Monday, February 28, 2011

Opening to Expansion and Love

The following is a meditation, part of a recently offered class. It is filled with a vibrational shift to help you align with expansion and love.  You can read through and receive the benefits, or decide to record and play back for meditation. A recorded version of this piece will be available soon.  If you'd like to receive a copy of that, just leave me a not at the bottom.  Enjoy...

                           ~ ~ ~  : ~ ~ ~  : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~          

Begin by settling your body into a comfortable position, noticing your breath, bringing awareness to its rhythm.  Know that this is a great act of honoring yourself- this time that you’re setting aside, right now- this is a gift!

This moment is for you…creating this space of comfort for ease and grace…creating the space for the breath to flow, naturally, and abundantly

Breathing into your base chakra,  and breathing out and releasing any resistance,  clearing away all tension,  all heaviness,  all doubt,  all fear.  Breathing in, deeply,  creating space for new, flowing, fresh life,  and releasing all that no longer serves you,  anything that’s holding you back,  from this moment,  from relaxing into peace,  from loosening the hold of anything that’s taking you away from where you are,  right now.

Breathing in deeply,  all the way to the bottom of your tailbone… and breathing up,  and out,  opening your crown chakra and allowing the energy to flow out the top of your head.  Spouting out the top, like a whale,  allowing the energy to flow.  Two more breaths, just like this,  filling all the way up from the bottom,  from the roots of the earth…and out Through the top,  connecting to Source…creating the flow.

Breathing again into your base chakra,  feeling into a sense of security,  safety,  groundedness,  all needs met.  Feeling this chakra balanced and thriving-  a balanced red.

Moving up into your sacral chakra,  between your belly and base,  and allowing yourself to be filled with a strong sense of pleasure,  of joy,  of contentment,   playfulness.   Feeling connected to the flow of life.  Filling this center with a glowing orange ball of radiant light.  Absorbing the light and feeling the reactivation of your life-force energy.  Connected and calm..  Rejuvenated and anchored.

Now,  floating into your third chakra-  your belly.  Connecting with a  sense of power:  power with ease,  no restriction,  moving beyond conflict or need to fight. Settling into balance of will. .  Harmonizing your will with God’s will.  Picturing glowing abundantly bright and yellow.  Filling with radiant yellow light.  Feeling complete and content. Feeling harmonized.

Moving up to your heart chakra,  breathing into this center,  aligning your spirit in this vortex of love.  Releasing past contracts, removing chords,  blessing all opportunities and connections that have allowed you to expand in love.  Radiating love outward,  and melting any,  and all layers of defense,  of fear,  of protection.  Melting away resistance.  Softening now…any hardness, any sediment of restriction.  Allow the light to be what guides you as you become it,  as it becomes you.  Allowing the light to become the essence of who your are.  Radiating out,  melting,  absorbed by the light of love.  And radiating that light now,  back, in the direction of you.  Radiating that love to your self.  Filling with compassion.  Filling with grace.  Filling this chakra with a meadow of green. Lush,  and full. Garden of light.

Breathing now into your throat chakra,  the chakra of truth and expression,  filling with blue sky energy and light.  Radiating unrestricted truth,  as you connect with your power to create,  as you connect with your fullest abundant potential,  and as you set yourself free to be that,  to be that potential,  to be that creator and cre-a-tion.  To be the everlasting truth, to be your fullest expression of you.

Bringing awareness to the chakra between your eyes now,   connecting with your knowing,  with your ability to see with clarity,  with certainty,  with the eyes of love.  Connecting to a deeper indigo blue as you open and expand this third-eye center,  as you expand in light.

Opening now, your crown chaka,  just above your head-  opening to the universal pure,  expansive love and light.  Radiant beauty,  pulling the energy of the universe into your body and allowing it to shimmer in light. Allowing for peace and joy to wash over you as you reconnect and realign with spirit.  Always one.  Always abundant and flowing.  This energy ever available to you at any time you should wish to align and receive.

 And,  as you settle into peace,  as you reconnect with your essence,  begin to notice the stillness,  and the calm that you have available to you at this moment,  Begin to notice the pleasure that is welling within,  as you reconnect with the All That Is.  This is available to you now,  this abundance,  this flow,  this peace,  in this moment,   and in every moment.  It is always within your reach.

Allow yourself to settle into a state of contentment, deeper peace still,  and embrace the vibration of knowing the you are enough,    that you have enough,   that enough is your constant state of being.  All is available to you now,  in this moment.

Open to abundance as your nature.  Open to knowing that you have enough time,  enough peace,  enough joy,  enough energy,  enough support,  enough love.  Settle into knowing that you already have everything the you desire,  and could ever hope for,  available to you now,  and that all that is left is for you to receive.

As you expand into these possibilities, as you open your self to the fullness that is waiting for your embrace,  notice the radiance within your heart.  Notice the peace and the joy that flows through you as you open to the fullness of your being.

You are ever-expansive.  You are capable of more than you could ever dream.  And just as these feelings seem dream-like,  the life that unfolds for you when you open to this way of being is dream-like too.

