As the fog
begins to lift, we can see more clearly into the reality that is to come. And when we look upon this horizon, it
will show is which way it is that we need to go. It will show us that all of
our efforts have not been in vein and that our dreams are not merely just
dreams and that our visions are not illusions, but they are reachable now,
touchable, they are right there, they are no longer on the horizon. And though it may feel that you are still
having to reach a bit, in order to touch them, in order to make them tangible,
that is on purpose, for we are meant to reach and stretch so that we as humans,
as spirits, can continue to grow and continue to evolve into our highest purpose.
And in the
moments when you cannot see beyond the fog, when it is thick and surrounds you,
when you feel that it will never fade, sink in. Sink into the mystery and the majesty of the veil. The black and white does bind you as that way of vision restricts you from seeing the entire picture. It is in
the grey that we begin to see the better picture and it is in the grey that
many insights will come. Do not allow yourself to be taken by the doubts and
fears that seek your attention in the times between where you’ve been and where
you are going. (And you ARE going, believe that!) Allow for expansion in the holding place, for that’s what the
middle ground is for.
You will be
given many opportunities within the period of the now, within the space
between, and you can use this space and time to delve into the reality of who
you are. This time gives you a chance to get to know your strengths and to get
to know your weaknesses. It is a time for evaluation as you delve deeper into who you really are and embrace every aspect so that All of you can move forward in sync and with strength into your highest potential. Pay attention to the indicators, to the happenings around you and notice what they have to teach you. Always direct it back onto you, onto how you can better advance the situation, further grow into how you long to be, or the reminders of what you are meant to be focused on. Pay attention, but not only to what is going on around you, but more so what is going on within. How do you feel about your interactions, How do you feel about your circumstances, and what can you do to create better outcomes so that old patterns don't continue to take over? Who are you now,
who have you been, and who do you aspire to be? Change, or even the thought of it can be scary, but when we sink into our fears and
doubts and get to know them, get to know the driving forces that hold us down,
we can begin to learn more about what ihibits us and why. And through that we
can see what it is we need to learn and where we need to grow.
How do you
envision you in the future, in the next now? How do you see yourself radiating
within your highest potential. Who is the person that is living your dreams and
accomplishing all of your goals? Go into detail as you explore. What does this
Higher You look like? How do they (You) act? What qualities make them who they
are and enable them to live a life of grace and ease and the divine power of potential? You can begin to hoan
these qualities and try them on for size so that you are molded into the Real
Time You by visualizing and feeling into the energy of already being there.
Take time to sit with this aspect of you, the one who is content and fulfilled,
the one who sees from a higher ground, the one who is focused and grounded and
happy. See this You and feel into it. The feeling aspect of this is so
important. In order to Believe it, you have to feel it. It is only then that
you know that it is possible.
Much of this
time is about shifting out of our old beliefs and into the possibilities of our
potential. What you Believe in matters.
Deeply. Do not give over your visions to someone else’s version of you, in doing that you give away your power.
For in order to be master of your life, to be captain of your ship, you have to
take command, which, in turn, means that you have to take control of what you
will allow in your life and what you, in so choosing for your highest good,
decide to surrender.
Control is
something that you must release as well as step into. We are used to wanting
and trying to control others and to manipulate and monopolize our outcomes and our future. This is
the control we must let the Higher Source Higher Self take over. We hold on so tight to
wanting things to be a certain way, to believing that in order to be happy or
safe our outer world must be in line with the conjured definition of what it looks like in our
minds. We put all of our eggs in that basket, forsaking our health, forsaking
our sanity, forsaking our wisdom, forsaking what matters. To believe in this mentality, that the world
and others must conform to our standards, is what creates havoc in our lives
because our focus remains on things that we cannot change, things that ultimately, we need to learn to let go of. No matter how much
you try to mind-warp or manipulate another, ultimately they will remain the
same, as will your surroundings as long as you continue to believe that it must
change in order to create the makings of your dream reality.
What must change
is you, or at least your perception of how things work and what is important.
When you understand that putting all of your eggs in the basket of false
pretenses is equivalent to giving away your power and diminishes your ability
to create in the way of spirit, in the way that you were intended, when you
Know, on a deeper level (and really once you have only begun to appreciate the
concept) that you create your reality, that you move into Your World, the one
you envision, by becoming it, by radiating it, by believing that it is so, you
will begin to loosen your grip on what lies beyond and sink further into the
‘feel good’ the higher potential, the core and the truth of who you are which
is always, and only could be, pure potentiality and endless possibility simply waiting to unfold.
