There are many areas of our lives, involving certain dynamics, to which we give away our power. It is necessary, and even essential, that we begin to shine our light on those areas so that we can begin to see where our energy is flowing and so that we can begin to understand what aspects are at play, in order that we may reach for greater wholeness.
In wholeness, we can operate at our fullest potential, and it would seem that that place would be one that’s divinely guided. And though it may appear that we are glimpsing more and more incidents of that peace within our lives, we long to experience it more fully, more completely- as more the ‘rule’ than the ‘exception.’ Because once we begin to taste the bliss and the calm of that connection, we begin know the inner peace of that connectedness to our core and to our Source through which streams all things of Greatness.
And we also begin to appreciate, on some level, that in order to remain ‘connected’ we must remove that which within our lives severs that connection.
Thus we begin to bring awareness to, or more likely consciousness brings about situations in which we can begin to see more clearly, the ways in which we disconnect, in order that we may regain our ‘Center’ (from which all things come) and remain connected.
Life dramas and situations involving our selves as players, and often others whom we’ve commissioned to help us better ‘see’ what’s out of alignment will begin to unfold in order that we may correct. See how it’s all about recreating alignment? And as you begin to see this you can also then begin to see that nothing is really happening to us, but rather everything is happening for us.
So then, as you begin to integrate this into your knowing, you begin to be able to ‘watch’ these situation and dramas play out within your life, understanding that they are there to teach you something. And even though these dramas will often trigger unpleasant emotions, there is purpose to this too. Negative or unpleasant emotions are there to show us that we are out of alignment with Source.
It is our tendency for quite some time (or as long as it takes) to ‘respond’ or react to these triggers unconsciously. Said trigger happens, rogue response ensues. It becomes habitual. It becomes something we don’t even think about. It’s somewhat of a switch that goes off at the moment certain situations are replayed, based on our reaction to it initially. So when it happens again, we register ‘it’ as something we respond to in the way we had before. It is a learned behavior, and we view it as ‘what is’, as natural, and without question. It doesn’t even cross our minds to ‘do it’ differently. But it becomes painfully clear at some point that it’s not working.
Beyond and within our ‘reaction’ to the trigger is our anger and resentment that the drama continues replaying, and at the drama itself, as well as the players who are playing it out who we blame for severing our connection.
It’s not our desire to play into the repetitive scenarios and as we become more aware of the scale of emotions in which we’re rising and falling between these interactions, we are compelled to find the way which leads us up rather than down and keeps us even rather than scattered. We see that the event, in itself, (or more likely the person who’s exposing it) has caused us to abort our position within Center and we want desperately to employ whatever tactic it may take to reengage our greater connection.
It is then that we replay these situations at the helm of ego, sorting and resorting, hashing and rehashing, in order that we may find the solution- in order that we may find our way home. Instead, we are lost within a storm of restless confusion, unable to see the forest for the trees, because the ego faces us outward in the direction of the other, in root of the cause or the source of the pain.
Our source of pain does not lie within another. It cannot be found ‘out there’. The source of our pain is our disconnection, which is furthered by our fruitless exploration of what it is that we need to ‘name’ in order to resolve the pain.
It is helpful at these times when we become lost and are feeling weathered by the storm of events playing out around us to first initiate a state of surrender. And though it will seem counterintuitive to disengage from pursuit of the cause, you become aware on some level that the ‘search’ is futile as it sends you more and more spiraling out of alignment. You must know that, as a rule of thumb, if you don’t know the answer then it is time to give it to God. Once you have done this, once you have detached and surrendered, you can begin to regain peace and you will begin to resume clarity.
What you are feeling within the desire to hold on tight and not let go is the egos desire to remain the same. And it is sent into a state of frenzy when you decide to do it differently. And so it will take some minding of this dynamic playing out within you as you begin to pull back and surrender rather than continue to engage. And you must remind yourself that it is not your task to ‘ace’ this test alone. There are answers for you, but they are not within the mind’s remembered existence. As the mind seeks to learn new things, once mastered it then seeks to move on. The mind seeks new challenge. So if the mind believes that it has already mastered how to respond to a certain thing, it has no desire to create a new solution and it will be unable to create one because a solution to this pattern is beyond its grasp. This is the case at least in the examples in which solutions to your dramas remain elusive. It is at these times that we must resign to doing it differently, to disengaging. Something to the effect of trying to lift something that is too heavy for you to bare. Though you may try to lift it yourself and may even give it all you’ve got, at some point in the presence of no results, you will decide to either walk away from the object you desire to move or you will ask for someone’s assistance.
In surrendering, you are both moving away from the object of your focus (disengaging) and asking for help (realizing that this is not something you can handle on your own). This is not defeat, this is wisdom. No matter how much might you’d applied to lifting the impossibly heavy thing, you would have come to realize eventually that it was not might that mattered. It was not something you could have moved by yourself. It’s physics. So too, is it the same with the mind and its limited ability to guide us in lifting the pressure of these events and moving them out or our experience. The solution you desire, the wisdom you seek, lies within the dimensions of your soul. Until we are ready to trust in that source as a means of intelligence, we can simply release our agenda and pull away form the drama in order to get fresh perspective.
