yourself who you are by way of understanding what’s important to you.  What matters most?  What are your values?  What are your virtues?

The more conscious you become the more responsibility you hold.  And so, at times your journey will appear equally as increasingly difficult as it is increased in peace.  The divide is widening, just as you are becoming one.  You are becoming increasingly aware of what you don’t want as well as what is no longer acceptable; just as you must become more connected with what you do want, with what matters, with what you intrinsically value.

Name your virtues.  To what do you aspire?  In what attributes do you stake your claim?  Is honesty important to you, or integrity, or strength?  How do these match up with where you are on your journey?  What would it take for you to align with them as your truth?  When faced with domineering vices, stand behind what you’ve been defending.  Engage your discipline, determination, and patience (all virtues). And stand tall.

This is different than engaging.  This is taking it to a new level and standing in your strength.  This is refusing to play the same old game. This is re-patterning to take you out of the force of the groove, disclaiming the ownership of weakness, disabling the power this dynamic holds over you, and doing it a new way.

Establish a new routine.  It takes twenty-one days to form a new habit.  Start with twenty-one seconds, twenty-one minutes, twenty-one hours- then evolve into days.  This is a becoming, an evolution- it takes time to progress. Don’t push the flower.  Co-creating basics; do what you can and let go of the rest.

Praising steps forward overshadows steps back.  An ounce of praise is worth a pound of preoccupation with the past. Honor how far you’ve come.  Take stock of all the progress you Have made along the way. 

Lighten up.  You can’t have all work and no play.  Balance out by easing up and unwinding.  Sometimes the greatest progress is made when we simply slow down and rest.  It’s at this point where the integration takes place, where all we’ve learned is filtered through and engrained. And so, for all you A-typers and hard workers putting the petal to the metal, even the pause for play-time is productive.  Playtime aligns you with your spirit, helps you forget about all of the pitfalls within self-discovery, and allows you to reconsider your priorities from a softer soul-filled perspective, not to mention it’s refreshing and re-energizes you for the next round of intensities.

Color your glasses rosy.  How you choose to see things greatly affects your reality.  All-or-nothing’s  and black-and-white’s don’t serve you.  Everything is Divine, which leaves little room for coulda’s and shoulda’s and narrows the gap for regret.  Abstain form categorizing, over-grandizising, dramatization, and over-identifying. Most important, let go of taking it personal.  Sometimes in our search for excitement, we too easily fall prey to the lure of drama and perpetuate the patterns of pain-inducing dilemmas.  Invasive thoughts are like pervasive vines which overtake your mind with ever-increasing ease the more power and attention you give them.  You must learn to divert yourself from their pull by finding new means of power and pleasure.  

When you stop buying into the same old stories and create new ones which cast you as the hero, the freedom-keeper, the inner-humanitarian, or the authority on love, you will find the power sourced from your true divine potential of creativity. That activates your ability to shift into joy, to overcome adversity, and to redirect your karma into a gentler more light-led process which brings far greater excitement then the rogue, adrenalin-filled anxiety of familiar dramas and self-deception.  Just because it’s what you’ve always known doesn’t mean it’s the only way there is.  Source out new avenues of thrill-seeking that involve your capacity to funnel light into the outcomes of natural disasters, your ability to grab love in times of drowning puddles of fear, and your innate birthright of creativity that provides you with the force and fortitude to open to new possibilities and season your world with the unimaginable.

Abort the mission of saving yourself and take some time to just be.  Set a time-limit on your self-development.  You’ve been inside (your head) all day- time to go out and play.  Get some fresh air (perspective).  Be in nature.  Be with animals and children.  Be still.  Sometimes our greatest teachers are that which embrace the essence of simple.  Make it easy.  This isn’t a final exam.

Find your shift-connectors.  What breaks you out of the zone ( war-zone in your head)?  Create your tool box.  Write a gratitude journal. Connect with high-vibrational essences; music you can Feel, the sweet smell of new babies, dew-drop quenched flowers, and moments of deeply rewarding love and peace.  Source these elements out fresh or connect with rekindled memories that bring their vibrancy into the light and reignite your soul.

Do something to cement your newness. Take a class and learn a new skill.  Paint, color, knit or sew.  Plant some flowers. Volunteer. Clean out your closets and get rid of what’s no longer you.

You don’t have to beg for relief, borrow strength, or steal resolve.  You have everything you need within.  You have what it takes.  A you’re refashioning a new life for you, be innovative and allow that spark of light to shine through and lead your way.  One step at a time, you’re making a difference, you’re creating anew, you’re finding You.  Becoming virtuous rather than slave to your vices, is a directive, a new plan of action that focuses your attention on what you desire and off of what you detest.  You are ready for this next step.  Arm yourself with the artillery of perception- see yourself as flowering into thee new things, as new sprouts overcome the weeds of your garden and blossom into the you you’ve come to be.

