Thursday, August 30, 2012

Compassion With Self and The Power of Mistakes

You can do no wrong. You are always only learning and growing. That’s what it’s all about, lessons and growth.  Nothing is ever ‘wrong’.  It is only an interpretation. When you release yourself from this way of seeing you are able to fall into the art of appreciation and envelop great compassion, for you begin to see life as a journey, not as an undertaking, and you can nestle into the safety of no longer being fearful of making a mistake.

Do you see how this would take you higher, would take you under the wave when it is riding too high for you to entrust it to take you to the shore? Do you see how this would allow you to move forward, in all circumstances, rather than being paralyzed by the fear of defeat?  Trust it then, this law of order that allows for you to be constantly becoming, this law that takes you to the next place, that is derived from the constant shifts and the ebb and flow of evolution. Change is the game. It is what IS. But one thing must remain constant. And the consistency can become your state (of mind).

Change is our keeper, and within it lies what is safe, for no thing can exist without evolving. To be alive is to seek growth, to allow for it, to thrive on it, to let it shift you and make you complete. An absence of growth is certain death. Life seeks change and knows that it is equivalent to order. You must follow after it’s proddings or suffer the cost of resistance which is always suffering and pain.

Have compassion for yourself through your journey.  Be your biggest support system, your most powerful ally, your most attentive and enthusiastic cheerleader and you will find that your confidence in you and your faith in bringing your dreams to reality will begin to expand.

Recognize all of the good, all of the wonderful you are making, all of the wonderful that you Are.  And restore your faith in your vision of the future as  you unlock your hidden potential by allowing it to come forth in its own way, on its own time, falling tripping and stumbling ever so preciously on.

Like a toddler who is learning to speak, like a small child who is trying something for the first time, you are ‘trying’ and ‘learning’ something new as you re-awaken, as you are ‘remembering’ your Truth.

And as proud parents, we try to capture those moments, those milestones, and savor them within our hearts.  Be that loving appreciation of you as you move into newness.  Be that compassion that guides and encourages you forward and let go of needing to condemn or criticize your self (or another) for making a mistake.

Mistakes are real, but in a completely different sense. Mis-takes are chances to do over because in the moments where we have made choices that have led us ‘astray’ we are given the chance to re-take or to re-interpret the situation so that we can see it from a higher-vision state.  In other words, our perception of the situation, or our ‘take’ on it, is out of alignment with our highest self.  And in every moment we are given the chance and many opportunities to adjust our ‘view’, to re-adjust our thinking, as a child re-adjusts his footing as he learns to walk and continues to move forward. As an artist adjusts the hues of his pain in order to create the vision within his imagination so that he can better represent the message of his soul as he brings it forward.  It is this tuning into and continually retuning and turning into our selves that we are found and our truest expressions of self are then born.

And it is in the process of learning to walk that a child becomes acquainted with his Self. It is in these times of learning that he discovers who he Is, what he’s made of.  And in that knowing, in that trusting of himself, he gains the confidence that he’s got what it takes to proceed.  And in that process, he becomes more in touch with his determination and with his strength and learns to push on, and to continue to rediscover just how he needs to move in order to accomplish his motive and succeed.

And it is in the discovery process of creating that an artist learns to Feel into his vision, to connect further and deeper with his higher self, with the part of him that is directing the shape of the art.

An artist must listen closely to what his soul is spelling, to its whispers, and to the aspects of the art, of the creation he is meant to bring to life.  And as he tunes into the channel of information that guides him, as he relaxes into the musings of his soul with abandon, leaving behind the fear of making a mistake, knowing that he can trust in his guidance, he becomes One with the art he creates.

And it is so with all of us on out journeys, as we find our way and follow our own footsteps back to ourselves. We fulfill our potential with each step we make, and with each step we create.

Do not fear that any step could possibly be a mistake, for it will restrict your process and inhibit your ability to create.  It will stop you cold if you let it, and can deaden you, as well as deafen you, to the guidance in which you will find the strength and support that you seek.

An artist creates from his heart.  And when he allows himself to fold into that space that is sometimes hidden or elusive, to loose himself in the making, in the process of creating, he is taken to the sacred space of his Truth.

Truth knows not right from wrong. It is not linear.  It is not based on the concept of right or wrong. It is grounded in soul-ness. And the soul knows only that which is love. Truth cannot be changed, it simply is and that is why it is referred to as your center because it always is what it is and always will be.

In the process of creating, you connect with your self, with your truth, because you are a creator, so you are coming back to your center, your core, and nothing feels more peaceful or more powerful than residing in that place.  That is why the art of creating is considered a spiritual practice.  It resigns us to surrender to that space, to the Creator, to the essence of our soul.

Go there.  Go there often.  And remember what it is like to be there, to feel there.  Remember what it means to be in that space.  And as you become more familiar, you become more and more able to bring that vibration out into your life on all occasions.  And the more you do, the more you are able to stabilize it and become grounded in that state, the more you begin to realize that it is not only for the ‘artist’ per se to experience this divine connection, it is for all of us.  For all of life and every experience is your canvas.  And every creation, every word, every intention, every thought that you choose, every endeavor, can be experienced through the spirit of who you are.  And everything becomes that much more sacred as you remember that life is the art that you create.

Fight the urge to become the victim, of your critical self-talk, of your circumstances.  Be the hero, the one who saves you and whisks you away on the gallant white horse.  Ride off into the sunset of your ‘happily ever after’ on the wings of love, because you saving you from the throes of your mind, from the fear of making mistakes is an act of greatness and most definitely one of the highest gestures of love you can make.

