Thursday, April 28, 2011


Victim-hood is exactly that- a hood, a sham.  It is a role that we cast ourselves in.  And it’s one that, in our inherent desire to create, we continue to recreate within our lives in a variety of ways.  We seek out new ways to be that, to validate it, to confirm it.  Because that’s what we know ourselves to be. It’s familiar.  It’s the role we’ve mastered.

Your academy-award winning performance is commended.  But perhaps it’s time you challenge yourself to a new role, a new potential arising to take on a character of integrity and strength.

Anger and resentment are directed outward or inward in response to the wound of sacrificing yourself.  Rather, funnel it into the flame of desire to change.  What role do you want to play.  Who do you truly want to be?

Somewhere along the path, the pain, the warning light, becomes too strong to ignore and suddenly you realize you can’t do this anymore.  You can’t go on playing along, playing dead, playing small.  Then, suddenly it’s unbearable on an entirely new level, and you seemingly can’t, can no longer be, the victim, the martyr, the powerless, the weak.  And you may notice that this suddenly has something (or everything) to do with the recent and longs-standing accumulative consciousness with which you’ve been watering your inner world.  You KNOW better now. You Know in more ways than you don’t, and it becomes no longer acceptable, you become no longer unaccountable.  And it becomes all too clear that this role you’re playing is in total conflict with your vision of what you desire and in effect with who you truly Are. You are not THAT. You are not a victim, even though you’ve mastered playing one.  You are not powerless; even though you know, deeply, what that experience of weakness is to be.

You have tried on these costumes, these facades.  You have encompassed the full gamut of the experience of these potentials.  But now you have grown tired of living in the vacuum of predictability within the realm of reaction, of ensuing resentment, the role of continual retribution.  Whose cause are you serving in paying dues to this ensemble of characters you inhabit that incessantly do you wrong?  What do you long for as a new and refreshed and exciting identity?  What have you prohibited yourself form for far too long now?

Notice how you promote and support your starring role.  Notice how you honor and defend it.  Then you have to ask yourself as you succumb to defensiveness and pain…Really?  Is this really who I want my Self to be?  Is this role worth supporting at the cost of my integrity, at the cost of my identity…is this really who I am?

Perhaps it is who you’ve been for a long, long time.  Perhaps it’s how you’ve known yourself to be.  But does it need continue?  Is it necessary to Be, or have you perhaps learned the inherent lesson of that drama?  Have you not perhaps gathered already the gem of insight necessary to move further along on your path?  And are you ready to retract the pointing finger of blame that you direct at all of those you’ve perceived to have mistreated and defeated you and take back your power by assuming responsibility of yourself?

Are you ready to own your altered awareness, your unaccountability, your comfort level in continuing to assume the familiar roles? Are you ready to detach from the instability of needing to control the people in your life and the situations around you in order to feel safe, and realize that safety is Not the goal to begin with? What your seeking is joy.  What you’re seeking is love.  What you’re seeking is rhythm and harmony.  Question the level of impact your current roles have had on acquiring those attributes, on supporting your overall sense of well-being.  And then bring it back to center.  Time to get it in check.

Sit with the pain that is rumbling within your belly when you feel you’ve been wronged, when you feel you’re not strong.  And then ask yourself what part of this is mine.  What part of this can I DO something about?  What do I need to surrender, and what do I need to engage?  Pay attention to your scripts.  Are you not just repeating out the same old lines for the sake of it?  The new innovative and exciting roles that you can recast yourself in at these times are scripted within your heart, not your mind which has well-rehearsed the earlier version of your apprenticeship in this lifetime.  Your heart knows it differently.  Your heart knows that though you have played these roles you are not them.  Your heart knows that though you have experienced pain, it is not you- it is an aspect of your experience.  Pain is something to gage, to experience, not to get stuck in.  Breathe into it.  Be with it, then release it.  Listen to what it’s telling you-the pain, not the stories in your head that go with it.  Can you discern? Do you know how to tell the difference?

Expand your greater version/vision of you.  Expand it to include All possibilities, All outcomes, everything and anything you desire.  Go beyond the box, noticing where and how you’re limited. Get out your giant eraser and edit the scripts that aren’t serving you.  Be real with yourself, be objective.  Question your reality and what you’ve bought/believed into.  Be willing to throw out your life’s work of sculpting yourself in the image of one who sacrifices, struggles or suffers and remold that plyable clay of you into something beautiful and inspirational.