To fresh starts and new beginnings, doing it differently, and knowing we can.

Blessings and love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A New Slate~Creating From Sprit; The Energy of May

And though you will look around and see how much things remain the same, you must ask yourself as well, how much has changed.

You will find yourselves in the rising water of emotions as core issues bob to the surface.  Clearing from the core, you will feel tethered, you will feel measured, by the undueling weight of all that’s gone on for far too long.  You will reach a point where you become certain that you can’t go on- will want to abandon ship, make drastic change of course, cut yourself free from the pain of the same, and run like hell from the looming sense of overwhelm as you stare in blank disbelief at the ‘reality’ of what is playing out before and within you as the theater of your creation. 

But as any good and liberated artist knows ( and we are all the artesians that craft our own lives) ~ there is credence in walking away from a creation when it isn’t an expression of your truest self.  There’s nothing wrong with scrapping the sculpture if it’s not authentic, if you’re not ‘feeling it’~ despite the effort, the time, the soul or overall investment you’ve poured into it.  Because the artist’s soul seeks to start fresh, to move to a new canvas and walk away from the old.  And the artist that honors this urge creates the masterpiece with fresh material and a new slate, rather than forcing what wasn’t flowing to become an expression of the soul’s desire.

We have arrived again at a crossroads.  And as we look around within the intersection of decision of course, we will recognize many a familiar road.  These options will roll around in our heads as we stand pivoted to make change, but they are not being presented as choices but rather for review of mistakes.  The choices presenting will all somehow seem viable but wrong.  If the option is familiar, if you have done it before (to your demise) or it has seemed like a credible possibility (with inevitable pain) then you are being asked to turn around.  You are needing to spin yourself in a new direction, to hear the call of the unbeaten path, to sing the song of the road less traveled and create now with the palette of your heart.

How much of your compass is magnetized by the familiar pull of fear?  How much of your inner directive is caught in a habitual grove?  Take the lesson from the masters: Jesus lived, died, and rose with arms wide open.  How closed off are you to the possibilities in your effort to defend your honor, honor your pride, and nurse your pain?  How much time have you already invested in that path, in rehearsed drama?  And ask yourself as you stand poignantly at this crux in the road, ‘How well is that way of doing it workin’ for ya?’

it will be easy in these times to direct your pain onto all of the who’s and what’s around you in order to neglect the mirror, in order to remain stuck in what’s been, because, my dear, you are running scared from facing your greatness.  You are one step away from walking on sunshine, from breaking through the veil.  But you hesitate, you are on the verge of turning  away and doing it over and again the same. To a great degree, it is unknown, and in that there is fear, but further still into the deep of what you shoulder is the obligation to remain small, the generational lineage of carrying on the ‘name’ of suffering, of shoveling aside our dreams, and of sacrificing what we want for that which seems to honor those that handed down the line. But you stand at the pivotal point of walking away from the pain and the shame and through breaking the chain of this madness, setting all souls behind and before you free. In doing it different, in honoring yourself, and in knowing that you need not pay homage to old ways of being, you inspire and ignite the flame in all souls to see their truest capacity for greatness.  And in this is the greatest act of compassion and love there can be. You are not dishonoring any before you in your walk toward sovereignty and embracing wholeness of being.  You are gifting them with the freshest air a soul can breathe.

You must challenge yourself to rise to the occasion, to step in to your glory, to mount the saddle of your new dominion.  It calls to you to awaken to the splendor of your soulshine- to acknowledge your capability, your acquired wisdom and strength, and Become, already, what you’ve long aspired to be.

Open your heart to compassion. Soften in the arms of grace.  Know not what you’ve been as the impetus for what you are evolving out of and into.  Create anew.  Start fresh.  If you’re feeling shame about the story you’re telling or unbearable in your current state, is it perhaps because your current script is not reflecting your truer state? Are you not repeating repetitive patterns and then questioning why your results are the same?  Your life circumstances are an accurate reflection of your inner state of peace.  So, if they’re not what you’re desiring or are inconsistent with your truth then you must question what’s in the way. Take heed of the scripts and dramas unfolding and notice how much the resonate with you in this moment, notice how true they are for you now. Be neutral in your observance, but be honest, and be willing to toss aside what’s not in integrity.

You need not continue to create a life of suffering or pay taxes on the poorer choices you’ve made.  And though you are called to release what to the surface is coming, you are advised to stay out of the way.  Wounds rewinding for another peek do not require unencumbered embrace.