Your most profound work of art in this life could very well be the product of your greatest 'mistake'. So don't take it all so seriously, because you never know the biggest picture of what is evolving and you will evolve much more peacefully when you are able to step back and allow for the process without the need for judgement and with the grace to unfold at your own pace. Your process is your own, completely unique to you, and it is as sacred as each step you make. Be gentle with you as you learn to walk again, as you remember how to paint. You are the artist, continually recreating yourself.  And every great artist knows that art a 'mistake' is only the birth of a chance to recreate.

Create with wonder. Create with joy. And remember that you are the beauty you wish to bring to your canvas, your life, it is through reconnecting with your spirit that you remember the art of what it means to create.

Blessed love and miracles on the horizon!

Loving you and loving all of your mistakes,

 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Rising With the Fog; Aligning with Our Potential

As the fog begins to lift, we can see more clearly into the reality that is to come.  And when we look upon this horizon, it will show is which way it is that we need to go.  It will show us that all of our efforts have not been in vein and that our dreams are not merely just dreams and that our visions are not illusions, but they are reachable now, touchable, they are right there, they are no longer on the horizon.  And though it may feel that you are still having to reach a bit, in order to touch them, in order to make them tangible, that is on purpose, for we are meant to reach and stretch so that we as humans, as spirits, can continue to grow and continue to evolve into our highest purpose.

And in the moments when you cannot see beyond the fog, when it is thick and surrounds you, when you feel that it will never fade, sink in.  Sink into the mystery and the majesty of the veil.  The black and white does bind you as that way of vision restricts you from seeing the entire picture. It is in the grey that we begin to see the better picture and it is in the grey that many insights will come.  Do not allow yourself to be taken by the doubts and fears that seek your attention in the times between where you’ve been and where you are going. (And you ARE going, believe that!) Allow for expansion in the holding place, for that’s what the middle ground is for.

You will be given many opportunities within the period of the now, within the space between, and you can use this space and time to delve into the reality of who you are.  This time gives you a chance to get to know your strengths and to get to know your weaknesses. It is a time for evaluation as you delve deeper into who you really are and embrace every aspect so that All of you can move forward in sync and with strength into your highest potential. Pay attention to the indicators, to the happenings around you and notice what they have to teach you. Always direct it back onto you, onto how you can better advance the situation, further grow into how you long to be, or the reminders of what you are meant to be focused on. Pay attention, but not only to what is going on around you, but more so what is going on within. How do you feel about your interactions, How do you feel about your circumstances, and what can you do to create better outcomes so that old patterns don't continue to take over? Who are you now, who have you been, and who do you aspire to be? Change, or even the thought of it can be scary, but when we sink into our fears and doubts and get to know them, get to know the driving forces that hold us down, we can begin to learn more about what ihibits us and why.  And through that we can see what it is we need to learn and where we need to grow.

How do you envision you in the future, in the next now? How do you see yourself radiating within your highest potential.  Who is the person that is living your dreams and accomplishing all of your goals? Go into detail as you explore. What does this Higher You look like? How do they (You) act? What qualities make them who they are and enable them to live a life of grace and ease and the divine power of potential? You can begin to hoan these qualities and try them on for size so that you are molded into the Real Time You by visualizing and feeling into the energy of already being there. Take time to sit with this aspect of you, the one who is content and fulfilled, the one who sees from a higher ground, the one who is focused and grounded and happy.  See this You and feel into it. The feeling aspect of this is so important.  In order to Believe it, you have to feel it. It is only then that you know that it is possible.

Much of this time is about shifting out of our old beliefs and into the possibilities of our potential. What you Believe in matters.  Deeply.  Do not give over your visions to someone else’s version of you, in doing that you give away your power.  For in order to be master of your life, to be captain of your ship, you have to take command, which, in turn, means that you have to take control of what you will allow in your life and what you, in so choosing for your highest good, decide to surrender.

Control is something that you must release as well as step into. We are used to wanting and trying to control others and to manipulate and monopolize our outcomes and our future. This is the control we must let the Higher Source Higher Self take over. We hold on so tight to wanting things to be a certain way, to believing that in order to be happy or safe our outer world must be in line with the conjured definition of what it looks like in our minds. We put all of our eggs in that basket, forsaking our health, forsaking our sanity, forsaking our wisdom, forsaking what matters. To believe in this mentality, that the world and others must conform to our standards, is what creates havoc in our lives because our focus remains on things that we cannot change, things that ultimately, we need to learn to let go of. No matter how much you try to mind-warp or manipulate another, ultimately they will remain the same, as will your surroundings as long as you continue to believe that it must change in order to create the makings of your dream reality.

What must change is you, or at least your perception of how things work and what is important. When you understand that putting all of your eggs in the basket of false pretenses is equivalent to giving away your power and diminishes your ability to create in the way of spirit, in the way that you were intended, when you Know, on a deeper level (and really once you have only begun to appreciate the concept) that you create your reality, that you move into Your World, the one you envision, by becoming it, by radiating it, by believing that it is so, you will begin to loosen your grip on what lies beyond and sink further into the ‘feel good’ the higher potential, the core and the truth of who you are which is always, and only could be, pure potentiality and endless possibility simply waiting to unfold.

What you must learn to control is more of a form of discipline. You have to retrain yourself to refocus, to zero in, on what is most important, and ultimately what’s most important is the desire to be whole and be free, to be Love. We can attain that as we not only live from that higher place, that higher self, but begin to take on the attributes that make that higher self so and live on purpose.