You Are that.  You are more that you know.  You are everything you desire, already.  You simply haven’t connected fully with that aspect of yourself, haven’t supported its flowering.  So what you long for isn’t so much what you wish to become, but rather what’s hidden.  Come out of hiding.  Dare yourself to have the courage and strength to come into a new role now that’s far more aligned with your integrity.  Align with your truth and your peace will prevail.  Use your stories to show you all the wrong turns rather than allowing them to use you to validate their truth.  You have noting to prove.  That’s ego talking, telling you that you must fight to reclaim your inherent worth and step into your vision.  You need only embrace the fire within that’s being masked as pain and resentment and funnel it into your driving force in breaking through the veil of indiscretion.  Use the discomfort that’s fueled from not being true to you as a power-force to do it different, to break free of the grasp of the familiar, of the façade, and sing it differnt.  Sing a new song that redefines you in the image of your heart-based version of you.

You’re worthy.  You’re capable.  You’re the Creator.  Be disciplined in what you choose to create. Invoke your inner drill-sergeant and redirect the flow so that you, the highest you, are the victor in this campaign of how your life experience will be.  Don’t just lay down and take it.  Stand up and shake it.  Shake free of the constriction and the conviction.  Life is not about restriction (old story).  Life is about peace (new you). Rewrite the script.

Be the truth.
Set your Self free.
Fly higher now on fresh new page of possibility and trust in your capability to make it new.

Loving you.

In greatest compassion for your inward evolution towards peace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


There are many areas of our lives, involving certain dynamics, to which we give away our power.  It is necessary, and even essential, that we begin to shine our light on those areas so that we can begin to see where our energy is flowing and so that we can begin to understand what aspects are at play, in order that we may reach for greater wholeness.

In wholeness, we can operate at our fullest potential, and it would seem that that place would be one that’s divinely guided. And though it may appear that we are glimpsing more and more incidents of that peace within our lives, we long to experience it more fully, more completely- as more the ‘rule’ than the ‘exception.’  Because once we begin to taste the bliss and the calm of that connection, we begin know the inner peace of that connectedness to our core and to our Source through which streams all things of Greatness.
And we also begin to appreciate, on some level, that in order to remain ‘connected’ we must remove that which within our lives severs that connection.

Thus we begin to bring awareness to, or more likely consciousness brings about situations in which we can begin to see more clearly, the ways in which we disconnect, in order that we may regain our ‘Center’ (from which all things come) and remain connected.

Life dramas and situations involving our selves as players, and often others whom we’ve commissioned to help us better ‘see’ what’s out of alignment will begin to unfold in order that we may correct.  See how it’s all about recreating alignment?  And as you begin to see this you can also then begin to see that nothing is really happening to us, but rather everything is happening for us.

So then, as you begin to integrate this into your knowing, you begin to be able to ‘watch’ these situation and dramas play out within your life, understanding that they are there to teach you something.  And even though these dramas will often trigger unpleasant emotions, there is purpose to this too.  Negative or unpleasant emotions are there to show us that we are out of alignment with Source.

It is our tendency for quite some time (or as long as it takes) to ‘respond’ or react to these triggers unconsciously.  Said trigger happens, rogue response ensues.  It becomes habitual.  It becomes something we don’t even think about.  It’s somewhat of a switch that goes off at the moment certain situations are replayed, based on our reaction to it initially.  So when it happens again, we register ‘it’ as something we respond to in the way we had before.  It is a learned behavior, and we view it as ‘what is’, as natural, and without question.  It doesn’t even cross our minds to ‘do it’ differently. But it becomes painfully clear at some point that it’s not working.

Beyond and within our ‘reaction’ to the trigger is our anger and resentment that the drama continues replaying, and at the drama itself, as well as the players who are playing it out who we blame for severing our connection.

It’s not our desire to play into the repetitive scenarios and as we become more aware of the scale of emotions in which we’re rising and falling between these interactions, we are compelled to find the way which leads us up rather than down and keeps us even rather than scattered.  We see that the event, in itself, (or more likely the person who’s exposing it) has caused us to abort our position within Center and we want desperately to employ whatever tactic it may take to reengage our greater connection.

