You are reborn in every moment, every moment anew. Awaken to your now moment with the freshness and the blessings it offers, for you, in this moment, have an opportunity to experience the greatest miracle that you have ever known, and yes, by far, my love, the greatest miracle you can know is the preciousness of your Being. And to experience this in the Now is to be one with all that is on a deep level of connectedness, on a deep level of peace.
Be borne in this moment. Awakening to the sunshine of your soul. Be the breathtaking and the beholder- all at once, within this moment. That is your gift, your gift to this world, and to yourself. Be the blessing that you were created to bestow. You are the Christmas morn, as all wait in anticipation. You are the beautifully wrapped package, adorned with a glistening glow. You are pure radiant wonder, like the dew of a rose as it wakes to its new dawn. Everything inside you has accelerated in its becoming as you become more in each moment, more of what you long to be, more of what you’ve always been. For the you and the ‘it’ ( that which you desire to fill your heart, to enliven your spirit, to energize and liberate your wings) are nothing short of inseparable, nothing short of the breath of Life that is in you. Breathing into this force, you become it. It becomes new life in this moment.
Taste the moment as it folds into your experience. Beckon for it to come closer, to become merged with you on a deeper level of intimacy, of divine connectedness. You and the moment as one, languishing in the arms of one another as you welcome each home.
Open to the abundance and the breadth that has never sought to divide you, never intended for you to fall timid in recognition of its vastness, You are that huge, that limitless, that greatness, that vortex, that expansion. And it flows through you, surging and pulsing as your prana, intertwined, interdemensional, intermeshed in the most splendid dance of perfection as one creates the other, and the other relishes in grace, holding then the space for the one to be born and bloom into the essence of its nature. Enveloped and elated, tantalizing and rich with fullness, ripe beyond the picking, as it begins to fall from the Tree of Life, the Life is You, and you are It. You are nirvana. Drink from the river of the Now. Allow it to wash over you, pure radiance, bathing your soul, as you spill into this moment and into the next. Elixer of intoxication-none other than bliss, as you fall uninhibited and recklessly naked into the bounty, into the Sea of Life in its pure undiluted form. Yet formless in every moment as each one takes shape, becoming what it will be, and all that it can be is perfection.
For you are the River. Unrestricted you flow, so that all may drink from you, may pick your fruits, may taste your glory. Follow your heart into this bliss, living there for a while and then much longer, knowing within you the most exclusive meaning of life, embracing the oneness, the divine, as you and the moment become the flow, become what Is. There is nothing else. All resides within this now, this moment that takes you, should you allow for the taking, should you be so blessed. Becoming the moment, as all of life opens to you, and you open to the greatness of all things.
Drink again, and be filled. Then fall into the moment ahead. See how life evolves with little effort while swimming in the flow. See how languid is the River, as we allow for the fluidity to show the way. The River knows. It is within this moment. It is within you, as you are undeniably within it. Welcome the moment home into your heart and all your moments will become radiant waves of creation. Couldn't this be so, in every moment? Couldn't every moment become bliss? And those moments between bliss, are they not bliss in hiding? Pure potential awaits you. Fold into your Now.
Be loved and Be new,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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