If your higher self has strength as a virtue, what can you do to strengthen yourself and draw to you more of the attributes of that aspect of your higher version? Taking on the overseeing and care-taking of the four selves is essential. Is it exercise that will strengthen your body and give you the energy and vitality to stretch and grow, to reach for those dreams and move forward? Is it mindfulness that will strengthen your mind so that you begin using the muscles of observation (watching you and life from a detached perspective), and understanding the tools to surrender?  Is it community or solitude, or perhaps a mix of both that will strengthen your spirit?  Do you need to create a bigger support system or be nourished more by the space of alone time? And your personality, your ego, your self that you most often identify with on so many levels, it needs food too to grow too, to get on board with your vision. Listen to its urgings and let it take you in the direction of what will satiate it. Quenching  this part of you puts out many of the fires that arise through otherwise over ambitious fears that want to take over.

We have to feed the seeds of our dreams and nourish all parts of our selves and our soul in order to reach our potential.
Begin to moderate your life, your time, your mind, and run your life like you would a corporation. If you were CEO of Y.O.U., what would your ‘company’ or ‘business’ turn into? What would it look like? How would it run, what would need to happen, to be transformed, or dealt with in order for your vision of your greatest life to happen?

Use the time when you cannot quite see so clearly but are beginning to glimpse the beyond to feel into you, to really get acquainted. The Soul knows.  It will guide you.  But in order to listen, in order to be led, we must familiarize ourselves with our many voices, quiet our fears by sinking into them, rise to the sky by morphing into the One that we wish to be, and  remember to turn into this vision over and over again until it overrides the patterns of turning outward. 

Don't allow your fears to measure your foundation. You are far more than you believe and your are so much more than a product of your outcomes. Go beyond where you've been, push against all known boundaries, and create a few more healthy ones in the process. You are not alone in this quest, and at no time is it out of the question or inappropriate to ask for guidance. Ask for assistance, ask for what you need and for the ability to go beyond whatever keeps turning you backwards. The Law of One is in effect and the Law of One inherits harmony. The law of this Oneness reminds us that there is, and never will be/has been any separation. It is not a one-man-show.  This is not each-one-for-themselves. This is eternity happening and within eternity everyone gets what they truly desire to happen. The Universe cannot differentiate between what you desire and what you believe, it weighs on what you hold fast to.  Believe that you are being assisted.  Believe that all that is happening is for the good of the whole and you will no longer have to hold on so tightly to all of your outcomes.

Let the mystery of the unknown entice you.  It holds all potential, all possibility. Become excited about what is ‘out there’ within the realm of what could be, within the realm of what is already happening.  Feel into the enthusiasm of receiving and let that shape you into the open vessel that has plenty of room to hold all that lies within your imagination.  And when you want to try so hard to make things happen,  refocus all of that energy and that might into redirecting your wandering mind and creating an atmosphere that is conducive to the dreams you desire.

This is prep time. This is a time of preparing for what you want to come in, to come on line for you, for unzipping so that you can be accountable for your agenda. Your energy must match frequencies with what you wish to achieve, what you wish to be, with what you wish to transpire in your reality.  And your energy, your vibration, is your responsibility and the place to continually re-shift your focus.  Live form that place, from the Highest version of you, from the place of you after all of the everything you desire has happened. The fog is the place where you can strengthen the muscles of your soul to withstand the distractions and redirect your focus inward so that all of your inward desires can that much sooner turn outward.

Be strong for you. Be strengthened. Live from the joy place that you wish to achieve, and allow all that is happening to grow you into the next level of your happening.

Much love and grace along the way!
With purist intentions and up-graded standards we move forward.

May many blessings of light fill your soul,

Come check out Awakeningthedivine to see what's new. Upcoming classes in Aligning with grace, shifting into mastery, and the all important stress management, as well as new releasing sessions and techniques. See ya there! Be still. Be the One who matters most. Be the highest You!

 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


To all of you beautiful souls out there who have been following and are still following my musings and blog, I would like to thank you for journeying with me and for the beauty of the souls that you are. I have been on a journey all its own lately and hope to return shortly.  Life has its way of detours and many new twists and turns, but faith inherits the knowing that all of life's quests, planned or unintended, lead us exactly to the place we need to and are meant to be.  And each and every one of those experiences shape us into the reminder of who we truly are, and really, at the core, always have been. 

I toast the whirlwinds of experience and the places they take us that we might otherwise have never known.  And I applaud the brave souls who choose to see beyond the fears of what any experience may provoke and into the eyes of their sacred souls as they are stretched and prodded to grow alongside the ever-changing universe as it evolves in its own right.  It takes courage and strength to Become the All that we Are, to grow into it, and over-ride the urge to remain the same for the sake of comfort and the sureness of what is known.  And it takes faith; faith in the unknown-that it will lead you into the most inspired terrain; faith in you to walk the mountains and the valleys and swim the seas; and faith in a force far bigger than you (that is you) to pick up the pieces and guide you along the way.

And that is what Conscious Co-Creating is all about.  It's about becoming aware of the freedom inherent in knowing that we, in our confined state, in our made-small state, cannot do it alone.  For we are not alone.  We are One.  And when we open to that Oneness, to the Truth, we are propelled into an evolutionary state of purpose and power, the kind of power that comes from rising beyond the troubles and the suffering that ensue when we are attempting to do it all on our own. We are not alone. We are not separate. And letting go, forgiving, forgetting our separateness unites us with the wholeness that we desire.

Faith and imagination are, by far, your most powerful tools.  They will take you places far beyond where you've been or where you've allowed yourself to go.  And though you cannot touch them, they are anything but illusory.  They are anchors and cornerstones and the propellers that restore the insight of your intuition and the visions you came to 'make real'. 