It is then that we replay these situations at the helm of ego, sorting and resorting, hashing and rehashing, in order that we may find the solution- in order that we may find our way home.  Instead, we are lost within a storm of restless confusion, unable to see the forest for the trees, because the ego faces us outward in the direction of the other, in root of the cause or the source of the pain.

Our source of pain does not lie within another.  It cannot be found ‘out there’.  The source of our pain is our disconnection, which is furthered by our fruitless exploration of what it is that we need to ‘name’ in order to resolve the pain.

It is helpful at these times when we become lost and are feeling weathered by the storm of events playing out around us to first initiate a state of surrender.  And though it will seem counterintuitive to disengage from pursuit of the cause, you become aware on some level that the ‘search’ is futile as it sends you more and more spiraling out of alignment.  You must know that, as a rule of thumb, if you don’t know the answer then it is time to give it to God. Once you have done this, once you have detached and surrendered, you can begin to regain peace and you will begin to resume clarity.

What you are feeling within the desire to hold on tight and not let go is the egos desire to remain the same.  And it is sent into a state of frenzy when you decide to do it differently.  And so it will take some minding of this dynamic playing out within you as you begin to pull back and surrender rather than continue to engage.  And you must remind yourself that it is not your task to ‘ace’ this test alone.  There are answers for you, but they are not within the mind’s remembered existence. As the mind seeks to learn new things, once mastered it then seeks to move on.  The mind seeks new challenge.  So if the mind believes that it has already mastered how to respond to a certain thing, it has no desire to create a new solution and it will be unable to create one because a solution to this pattern is beyond its grasp.  This is the case at least in the examples in which solutions to your dramas remain elusive.  It is at these times that we must resign to doing it differently, to disengaging.  Something to the effect of trying to lift something that is too heavy for you to bare.  Though you may try to lift it yourself and may even give it all you’ve got, at some point in the presence of no results, you will decide to either walk away from the object you desire to move or you will ask for someone’s assistance.

In surrendering, you are both moving away from the object of your focus (disengaging) and asking for help (realizing that this is not something you can handle on your own).  This is not defeat, this is wisdom.  No matter how much might you’d applied to lifting the impossibly heavy thing, you would have come to realize eventually that it was not might that mattered.  It was not something you could have moved by yourself.  It’s physics.  So too, is it the same with the mind and its limited ability to guide us in lifting the pressure of these events and moving them out or our experience.  The solution you desire, the wisdom you seek, lies within the dimensions of your soul.  Until we are ready to trust in that source as a means of intelligence, we can simply release our agenda and pull away form the drama in order to get fresh perspective.

So long as we are sourcing the mind for solutions, we will continue to play out situations which we’re desirous to solve.  As we create the friction within our brains (literally) that keeps us torn between doing it differently (the solution) and keeping it the same (repeated situation/resistance) we continue to create unrest.  We continue to create the opposite of what we desire.  You are manifesting an undesirable outcome by focusing on that which you wish to solve.

Here’s where the focus on energy comes into play.  When we focus on the strong emotions that are triggered in response to a life situation, we know almost immediately, or instinctively, that there is pain that we wish to resolve.  We become engaged with the emotion, and the situation, attempting to ultimately create peace. Though seemingly contradictory, this is always the case.  We are always ultimately seeking to create peace.  It is the way of the soul.  And beneath every desire is the inherent search for joy.

So when we engage in a  drama, or a played out situation, or with the players who are helping to create it, it is All ultimately in the name of peace.  It is the way to peace where we get it ‘wrong’.  The way to peace is not to search the mind for a solution to what it can’t solve.  The way to peace is to reconnect with the soul.  As long as we are attached to the outcome of the situation being played out, absorbed in the need to be right about who’s wrong, and funneling energy in the direction of the dilemma, we are severing our connection to peace, and rerouting our power in the direction that does not serve.

Yes, these things have come up to get our attention, but they are not about the situation and its details and aspects, or even about those involved in the play.  The situation is about you recognizing a source of leaking power.  And to resume power, you must ultimately learn to disengage.

Once you are able to surrender, and see things form an observer point of view, you will be able to recognize the poignancy of the events and what they’re teaching you.  And as you have magnetized these situations to yourself in answer to your pursuit of wholeness, you have magnetized them to you with greater ‘charge’ in order to get the lesson.  The greater the magnitude of the pain, the more energy and power you have poured in that particular direction over time.