So long as we are sourcing the mind for solutions, we will continue to play out situations which we’re desirous to solve. As we create the friction within our brains (literally) that keeps us torn between doing it differently (the solution) and keeping it the same (repeated situation/resistance) we continue to create unrest. We continue to create the opposite of what we desire. You are manifesting an undesirable outcome by focusing on that which you wish to solve.
Here’s where the focus on energy comes into play. When we focus on the strong emotions that are triggered in response to a life situation, we know almost immediately, or instinctively, that there is pain that we wish to resolve. We become engaged with the emotion, and the situation, attempting to ultimately create peace. Though seemingly contradictory, this is always the case. We are always ultimately seeking to create peace. It is the way of the soul. And beneath every desire is the inherent search for joy.
So when we engage in a drama, or a played out situation, or with the players who are helping to create it, it is All ultimately in the name of peace. It is the way to peace where we get it ‘wrong’. The way to peace is not to search the mind for a solution to what it can’t solve. The way to peace is to reconnect with the soul. As long as we are attached to the outcome of the situation being played out, absorbed in the need to be right about who’s wrong, and funneling energy in the direction of the dilemma, we are severing our connection to peace, and rerouting our power in the direction that does not serve.
Yes, these things have come up to get our attention, but they are not about the situation and its details and aspects, or even about those involved in the play. The situation is about you recognizing a source of leaking power. And to resume power, you must ultimately learn to disengage.
Once you are able to surrender, and see things form an observer point of view, you will be able to recognize the poignancy of the events and what they’re teaching you. And as you have magnetized these situations to yourself in answer to your pursuit of wholeness, you have magnetized them to you with greater ‘charge’ in order to get the lesson. The greater the magnitude of the pain, the more energy and power you have poured in that particular direction over time.
And as we innately ‘know’ this as an energy-source depleter, we respond in fight. We resist that which distracts us from Source. We resist that which causes us pain (one and the same). Yet what we resist persists because resistance creates more energy, further magnetizing that situation to you. Ultimately, as you disengage, the situation comes to closure. As long as you remain immersed in the situation and give energy to the dramas , the dramas will ensue, because the whole point of the drama was to learn to disengage. The whole point of the pain that was created within it was to show the level of discomfort within the consciousness within which you remained. When you are able to retract and step away from the situation, you inherently create the space for consciousness to bleed through.
Until then, YOU remain the distraction as you dance the dance of the drama. You alone stand in the way.
As you expand further through consciousness into Oneness, you begin to experience the perfection of the drama in which you’d partaken, and how exquisitely deigned it was to show you the way home.
The detail you’d been missing until that point, the piece of the puzzle that had been lost to you, is that none of this was really about you, as the ego would have you believe, but rather about your connection to All That Is. It is not about what you are not, but rather about what you only Are. Our task is to find our way back to Source. Always. In every case. So the focus must remain on constant realignment. And in order to realign you must become aware of where alignment is not. You become aware of this through your emotions which alert you in the direction you are headed. When you are feeling ‘bad’ your connection has been severed. When your connection has been severed, you must find the disconnection's source.
Create the mantra ‘I am at peace with everyone and everything’ and repeat it often. This may appear to be the furthest thing from the truth. But it is the truth somewhere within you. Find that place of Truth and sit with it. And as you do, notice how your grievances begin to melt away. That peace is within you- it is not to be found in the correction of another’s behavior or in controlling the situation that’s playing out. Your peace is within you and can be found by disconnecting from the play at hand, releasing the charge, and taking in the new view from a neutral perspective. There, you can begin to be illuminated by the beliefs that have served to hold that energy, that charge, in place.
These beliefs are built on the premise of fear, and of duality. They serve to keep you separate from whatever is causing you pain- to run and to flee. But when we do the opposite when we embrace the situation, or the pain, we are given the opportunity to rise to a new level.
Like with the child’s game of ‘tag’, come back to base where you are safe. Come back to center and then proceed. Once you have reclaimed your power by aligning with Source, all outcomes are different. Nothing is seen from the same perspective in the eyes of the one in the arms of God. Do not try to exact a solution from the mind of the one amidst the turmoil. Move to the calm, become the observer. That is where you will get things done. That is where you will make things happen in the way of moving forward and setting yourself free.
Begin by bringing mindfulness to your thoughts and emotions (your indicators). Create the space to detach yourself from the need to become immersed in what you feel and think. Realize that they only have as much power over you as you give them. Then begin to notice the message that was intended to reach you. Your peace need not be affected through all of this or because of it. You need not become submerged in the negativity surfacing in your life or do battle with it. Resume your power by reclaiming your peace. Connect with the light and rise above the chaos by aligning with the joy within you. Then you will know who's in charge.
Be the Light.
In all things, to yourself be true.
Abundant blessings of peace,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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