Step forward, if only in your mind, leaning on the spirit of Belief and the creativity of the child within.  Paint your world, live life as art, in abandon, and allow for every step, every breath, to be a prayer. The art of living is breathing into your experience, into your potential, and allowing the rest to unfold. Allowing it to be untold, until the next moment, or when it arrives, and settling into the presence of what your Is is. No matter what is shifting or changing or in chaos within or around you, when you Know yourself as an anchor, nothing can rock your boat. Be still, dear ones, and let the strength come through you to be who you came to be, to do what you're called to do, to live your life on fire, in the way that only you can because there's no other you. And have faith in the knowing that everything is exactly as it needs to be, always, and that your stillness will guide you farther than your busied mind, and your love of self is more sacred than any other reward that you seek.

This is the longest vacation I have taken from Conscious Co-Creating since its birth, as my awareness and creativity have taken me elsewhere, as I have been restored and renewed.  I have found that when I am 'off-line' for a while and not channeling or receiving those guided messages to deliver via the written form that my guide source is changing, sort of like tuning the channel on the radio, and when the time is right, I will be plugged into the next best most aligned guide post that will then be delivered to you.
So stay tuned, I sense I'll be coming back on line soon, with new guidance and musings to assist you in aligning to the highest you. I welcome any questions or comments about what you may be experiencing at this time, on this leg of your trip, and any inquiries or suggestions you may wish me to post about regarding the transitions and tail winds we're all riding upon.

All the best to you sweet ones!

Feel free to contact me at   and see what's new or you're welcome to leave your message here.
I look forward to connecting with you.

Blessings of light,

Sunday, April 22, 2012

In the Name of Love

A magical thing happens when we decide to live from a place called love.  A thing called peace transpires, as does prosperity, and clarity, and joy.  These are not things that can be acquired through the uncertainty of day to day fears unless we are to take them through the transfusion of love and wash them clean, wash them new again, so that they are meaningless and no longer have a hold on us, or at least not the hold that are previous stories did.

No matter what happens throughout your life, or throughout your day, you are still eternally You (the undying, unedited version of Oneness). You are this version, whether you see it this way or not, whether or not you beleive it, whether or not you live by the means which this Truth beholds. You are This, and you can only be This, and the magic of the thing called love.  And the levity of living under its spell, is that it takes you there.  It takes you to that place within you that transforms all of the everything that gets in your way and blinds you from your miraculousness.  It transcends time and space, and issues, and elevates you to a place where magic not only reigns, but unfolds moment to moment in ways that you could not have imagined from the perspective of not-love that you had lived before.

And we all lived there before.  It is the place from which we came if we reach the higher highs, the ashes from which we all rise.  And there is such beauty in that, really.  If you have lived in the life of the love not quenched.  If you have lived the life of the dreams permanently benched.  If you have lived the life of the pain quota permeating permanently, unbudgingly throughout your reality rather than dipping into the barrel now and again, then you know what it is to live in suffering.  To know what it is to live in suffering, not knowing how, or if, you will ever arrive ( or find your way out of your own personal hell) and then find it, some day, miraculously, simply by becoming the observer of the you who has opened the door to the You (essence) and is laying you on the line for complete and unobstructed observation, then you know what it is to become new again.  And you know that miracles have a way of finding themselves into your heart, and that miracles happen to the everyday man.

There is no freedom in pain.  We may lie to ourselves (sometimes for an eternity, sometimes just day to day until we don't) that our pain is justified, is necessary, is medial.  We may tell our selves that it is the way of life.  But the truth is that suffering is not our path.  Our path is joy.  Our destination is to find our way back to our souls, and there we will find the love, and the peace, and the strength that runneth over.  If our focus point becomes to remain in joy, to reach for it, to surrender to peace, always, in all ways, then our life drastically changes, in profound and miraculous ways, without question.

Our suffering is there, as it always has been, and must be met with a loving heart.  But our suffering, as our identity, distorts our truth and our perception of our selves as well as our reality, in ways that thwart our best efforts at living.  To become one with ourselves, we must explore the depths of our being that hold our highest and lowest parts.  But to become stuck there, in the depths, and navigate solely through the lows, without as well excavating the highs, we are allowing our pain to hold us rather than holding the space for our pain.  The difference is in how life unfolds for us from this vintage point.  When we allow our pain to hold us, we become attached to the story it tells, and we are severed from our connection to life and to our selves.  When we hold the space for our pain, we allow for the opening of the crack where the light and the love can shine through.  We allow for compassion to prevail and apathy to fade away.

The miracles of love are boundless, and love, for most, is truly such an unexplored thing.  How many live from love in the kindness they extend toward themselves?  How many live form love in the kinship they extend toward another?  How many live from a true place of unconditionality where the giving of love is not based on what they receive in return or on guarantees or goodness?  When these questions become more than ponderings and transcend into models for living, we begin to associate love as a way of living not a state of mind or a feel-good thing that comes and goes.  When we become Love and model our life after its teachings, we become connected to the truest aspects of our beings, the ones that are timeless, the ones the never grow old, the ones that never go away.  When we fall into Love, like the arms of a long-lost soul that we've been searching for, and realize that we've finally come home, we can breath deeply again, into the knowing, that we never really left the safety or our abodes, we simply went traveling on the seas of adventure through the contrast of life in order to know what it is to be on the other side of the coin, the flip-side of heaven, and in order to know that we could find our way back to what in our hearts we've always known.

You can find your way there.  All it takes is a little faith in the momentum of love to lead you, to cleanse you, to set you free.  Have faith in You and the beauty of love to transform and transmute all that stands to impede your progress.   Allow for the warmth of its embrace to melt away all of your troubles, all of your hardships, all of your pain. You desire this longing for love because you know it exists. You know it is yours to behold.  But the love that you most truly seek is not something you will find out there, somewhere, it is what you will discover to be the treasure within as you uncover and rediscover the remarkable essence and splendor of the You that you knew not so long ago as a soul that embarked on its journey into this wondrous world in order that it could navigate the highways of life and find Truth again waiting on the steps of its front door once it was ready to release the troubles of the worried heart and open to the messages of its soul.