What you must
learn to control is more of a form of discipline. You have to retrain yourself
to refocus, to zero in, on what is most important, and ultimately what’s most
important is the desire to be whole and be free, to be Love. We can attain that
as we not only live from that higher place, that higher self, but begin to take
on the attributes that make that higher self so and live on purpose.
If your higher
self has strength as a virtue, what can you do to strengthen yourself and draw
to you more of the attributes of that aspect of your higher version? Taking on the
overseeing and care-taking of the four selves is essential. Is it exercise that
will strengthen your body and give you the energy and vitality to stretch and
grow, to reach for those dreams and move forward? Is it mindfulness that will
strengthen your mind so that you begin using the muscles of observation
(watching you and life from a detached perspective), and understanding the
tools to surrender? Is it community or solitude, or perhaps a mix of both that
will strengthen your spirit? Do you need to create a bigger support system or
be nourished more by the space of alone time? And your personality, your ego,
your self that you most often identify with on so many levels, it needs food too to grow too, to
get on board with your vision. Listen to its urgings and let it take you in the
direction of what will satiate it. Quenching this part of you puts out many of the fires that arise through otherwise over ambitious fears that want to take over.
We have to feed
the seeds of our dreams and nourish all parts of our selves and our soul in
order to reach our potential.
Begin to
moderate your life, your time, your mind, and run your life like you would a corporation. If you were CEO of Y.O.U., what would your ‘company’ or ‘business’
turn into? What would it look like? How would it run, what would need to happen, to be transformed, or
dealt with in order for your vision of your greatest life to happen?
Use the time
when you cannot quite see so clearly but are beginning to glimpse the beyond to feel into you, to really get acquainted. The Soul knows. It will guide
you. But in order to listen, in
order to be led, we must familiarize ourselves with our many voices, quiet our
fears by sinking into them, rise to the sky by morphing into the One that
we wish to be, and remember to turn into this vision over and over again until it overrides the patterns of turning outward.
Don't allow your fears to measure your foundation. You are far more than you believe and your are so much more than a product of your outcomes. Go beyond where you've been, push against all known boundaries, and create a few more healthy ones in the process. You are not alone in this quest, and at no time is it out of the question or inappropriate to ask for guidance. Ask for assistance, ask for what you need and for the ability to go beyond whatever keeps turning you backwards. The Law of One is in effect and the Law of One inherits harmony. The law of this Oneness reminds us that there is, and never will be/has been any separation. It is not a one-man-show. This is not each-one-for-themselves. This is eternity happening and within eternity everyone gets what they truly desire to happen. The Universe cannot differentiate between what you desire and what you believe, it weighs on what you hold fast to. Believe that you are being assisted. Believe that all that is happening is for the good of the whole and you will no longer have to hold on so tightly to all of your outcomes.
Let the mystery
of the unknown entice you. It
holds all potential, all possibility. Become excited about what is ‘out there’
within the realm of what could be, within the realm of what is already happening. Feel into the enthusiasm of receiving and let that shape you into the open vessel that has plenty of room to hold all that lies within your imagination. And
when you want to try so hard to make things happen, refocus all of that
energy and that might into redirecting your wandering mind and creating an
atmosphere that is conducive to the dreams you desire.
This is prep
time. This is a time of preparing for what you want to come in, to come on line
for you, for unzipping so that you can be accountable for your agenda. Your
energy must match frequencies with what you wish to achieve, what you wish to
be, with what you wish to transpire in your reality. And your energy, your
vibration, is your responsibility and the place to continually re-shift your
focus. Live form that place, from the Highest version of you, from the place of
you after all of the everything you desire has happened. The fog is the place where you can strengthen the muscles of your soul to withstand
the distractions and redirect your focus inward so that all of your inward
desires can that much sooner turn outward.
Be strong for you. Be strengthened. Live from the joy place that you wish to achieve, and allow all that is happening to grow you into the next level of your happening.
Much love and grace along the way!
With purist intentions and up-graded standards we move forward.
May many blessings of light fill your soul,
Come check out Awakeningthedivine to see what's new. Upcoming classes in Aligning with grace, shifting into mastery, and the all important stress management, as well as new releasing sessions and techniques. See ya there! Be still. Be the One who matters most. Be the highest You!
Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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