Know that you are held in the arms of the Creator.  That you are cradled.  Feel the comfort,  that nurturance,  allow it to wash over you.  Know that you are protected,  loved,  provided for-     completely.

All that you need do ,   in this moment,  and in every moment,  is connect with your Source.   All that you need do is connect with your joy.

Feel the love expanding within you,  radiating outward,  in every direction.  Feel yourself merging with All of creation.  There is no need to worry, or fear.  There is no need to hold back or limit.  Expansion is your natural state of being.  It IS who you ARE.  You are ever-evolving and everything you’ve done throughout your life has been leading you right to this moment.  This moment of expansion,  of completion,   as you leave behind a state of lack, of hiding,  of worry,  doubt,  or fear. 

Stepping into the Light of Love now and absorbing the radiant wonder of being a Creation of God.  You are love.  You cannot be another thing.  And as you begin to live from this space,  from a heart centered place,  you will begin to experience the vast abundance of clarity,  of peace,  of vibrance,  and of simplicity.  You will begin to experience the radiant,  expansive love that creates all things.  And as you embrace this abundance within you,  as you being to receive all that is available to you,  you will begin to realize that there truly is no limit or lack.  There only is the plenty.  There only ever was or ever will be.

Breathing into this expansion,  allowing yourself to connect deeply,  with the knowing that this is your birthright,  this is your essence of Being.  You are the love,  And the love flows freely,  restoring and rejuvenating every cell of your being,  creating new passages to enlightenment and new treasures to behold in the eyes of the one who opens to the abundance and receives.

Allowing now for the peace to wash over you. 
Allowing for newness.
Allowing ease.

Settling into your heart,  breathing from that space,  breathing fully,  as you radiate pure love.
Now breathing into your root chakra, and visualizing roots growing from your tail bone,   down,   into the earth,  connecting firmly with the grounding energy and the stability of the planet.    Feeling solid,  and deeply rooted.  Now pulling that earth energy back up and into your body, pulling the energy from the core of the Earth,  into your Being.  Allowing it to support you,  and fill you.

Breathing again into your heart as you center there.  Coming back into your body,  breath returning to normal,  back into the room.  Taking your time.  And when you’re ready,  you can open your eyes.  Remembering to thank yourself for this sacred time of connection and stillness. Remembering to carry this peace throughout your day and out into your world.

Namaste and great love to you, perfect child of god.

Much, much love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The River of the Now

You are reborn in every moment, every moment anew.  Awaken to your now moment with the freshness and the blessings it offers, for you, in this moment, have an opportunity to experience the greatest miracle that you have ever known, and yes, by far, my love, the greatest miracle you can know is the preciousness of your Being. And to experience this in the Now is to be one with all that is on a deep level of connectedness, on a deep level of peace.

Be borne in this moment.  Awakening to the sunshine of your soul.  Be the breathtaking and the beholder- all at once, within this moment. That is your gift, your gift to this world, and to yourself.  Be the blessing that you were created to bestow. You are the Christmas morn, as all wait in anticipation.  You are the beautifully wrapped package, adorned with a glistening glow.  You are pure radiant wonder, like the dew of a rose as it wakes to its new dawn.  Everything inside you has accelerated in its becoming as you become more in each moment, more of what you long to be, more of what you’ve always been.  For the you and the ‘it’ ( that which you desire to fill your heart, to enliven your spirit, to energize and liberate your wings) are nothing short of inseparable, nothing short of the breath of Life that is in you.  Breathing into this force, you become it.  It becomes new life in this moment. 

Taste the moment as it folds into your experience.  Beckon for it to come closer, to become merged with you on a deeper level of intimacy, of divine connectedness.  You and the moment as one, languishing in the arms of one another as you welcome each home.

Open to the abundance and the breadth that has never sought to divide you, never intended for you to fall timid in recognition of its vastness,  You are that huge, that limitless, that greatness, that vortex, that expansion.  And it flows through you, surging and pulsing as your prana, intertwined, interdemensional, intermeshed in the most splendid dance of perfection as one creates the other, and the other relishes in grace, holding then the space for the one to be born and bloom into the essence of its nature.   Enveloped and elated, tantalizing and rich with fullness, ripe beyond the picking, as it begins to fall from the Tree of Life, the Life is You, and you are It.  You are nirvana.  Drink from the river of the Now.  Allow it to wash over you, pure radiance, bathing your soul, as you spill into this moment and into the next.  Elixer of intoxication-none other than bliss, as you fall uninhibited and recklessly naked into the bounty, into the Sea of Life in its pure undiluted form. Yet formless in every moment as each one takes shape, becoming what it will be, and all that it can be is perfection.

For you are the River.  Unrestricted you flow, so that all may drink from you, may pick your fruits, may taste your glory. Follow your heart into this bliss, living there for a while and then much longer, knowing within you the most exclusive meaning of life, embracing the oneness, the divine, as you and the moment become the flow, become what Is. There is nothing else. All resides within this now, this moment that takes you, should you allow for the taking, should you be so blessed. Becoming the moment, as all of life opens to you, and you open to the greatness of all things. 