In joy, and in love,
in the goodness and the wealth, and the blessing of all things,

Free-flowing grace to you dear ones! And may you know again the sweet sounds of your heart songs today!


 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Integrating Integrity

To live in integrity means to live our truth, means to live fully in the truth of who we are- to express it- to Be it- to rise to it, and let it be risen.  In the earlier post about the energy this month, I mentioned that this is a time of really wanting to indulge, in a Big way. Perhaps what we are wanting, though this is a time to let life be a thing of decadence, is a fuller sense of the I AM.  Perhaps what we are really longing for and craving, and what is being expressed and sensed within us, is a wanting for more of our Selves to be felt, to be experienced, to be realized.

For so long, we experienced the longing to fill the hole with a drive to pursue something out there, in the world, that could quench us, or suppress us (or that innate longing). And so too, now may be one of those times when we are being exposed for our ‘go-to’s or our bandaid fix for ‘The Quench’ of our souls that sends us searching for wholeness and needs long unmet.

When our needs aren't met by others, we come to believe that needs can't be met by another, so we develop a dependency on things. We really don’t get ‘met’ or satiated for long by things, so we overindulge until we feel numb. And since this pacification worked (sort of) or seemed to anyway, it becomes an addiction. Since those needs or those inner longings aren’t quelled for long, when the cry of inside sounds again, we go to the refrigerator, the liquor store, the mall. We go to the ‘thing’ that we think will make it alright and the thing that will lullaby our longing, at least until next time.

And all of us have some ‘thing’ that we turn to. And that’s alright. There’s no need to be ashamed of who or what we’ve been or what we’ve relied on to survive.  But we’re being provided with an opportunity right now to see how we respond to that inner cry of the wild, the song of the soul, that wants to be set free. And we are being motivated to bring in more of our Selves rather than numb over the hole that’s been perfectly engraved for our Sacred soul’s fit. It is our soul, our Is-ness, our truest selves that can fill that void and quiet the longing (or the loathing for not letting it in). And until we fulll-fill ourselves with what we really desire, those longings will go unmet.

This is a time, no doubt for living large and truly tasting the fruits of the world and really quenching our thirst for life. This is a time to explore and indulge and be extravagant with our pleasures. And this is truly a time to give to ourselves all that we desire and all that brings us joy.  But we are cautioned to be aware that that alone, these seeking of pleasures and gratification of desires, is not all that we are meant to be dipping into as we’re expanding more fully into what it means to be alive.  

You will know when you are running from what you don’t want to feel, from the parts within that you don’t want to meet with loving arms but would rather run from.  You will know by how you feel after you indulge. If you are still ‘hungry’ for something, if you feel sadness, if you feel deeper longing, you are keeping a part of yourself down. Not all of the soul is always rejoicing or is comfortable to be with. There are deep feelings within you that need to be released, need to be felt, need to be held. And as you begin to step out of your comfort zone and let more of your soul in (and out), and as you begin to notice and sit with the times that you don’t, you will begin to experience some not so pleasant, perhaps, things. You will feel the sadness for running away from, abandoning, or withholding self.  You will feel the rage of rejection (you shunning you in the name of someone or something else, or in the name of convention).  You will feel despair as the parts of you that have been held down wonder if they will ever be set free. And it is of utmost importance for you to hold the space for compassion for You as you, and all of your parts, are unveiled.  It is in doing this that you begin to become whole, as you welcome you in, without the stipulation of you needing to be a certain way. Unconditional. That’s what’s called for.Unconditional forgiveness.  Unconditional love.  Unconditional joy. You’ve lived by the ‘condition’ long enough, wouldn’t you agree? Time to open your heart and try it new, try on You.

When we bring in more of our selves, when we let our selves shine through, there is an inner peace and joy that cannot be surpassed by anyone or anything.  It is joy ‘for no reason’. It is unconditional, not based on any outer circumstances. And in this state of inner expansion, there is profound selflove; love like you’ve never quite experienced before, love that doesn’t compare. And this is the very thing we most long for.

For all of those who have tried (as you might) to bring in or command a greater sense of self-love, this is so much easier (and effective). All that’s needed is that you breathe into your higher self, your essence, and let it come in, intend it in, fuller, and you will feel the difference.  You will feel more grounded.  You will feel lighter.  You will feel centered.  And you will feel love. Try it.  Often.  And you will begin to experience the kind of love (and the kind of life) that you are craving.

Living in integrity means listening to and living from your heart. Begin by listening more closely to it’s requests and you will better know your self.  And when you’re not sure what your heart is saying, or how to tell the difference between your heart and the voice of your ego, begin to question until you can better differentiate. Try both options (that of your heart and that not) on for size and Feel what moves you with the rhythm of your soul.  Feeling is key here. After all, it’s the language of the heart. So learn to still your mind enough to feel into how you feel. Pay attention to your inner navigational system.  It won’t steer you wrong. It knows the way. And you will too as you begin to allow yourself to expand in this way.

Here’s a little tip that will help along the way: don’t buy into the ‘rational’ of guilt or shame.  You don’t need this to temper your desires or your dreams. Banish the notion that you are sin. Outcast the belief that it is imperative that your actions are not harmful to others or that if you do for yourself you will be doing against another in turn. Doing for you, following your heart or your inner longings does not make you wrong, bad, or selfish. It makes you stronger and more alive. And in that sense, you can actually do and be more for others.  You have to drink from the fountain of You first though. Take time this month to witness where and when you give yourself away for fear that you will do somebody wrong. In order to override your barriers to You, you must first learn to notice where you hold yourself back and why. If you are compromising you in the name of guilt or obligation, challenge what you’re trying to live up to and whether or not it’s real.  Play around with new ways of thinking, being, doing and see how they Feel to you. You’ll soon realize that choosing You isn’t irresponsible, it’s probably the most responsible thing you’ll ever do.