Though you need create a space for the pain to leave (because that’ what’s still in the way- old pain, plain and simple) you must not become attached to it while it’s coming up and out.  Be especially aware of ‘always’ and ‘never’s’ as you get caught in the whirlwind of release.  Don’t allow it to become your identity.  Notions such as “I’ve never been loved completely’ or ‘I always fail to accomplish my dreams’ are old scripts now in question, that will vie for your emotional response and will seek to inspire path-diverting sorrow and grief. There’s been truth to these things, but that truth has changes, as have you, as you’ve grown.  And as you continue to evolve, you will find it less and less endearing to reach for that place of drama, or to rely on that percentage of pain to propel you forward.  You will begin to declare that life Was meant to be lived with ease. And you will begin to pave the way. You will begin to see more clearly how you can step out of these roles and these mantras and create what you want by forgoing retracing bi-lines and becoming the one in charge who takes steps toward his dreams instead of chasing the ghosts of them, and opens his arms to the vastness of love within and all around rather than seeking the sadness of what hasn’t been. Take a gentler path now.  Your life need not be paved with distress and dis-ease.

It’s time to relax into all that you’ve learned, to be guided by a Higher way.  And know, as it’s becoming gleamingly clear, on some level- on the level of discomfort in which you remain, you don’t have to remain the same.

Open to the map of compassion and let it shine the light of clarity on the choices you make.  Ask yourself, in indecision, ‘is this what my soul would want’ and hear what it has to say. It’s ok to do it different now, than you always have or than you believed was possible.  It’s ok to change.  The direction laid out before you calls for a new way of being, and in order to embark on it with faith, you have to push through the discomfort and detach from the voice of pain.

Soften now, and find the bridge, so that you may stretch into the life made of dreams.  Your worth does not depend on what you’ve acquired or accomplished, but rather on your ability to open your arms and fly free.
All you’ve ever wanted was to love yourself completely, though the lessons were not what they seemed.  Make every moment pivot toward and act of self-love and great peace these moments will bring.

This is the time now when actions will be drastic as people reach for relief of the pressure of the crossroads.  Chaos unfolds as the need for order ensues. All that is needing to be cleansed, released, and redirected is on the table, or soon to be, and there’s no more running and hiding or putting aside. It’s time to face up to what is and what’s been and move forward. It’s time to go to the next level, and that means owning up to our lives, our energy, our intention, and our responsibility for creating what we desire rather than making excuses of laying the blame.

The energy is intense as we are throttled into the necessity of following soul purpose, of overcoming the barriers of pain, and setting ourselves free.  Endings of lives (as we knot them), of relationships, and of contracts will unfold as souls scurry to find some peace.  Impulsive measures will be taken as we cut to the quick, but only when we fail to see that the answers we seek are alignment with truth and the parody of life is a smoke-screen. You are not who you were, you are different now, and your choices need reflect all of the consciousness you’ve retrieved.

Take back your power, take back your focus, and restructure your platform of Being.  Do one thing right now that moves you closer to your dreams and release the victim-mentality that’s been.  You hold your life in your hands, you are the one in command, take ownership of what will be.

Decide in Truth, and make way for better days based on integrity and alignment, based on peace.  Become softer, become open, become free.
Shine, don’t hide.  Your greatness is yet to be revealed. This is a time of creating order, creating newness, creating space for what will be. Welcome the chaos and eruptions that unfold as they will guide you on your path toward clarity of what needs be restructured and what needs be released. Stay focused on the mount though, as you hold the intention of directing the flow, remain diligent in raising high vibrations low, and become accountable for all of your out-flow. Neutrality, compassion, and grace are what will help your to save face and to ride above the rising water rather than submit to its depths and remain lost in the undercurrents during a month where there is much need for movement and creation to take place. Each step you take is sacred. Take many steps each day in the direction of what you desire and channel the energy of what needs to happen into creating a new work of art, and intentional and inspired piece that you can be proud of.  This is your life’s work. This is your masterpiece. Let if be a signature of your soul. Let is sing your praises. Let it be more than you ever imagined your dreams were made of. Lift off into the heavens of your spirit and stay elevated as you ground your new life and plant the seeds of your desires in the image of you on High. There are no longer any reasons why not. 

As this month rolls by, they well be excavated and evicted, and you will know greater freedom to soar and more solid ground on which to stand. As it is above merges with the so it is below, and you are simultaneously gifted with wings and with roots of strength that will balance you in your endeavors of creating heaven on earth. Transcend. Paint your new canvas. Create. This is what your soul desires. Be the unrestricted artist. Don’t let anything else stand in the way.

In reverence of your journey and in honor of your new choices...
May you find peace and love in your moments and grace many times throughout your days.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.