And as we innately ‘know’ this as an energy-source depleter, we respond in fight.  We resist that which distracts us from Source.  We resist that which causes us pain (one and the same).  Yet what we resist persists because resistance creates more energy, further magnetizing that situation to you.  Ultimately, as you disengage, the situation comes to closure.  As long as you remain immersed in the situation and give energy to the dramas , the dramas will ensue, because the whole point of the drama was to learn to disengage. The whole point of the pain that was created within it was to show the level of discomfort within the consciousness within which you remained.  When you are able to retract and step away from the situation, you inherently create the space for consciousness to bleed through.

Until then, YOU remain the distraction as you dance the dance of the drama.  You alone stand in the way.

As you expand further through consciousness into Oneness, you begin to experience the perfection of the drama in which you’d partaken, and how exquisitely deigned it was to show you the way home.

The detail you’d been missing until that point, the piece of the puzzle that had been lost to you, is that none of this was really about you, as the ego would have you believe, but rather about your connection to All That Is.  It is not about what you are not, but rather about what you only Are.  Our task is to find our way back to Source.  Always.  In every case.  So the focus must remain on constant realignment. And in order to realign you must become aware of where alignment is not. You become aware of this through your emotions which alert you in the direction you are headed.  When you are feeling ‘bad’ your connection has been severed.  When your connection has been severed, you must find the disconnection's source.

Create the mantra ‘I am at peace with everyone and everything’ and repeat it often.  This may appear to be the furthest thing from the truth.  But it is the truth somewhere within you.  Find that place of Truth and sit with it.  And as you do, notice how your grievances begin to melt away.  That peace is within you- it is not to be found in the correction of another’s behavior or in controlling the situation that’s playing out.  Your peace is within you and can be found by disconnecting from the play at hand, releasing the charge, and taking in the new view from a neutral perspective.  There, you can begin to be illuminated by the beliefs that have served to hold that energy, that charge, in place.

These beliefs are built on the premise of fear, and of duality.  They serve to keep you separate from whatever is causing you pain- to run and to flee.  But when we do the opposite when we embrace the situation, or the pain, we are given the opportunity to rise to a new level.

Like with the child’s game of ‘tag’, come back to base where you are safe.  Come back to center and then proceed.  Once you have reclaimed your power by aligning with Source, all outcomes are different.  Nothing is seen from the same perspective in the eyes of the one in the arms of God.  Do not try to exact a solution from the mind of the one amidst the turmoil.  Move to the calm, become the observer.  That is where you will get things done.  That is where you will make things happen in the way of moving forward and setting yourself free.

Begin by bringing mindfulness to your thoughts and emotions (your indicators). Create the space to detach yourself from the need to become immersed in what you feel and think. Realize that they only have as much power over you as you give them. Then begin to notice the message that was intended to reach you. Your peace need not be affected through all of this or because of it. You need not become submerged in the negativity surfacing in your life or do battle with it. Resume your power by reclaiming your peace. Connect with the light and rise above the chaos by aligning with the joy within you. Then you will know who's in charge.

Be the Light.
In all things, to yourself be true.

Abundant blessings of peace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Your Purpose But Joy

What is my purpose, we ask.  We ask because we don’t see.  We don’t see clearly with God’s eyes, as He would have it.  In that perspective, it is Known, and it is clear.

Our purpose is to be joy, to be love, to be the Christ in us that God has chosen us to be.  Through that, all things rise and are leavened, all things fulfilled, for in this we have chosen to fill the part that we have been asked to play.

Why do we run from our joy?  We hold the notion of the need to submit to a sacrifice -of self, of desire, of goodness- so that others may prevail.  But in our sadness that is derived from the lonely sojourns of the soul that take us away from God and into the hardened arms of disillusionment, no needs are met- not ours or anothers’.

It is in our joy and in our glorious reconnection to our Light that all radiance shines forth.  It is through this that we may serve another, that they may see in our eyes the smile, that they may see in our smile the soul, that they may know what is possible for them to achieve.

As the warmth of the sun bathes us, bringing nourishment and light, so does our shining radiance offer this gift to another.  Do not hide away from your light, mistaking your mission to be that of a martyr.  Do not run away in refuge of the burden that you keep.  Surrender to it, to the Son/Sun of God, so that your shine may sparkle and ripple gladness to those you meet.

Your light is necessary and purposeful.  It is essential and part of the plan.  Your soul was not meant to suffer.  Your soul is meant to shine.