Part of owning you is trusting you. You have to retrain your thoughts to that they support You and honor your truth. If you are doubting You, how can you feel good about yourself?  Allow for expression without abandon (without regret), and know that you are learning more everyday how to keep life in tune with your truth.

Understand that choosing a new way isn't always comfortable. It takes some adjusting to Be a new way and to listen to your heart instead. As you are opening to a new way, you are walking away from the old. Feelings of sadness, grief, despair, or anger are normal as you are shifting and leaving behind your old identity, what you've adhered to and subscribed to all this time. Expect some confusion and some delay of settling into the new groove as all of you settles into being new, as All of You adjusts to the new surroundings. And be gentle with yourself as you acclimate to change and allow for higher ways to be imposed. Change can be scary and is something all of us avoid, to one degree or another. Be with you and bring in the compassion you would offer a friend during a time of transition so that you can open to grace.

Open up to you and let your heart win. You’ve been waiting for a long, long time for this. The expansion you long for is to fully embody a greater sense of you. Breathe into this expansion and begin to take your cues from You as you let all of the other directives that you’ve been living by fall to the wayside. And by the way, you’re going to expand this month, one way or another, so might as well make it intentional and direct the flow where you want it to go.

Much love to you,

In the name of grace and rejuvination!

All is a blessing. All is a step in the direction of The Way!

Magical moments and a heart filled with peace as it welcomes the You that you long for back home!


 Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Energy of April~ Expansion!

April is the month of opportunity, be it come as new thoughts, greater possibilities, or surprise encounters. The theme for this month is expansion- not just in options but in who and how you’ve been, and who you’ve allowed yourself to be.  So it’s about going beyond where you’ve been, challenging yourself to do it different and break out of the mold and release the old in exchange for the new.

There’s always a replacement model.  Perhaps, (more than likely) the version of you that you’ve tried out thus far is dated and used and there’s no more room for excuses to be big and robust.  Rise in the energy of expansion that prevails this month and perforates through the next coming stages and levels of the rest of this year.

As each month offers us an opportunity to become intimate with selective charkas ( this month being the 4th, or heart chakra), it also provides us, in the wings of the beginning and the ending for the month, with an eclipse of the previous and upcoming work that was/will be highlighted in the proceeding and forthcoming chakras.

So with March’s theme of power/joy/control, we were given many windows in which to peak at our relationship with those aspects and how well we relate to them in our lives. We will be given the first week and a half of so of April to continue to glimpse our power struggles and measure how far we have climbed on the ladder of evolution with those matters.

Since April highlights the heart chakra, which interrelates love (when in balance) and fear (when imbalanced), we will begin to understand on a deeper level how well we connect with our selves and others and where our disconnections keep us from fully living the life we love.

What fears stand in the way and keep us polarized or separate from the tribe and the ones we love or from being love?  What beliefs do you hold true that interfere with loving more fully and inhibit you from opening wide?  With the third chakra eclipsing aspects, you will also review what stands in the way of your joy and empowerment when it comes to following your heart and what fear-based foundations propel you to force or control life rather than listening to the wisdom of your heart and letting it flow.

With the underlying energy of expansion this month, you will find yourself tolerating less of the inhibiting or barbaric behaviors that auto-pilot or unconscious living has conditioned you to believe was normal, from your self and others, though this will be balanced by greater levels of compassion and softening that allows for coming together in deeper ways.  You wil also be pleasantly surprised by the momentum of transformation which radically alters previous long-held ways of operation and beliefs that kept you stuck and held you down (most likely aspects that inhibited your relationship to yourself and others, and more likely issues that have dominated you, and your clan (ancestors) for generations) that were so residual and resistant that you thought you’d never be able to shift or unplug from them (and Lord knows you’ve tried!)

Another aspect to pay particular attention to (and understanding of this will greatly assist you in encompassing empowerment and love- or the combo of the two, compassion, the great melter of ice that keeps us, and our hearts, frozen) is the awareness of the Black Moon Lilith.  The Black Moon Lilith holds within its consciousness all that is hidden.  That would encompass our deep dark secrets, our skeletons, and our unmentionables, our unvisited potential- but also, the ‘sunken treasures’ that store within them the truest gems of our soul as well as the blueprint to our most authentic expression of Self.

How can we love fully when we feel that there are parts of us that we must hide?  How can we Live fully when we don’t really know what’s inside?  With the fear of facing this – the Dark Moon aspect of our selves, we will never truly know, unless we allow ourselves to go beyond the terror of the unknown within the depths in order to encompass the element of surprise that’s unleashed once the darkest corners are exposed?

Be prepared for unquenchable hunger in every imaginable sense as the passion within you longs to be quenched, relished, and realized.

Passion is found, and expressed or exuded, in a number of ways.  And this month, it’ll show up (right alongside Lilith), wild and hedonistic, in the areas of sex/romance, food (and drink), rage and other unbridled or forbidden emotions, and ranting- or expression without abandon.

And this is a good thing.  After decades of repression, Lilith takes the helm to lead you out of the contained, rational, pre-portioned overly suppressed dogma for living passed down through your ancestors and full-blown ahead into the glory of what it really means to live.

A word of caution this month: Lilith takes no prisoners, so be watchful of your words, thoughtful in your actions, and intentional about where you allow your meandering and sure-to-be-provoked irritations and frustrations to lead you.  After all, even though you are wanting to allow all of these repressed and long-suffering aspects of yours out to play and allowing for fuller expression of You is what you’re being called to do right now (in what will surely be an expansion of self as Lilith chimes in), we are also learning to cultivate within our lives a greater sense of compassion and responsibility for how our actions affect the whole.

So though you may feel limitless as expansion unfolds and tout the beleif that no rules appy, where you tred, and who you effect in the process, matters.  We are outgrowing our Oedipus stage, our ‘me-me-me-me-ness”, our egocentricity.  And we are learning to open to others and be considerate and respectful of them in a greater way (fourth chakra, heart values).  So it is your job to temper your evolving and emerging (or reborn) Lilith with the mindfulness of your evolving heart-centered comprehension of Oneness and your resolve to mature and be responsible for not only how you effect others but how you effect you (or at the very least, become aware or conscious of the fact that you do).

Loving fully means embracing all of your parts (no exceptions) and everyone else’s.  it’s about acceptance and allowing for your self to be shown a new way.  As we step trhough this exhilarating month of expansion, we will be given ample opportunities to see what’s been lying under the surface, what we’ve shielded our eyes (and our hearts) from, and where we have left to grow- in all areas of love.

Welcome the lessons, and the gifts, of Lilith as she shines her light on our hearts and crawls out from the depths of the ages.  Primal everything (behavior, emotion, reactions, thoughts) will be experienced a we release the generations of ancestors who were taught (and in some ways forced) to withhold their most decadent and provocative authentic natures. Relish in the reinstated Bohemian Lesse-Fare as expression reigns over oppression/repression and the deeper aspects of our beings are exposed and brought to the world to see.

Remember that it’s beneath the hidden parts of our selves that the truest force lies.  There hides the beauty of our most unique selves and the treasure we’ve kept locked away within closed or guarded hearts for all of eternity.

Let the siren song of mermaid Lilith take you deep so that you can excavate the wonders of you from the waters of your being and let the expansive heart energy of this month lend you the courage to shine bright and express robust.

Let your passions run wild with you as you unleash your greatest longings.  And I have a feeling you’ll be pleasantly surprised as you attempt to expand responsibly, that that fear you’ve held onto- the one that’s really gotten in the way- the one about someone (or yourself) being hurt if your really let your self be seen- you'' see that you can handle it- and beyond that, you can handle more than you dreamed. You've grown. You've expanded, already. You are more and you know how to Be out there without it treading on anyone else's toes. You know that Being for you isn't selfish, it's sublime. You know that it is our right, and our honor, to thrive in this way. You are no longer a child who needs constant guidance and direction in order to get it right.  You know what to do, and you are mature enough to be sure that you can maneuver in the world sans the notion of sin or the need to contain all of your 'uglies'. In owning your 'uglies' you come into your own and it's there that the All of you can begin to express in a much, much more powerful way.

This is a time of the young and the old mingling as all of your worlds collide.  So on your mark, get ready, ‘cuz you are about to take a reamarkable trip inside.  And better yet, as the month winds down and we eclipse the fifth chakra elements of Creation- not only will you be showing off your excavations for all to see, you’ll begin wielding your magic wand to bring forth what you couldn’t before you un-sunk the treasures from the deep.

It’s a magic month of wonder and surprise. Dive in and strive for fully expressed and you’ll experience it best. Be you, most fully, and in everything- be Love.

Love, wonder, and grace,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 30th~ Pulsing Freedom, Create at Will!

The energy forecast for today...

There is a fountain of rainbow light coming out forth from the top of our heads.  This symbolizes creating from the heart energy, creating as if we are gods. And we are, aren't we?  So why not? Why not create, with intention, as if we are gods who have no restrictions, limitations, of reasons to do any other than create, at will, our desires and most coveted manifestations? So ask yourself today, 'why not?' and 'what's stopping you?' but don't get stuck in those deliberations, go beyond them and carry forward the remarkable free flowing rainbow energy to create at will. Wonder at what is possible. Be free in your endeavors. Listen with your heart, over your mind, and flow. Don't think, just flow. Free flow, anybody? Hell yes! I'll take some free flowing powerful rock star energy and create in the God-ness that I Am and all that I've dreamed for, all that is in the name of my dreams, of my heart, of my deepest longings, of my truest essence.

A powerful day to you! Shine forth and live it not like any other but like it's the first day of the rest of your lives. It is, after all, perhaps the first day that you dared live like this. Go forth. Create. Care free bringing forth and painting your canvas. Be true to you. Bring forth the energy of the rainbow, of all systems and chakras aligned and radiate your truth, all systems go!

To your wonder and power and the grace of the flow that comes forth through you and out into the world as your beautiful presence of I Am peace!

May this day be remarkable!
May this day set the pace for the rest of this powerful year and the incoming month.

Love and goodness,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 29th~Clearing Out the Pipes and Radiating You; The Chakra Connection

The energy forecast for today…

They are showing me the chakra body, the rainbow bridge, and surrounding that is a tube.  There is, in fact, a tube in which the chakras reside. This tube extends the length of your body and then outward toward heaven and toward Earth, reaching in both directions to anchor you into the Source of energy that drives you.  Today, the tube appears empty as it reaches outward from the head and from your root. Though there are external chakras, or chakras that are beyond your physical body, above and below, these chakras do not appear in this image, which tells me that we are focused on the seven basic chakras today and upon both how well they are functioning and what we can do to improve their flow.

The chakra flow is influenced by Everything you do.  It is affected by what you take in and what you put out.  It’s affected by what you eat, how much rest you get, what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what you do, and what you say. What you do on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level effects the state of your chakra system. Simultaneously, what is happening within your chakras has an influence on your entire energy system and determines much of what you feel and do.