Why would you have it be any other way?  Release your need to go there, to be unhappy.  Release the tenancy to flee.  Bask in the radiance of joy that is available to you right now in this moment, if you should so choose.

Embellish the blessing of God that is upon you as emissary of light.  As a token of appreciation for that gift that is you, offer your smile today to all that you see.  Within a smile is the richness of nutrients that benefit the strength in the soul of others to shine in the moment as you do, to be their light too.

Do not be too distracted in your illusions, in the thoughts that pull you away, to be the light and the glory -to be on path with your mission, which is solely to carry the light of the One forth, through each of your days.

Allow your light to melt away any and all resistance, as you know these words to be true.  Sanctify your polarities by celebrating your peace flowing within your being now, radiating magnificence, calling you onward in the direction of Eternity, calling you gently home.

Be love and be light.  In that you are all things.

Flowing forward in joy,

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Onward and Through; The Awakening of the Soul

The winter of spiritual life is upon you.  In this time you will experience a freeze on all useful activity, all plans on hold, and a drain in energy.  The chill wind is reaching you over the ice floes of old out moded habits. If you are holding on, you could be experiencing a shallowness or a sense of being out of touch with life.  Shedding, cleansing away old, brings the thaw. This requires the sacrifice of the personal, of the ‘I’, and the courage and wisdom of surrender. This is a time of restoration and renewal and a time of giving up of the will. A time of submit, surrender, and even sacrifice of long cherished desires. It is a time of gestation and rebirth.  It is a time of flow of beings into new form.  Through steadfastness and right attitude, the blossoming can occur. Consider issues with care and awareness.  Disperse resistance, then accomplish the work.  You may at first be blind to the implications of the situation you’re entangled in.  Don’t collapse during times of accelerated self change into emotions (highs or lows), remain nuetral.  As new opportunities and challenges are upon you, know too are unwanted trespasses. Seek not outside yourself for the answers, source within.  This is the wisdom of the spiritual warrior.  Remain mindful and in right action.  If pain comes, observe it, stay with it.  Don’t pull the veil down and escape by denying what is happening.  You will progress.  Knowing that is your protection. ~from the Ruins

On the Radar with the Inner GPS

Frustration~ feel the rise!  Something’s commin’ to the surface to be healed.  Face it and be free.  I know, we all wanna run in the face of aversion, but think of how great it would be to be done with this one ‘thing’ (or three or four!) that’s comin’ up for review once and for all.  You’re a warrior, remember.  Charge on! Go face first into the fear of the illusion. None of this is real, remember.

Irritation~ same as above- somethin’s bubblin’. Look for the clues.  They’re all around you.  You set up this marvelous plan to unfold right before you at this exact moment in time.  It’s divine.  And so are you.  Open to it.  It may take a few days, or weeks to come out in full, this next ‘thing’ that you need to look at and resolve, so pay attention in the meanwhile, to the dramas unfolding, to your emotions, to your thoughts.  Bring in awareness.  You may not know what’s coming up or going on exactly, but rest assured, you will, soon enough.

Regret~ extensively deceptive in nature, as it lures you into it’s web, seducing you into the notion that by honing in the aspects it’s unveiling to you, you will find your truest self. Yes,, there’s relevance in perspective, but wallowing in the past is nothing greater than a wash of shame and a direct back road to the all-to prevalent within our world depths of self-hate. Notice the lesson and move on. Resist the desire or need (temptation) to get buried by this one.  It will only take you down. Use discipline where needed. Off-limit regretful and cyclical thoughts, knowing that neutrality is a higher choice for perspective.

Off-Centerdness~  designed to show you were you need to look to further clean out the crevices. If you feel knocked off your block, out of alignment, or un-centered, you are so that you can know what remains that is in conflict with your acceleration of being centered, grounded, and in the now on a more regular basis. You may experience this 'disorientation' until you find the clues or the core of what's eating at you and trying to get your attention.  Lessons, lessons.  Have patience and the path will ensue. Remember not to push the panic button. Sometimes we're off, because we need to see how off the mark we are. We're simply being shown what we need to do to go forward. Go inward and receive. The 'gifts' or insights at hand may be painful at first, but they are only pieces that are needing to heal. Within them are the gems. Be steadfast and courageous and know that it is all really working in your favor. Really.

Your job in this is to pay attention, because it’s all these things leading up, all of these surfacing bubbles, that are speaking to you of what needs to be shifted.  What needs to be shifted will continue to vie for your attention regardless of whether or not you’re interested in noticing.  You can run, but you can’t hide (for long anyway).  And the thing is, this is not something that’s happening ‘to you’, to begin with.

All of this is happening FOR you, yes FOR you.  It’s happening so that you can integrate into oneness.  And you integrate into oneness by becoming whole.  Wholeness happens as we open up to and embrace all of our parts.  In licking our wounds and paying homage to the parts of our selves that need healing, we allow for a sovereignty to bleed through.  All of those things that lay buried take up space (and precious energy).  Though they are indeed facets of who we are, buried in unconscious beliefs and long-suppressed emotions, they, by the nature of being pushed away so long, are restricting our flow.

Flow is everything.  When you are not flowing, you’re not in alignment, you’re not feeling good.  When you’re not feeling good to the point of pain (physical or emotional) you’re energy is blocked.  A blockage in energy means there’s need for release in order to resume flow.

The ‘Flow’ is actually there to help you remove these blockages so that you can resume harmony. So when it feels like you’re being pummeled and you can’t seem to catch your breath from all of the oncoming traffic of ‘stuff’, know that the ‘Force’ is on your side.  Your consciousness, your connection, your Highest Self, are all bringing your attention to ‘what needs fixed’ in order that you can focus in and do the work so that you can realign at a higher level.  Yes, you have to do your part too.  Your part is to free yourself from having to create more of the energy that caused the blocks in the first place.  You do this by learning the lesson of the ‘thing’ that keeps coming up for you. (think karma).

Generally, there’s a theme, or a certain song that’s sung. One that’s familiar. One that you know so well. And within the melody are the notes in which you can work to ‘disarm’ the charge of the emotions and beliefs that are needing to be shifted.  Each time you react to a ‘thing’, or recurring theme with charged a emotion, you set in motion the replay of that theme to play out again, in its next greatest version, derived by you, before you ever came here, in order that you would ‘get it’.

Sometimes these themes are played out over and over because we’re not learning the particular lesson that’s intended. We may think it’s about one thing when it’s about another, and the lessons may not be as obvious as they may seem.  And sometimes, especially as you progress further along on your path, the lessons and theme are so intertwined that you can’t quite figure out which one to choose. Some common themes coming up for review are abandonment, loneliness, dis-empowerment, oppression, death (of self or other through separation of what was), shame, unworthiness, and trust. So within these themes are certain elements that we need to become acquainted with in order to release them.  And in order to become acquainted, you have to become intimate with them.  You have to feel them. 

There’s conflict here, for most, as we find ourselves unwilling to dig into the trenches at the cost of the pseudo-peace we’re feeling.  But know that much truer peace is found as we step into greater alignment.  And remember that these are parts of us that are crying out for attention, that are wanting to be called home.  We can’t only embrace the good.  Compassion is called for with all parts.  So too is a tender nature.  The part of you that is feeling unloved and abandoned needs witnessed, needs to be listened to, and needs to be understood.  As long as it’s shut down, it will continue to tantrum.  And as long as it’s kept deep in the galley, it will continue to rule you and your actions on a subconscious level.  And the beat will go on and on.

We need to bring the subconscious into the light- merge it with the consciousness we’ve been connecting to so that it can be free.  And so, you see, there is purpose to it all, and power.  For as we open to what calls to us, we find ourselves on a deeper level.  And as we integrate all of the pieces we’ve been running from, we begin to know our capacity for joy and love in a greater way.

Honor the process at hand.  Trust it.  It’s speaking to you directly.  You have choice in whether or not you will receive it’s message or turn the other way.  Be with it without the fear of it stripping away what is good.  What is even greater remains hidden beneath this thing that you fear.  Shine your light into the depths of excavation with a brave heart and a hand extended to all of those pieces in search of their way home.

You are a hero on this journey.  This is the rescue mission.  Go forward in confidence, knowing that this inner work will ever radiate outward in fruition of our dreams.  As you remove what stands in your way, you are given free reign within the treasure map of your soul.  Set out to make a difference and know that every ounce of it counts.  The measure of your greatness is not in ounces but in pounds. Your worth is far greater than you have yet known. Open to the possibilities of your potential as you open to all of the pieces of your soul. In doing so, you find your way home.

Be Blessed and know Love,