So, today, we are reminded to become intentionally conscious about how we are caring for ourselves, how we are living our lives, and what we are putting out into the world and taking in. We are asked to take a good look at what choices we are making, and beyond that, take action towards making a shift toward better alignment and greater balance so that we can be more optimal.

Take inventory of your lives and be honest about what you can no longer afford to let slide. Take action toward supporting greater health, on all levels, and the bi-product of a vibrant chakra system will support your forward movement. The chakras are integral to our well-being. And there is much we can do to influence their state of being. 

We are responsible for our lives and leaving that responsibility up to someone or something else no longer serves us. The level of your total well-being will be reflected in your life through your state of circumstances in which you currently find yourself. Avoid blaming others, or Life, for what is transpiring (or isn’t) and make the changes that will create the harmony within your being. You know what you need to do. The changes you need to make happen, the areas you need to move on have been in orbit in your awareness, and your reality, for some time. Stop putting it off and just do. Even one change today will move you further into alignment and out of the resistance field of your ‘wanting to stay stuck in the familiar and same’ ego, which will give you the momentum you need to move forward in the other areas too.

There is a blue field of energy surrounding the upper body and radiating up beyond the head which represents the ethereal field. You have much assistance in creating abundance of change. It is difficult, at times, to know what is yours to do and what to surrender to Source.  The art of co-creating is about learning to do what you can and doing your best through living in integrity with your highest values and aspirations and then giving the rest to God. You don’t have to do it all, but you have to do something.  After all, we are here to experience and experience comes through doing and being here on Earth, not just waiting around for something to happen. But there is a nuance to learning or figuring out just when to do and just when to be (or surrender), and that nuance is learned in time. Play around with that this week and over the next couple of days so that you can become an active and more efficient co-creator in your life.

Know that you are greatly supported at this time especially in your endeavors, and take advantage of that support system by calling on your guides and angels and putting them to work for you.  Ask for guidance, ask for support, ask to be basked in their love and joy so that you can feel the wonder of who you are and Remember the power within.  Ask for direction in clearing and aligning your chakra body and in getting into a more powerful stance to direct your life.  Ask for clues and synchronicities to abound so that you can be certain of which way to go. And then be willing to be still and pay attention so that these signs and symbols are not lost on you as they pour in.  Ask to be shown which parts are for you to control or take action on and which are for Creator to take care of. Be purposeful about what you desire and take it seriously enough, take yourself seriously enough, to know that what you desire and what you detest Matters, and know that you can make a difference in your life, even if you havn’t felt like you’ve been very effective before.

The energy of right now supports change and growth.  This is when the angels really come out to play in great numbers- in the moments of birth, rebirth, and death. There’s no denying there is great change going on, within your being and within your lives. These portals, or windows, of opportunity are here for you to take advantage of, so ride on the wave of momentum and allow it to accelerate your chances of creating what you desire.

Part of creating what we desire is getting clear about what stands in the way.  The tube that surrounds the charkas is highlighted today because it is the focus of the energetic work that is going on.  And though you are asked to take stock of what needs to be corrected and take action to create change, much of the work is being done for you so that you can move into alignment with where you desire to be (soul). So give thanks and allow for the reconstruction to occur. If you sense underlying chaos coming to the surface or feel tired, take care of yourself, knowing that much work is being done. It is normal to feel irritable during these times of great change.  You are being moved, and change can be unsettling to all aspects of your being.

Perhaps that is why a teddy bear also appears in the energy vibration of today, as we are told to take comfort in whatever form that appears. Be gentle with you and with others, knowing that they too are under construction. The energy today is less dynamic outwardly, but still very powerful on the inner plane. Remain clear about what you desire and resist the urge or the impulse to doubt yourself or your dreams as that energy only seems to get in the way of making manifest what you came here to do and be.

Practice breathing into the tube that surrounds the rainbow bridge, breathing in and out as you imagine the breathe going up and down the vertical path of your evolution, of your energy body. Breathing in the life force and breathing into alignment, restoring and replenishing, as you care for your Self in an intentional and deliberate way. The breath is a powerful force, and it’s one thing that you can do (through focus and conscious breathing) to take action toward creating the harmony within that you desire.  Remember that we breath shallow when we are afraid to embrace life and feel deeply what resides within. Breathe into those fears today, breathe into life.  It’s yours.  Live it. Breathe it.  Become it.  And that diving into your life in a focused and intentional way will show through outwardly in your circumstances as they begin to reflect that transformation within.

The chakra bridge (from head to root) becomes a rainbow circle to show you that each affects the all. When one chakra is blocked, it changes the energy of the rest. When a chakra becomes balanced, it radiates out to the all, shining it’s life force out in every direction, creating harmony for the all.  The state of your chakras affects your aura and all of the many ethereal bodies which surround you, which in turn affects your everything that you experience. The higher chakras, beyond and below the body, cannot be activated until the main chakras within are in alignment and cleansed. And accessing your higher chakras connects you with the true power of who and what you are. The power of the chakras and their effect on your overall well-being cannot be underestimated. Create harmony by connecting with these powerful energy centers and listening to what they desire to come more into balance and flow. There is much wisdom to be gained by communicating with your higher Self in this way and this internal communication is a powerful tool to use in moving forward.

Be the power within by sourcing it and take advantage of the powerful forces that surround you today in implementing the change and the action and the radiance that you desire. You are the power.  You are the force. Be on purpose and let that light shine through, allowing it to guide you in clearing a path to your destiny. It’s there.  Its’ waiting.  Break through.

Be loving.
Be grace.
Be You. It's what you came for.

In remembrance of all that is good and in honor of the power to be,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.