Drink again, and be filled.  Then fall into the moment ahead. See how life evolves with little effort while swimming in the flow.  See how languid is the River, as we allow for the fluidity to show the way. The River knows. It is within this moment.  It is within you, as you are undeniably within it. Welcome the moment home into your heart and all your moments will become radiant waves of creation. Couldn't this be so, in every moment?  Couldn't every moment become bliss? And those moments between bliss, are they not bliss in hiding? Pure potential awaits you. Fold into your Now.

Be loved and Be new,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Directing the Flow

With the intensity of the solar flares and the abundant fullness of the moon, no darkness is left in hiding through this transcendent time of truth radiation as we’re called to fully surrender to our purest selves.  How will you weather the storm? Will you be toppled over and swept away or will you rise above the waves and be carried to greater heights within your conscious experience?

Are you a boat-hugger in the storm or a water-walker with risky faith?

In consciousness there is choice. You can determine how to direct the flow of this energy. By being in alignment with your soul, by becoming and remaining centered, by creating balance within your being and then sourcing from that when you feel the winds of change blowing in, you can be the peace that you desire. And during these times of intensity, when cosmic allies are instrumental in accelerating the course, cultivate the presence to make this energy instrumental to your growth in a profound and truly positive way rather than letting it plummet you to the depths and have it’s way with you. Come into your power, connect with your source, and find your touch-point so that you arrive at the other end of this transition with a sense of the sublime and a stronger foundation in a new way of being based on faith.  This is about trust, in yourself, in the unseen, in your capacity to transform and touch base with what you know in your heart to be true and bring it to life.  This is about you creating and maintaining a strong connection with yourself. This is about opening more fully to and actually incorporating a new way of being.  This is about you stepping aside and letting spirit have it’s way with you.  This is about stepping confidently into the unknown and reveling in it, because that is the next step. There’s no more going backward and the future is unclear. We have only this now.  In this now choose peace.

This is a whole new level of surrender that we’re being asked to rise to.  As we do, we become more pure, releasing resistance, fear and doubt as obstacles to receiving the profound gifts of the Universe.  As we open more fully, all of life comes into alignment as sources of energy, love and radiant joy greet you within each moment of surrender, within each intention to connect further to the truth.  This is your time of unfolding, of flowering into the fullest potential of the majestic being that you are.  Allow for this.  Receive the gift of glory as you move beyond what’s been and enter a new day.

The language of your soul can be subtle, and we are being asked to listen that much more attentively and be guided by it’s course. In stillness and in presence, you can become connected with the inner knowing and let it guide you. But there are other ways that your highest self connects with you, and if you listen and adjust your actions/reactions, thoughts/emotions to the wisdom within, you will find yourself sailing through your days with unexpected and abundant gifts and rewards abounding, as well as a growing sense of knowing that this truly is how life was meant to be.

Your body’s talking, are you paying attention to it’s cues? 

The body is all-wise.  It never lies. And it speaks to us of important details when we aren’t aware of whether or not we’re on track with our higher truth. At times of great energy influxes such as these, the body speaks louder, as the energy presses for compliance, or alignment, and everything comes to the surface in order that we may become aware of how our choices (conscious and not) are affecting our overall well-being. The following are some of the key areas you may be experiencing a lot of body talk, along with a translation of what those areas are telling you and what you need to focus on to bring yourself into balance. When we bring awareness to the area, and the message it’s trying to send us, the discomfort will begin to ease or disappear all together, depending on how in or out of alignment you are.  Alignment really is everything.

Hips: Inflexibility.  Where are you needing to be more flexible in your life?  Where are you needing to loosen up, let go, go with the flow?  Notice how flex implies stretching- to stretch beyond your capacity, beyond your need for security and for the comfort zone-to loosen the reigns, overcome the need or tendency to control.  Let go and let God.  Surrender, baby!- and you’ll be show a better way.

Joints-ankles, wrists, knees

Knees: Movement forward.  Where are you holding yourself back?  How are you restricting yourself from forward movement, from making choices based on your high heart rather than root-based fears?  How are you inhibiting your life by clinging to old ways?  How are you being ruled or distracted by fear rather than growing forward?  Pay close attention and ask yourself these questions when you notice discomfort in these areas. (*Remember, the answer is always about surrender!)

Ankles: Inhibition, digging your feet in, resisting the flow, stubbornness, sluggishness or reluctance to begin anew-whether in creative endeavors, opening more fully to new life, or embracing the change within your horizon.

Wrists: Rigidness, need for control, attempting to conduct life rather than let it flow; reflection of carpel tunnel syndrome showing repetitive held movement, habit, or disposition that’s conflicting with allowing for Creator to direct; allowing direction to flow through to you rather than needing to steer the ship and direct your course so diligently.

Belly: Conflict in power central.  Shifting gears and shifting out of old ways of being.  Being alerted to areas of life that are needing your attention-needing for you to take charge, step up to the plate, determine the course, make a choice, be decisive, stop undermining yourself.  Also, strong caution as to what you feel strongly about and against.  Heed the belly signals and zero in on previous thoughts, deeds, words to see what it’s telling you about the choice you’re making and how well they reflect your heart’s desires.

Heart: Lots of movement in this are as this center is opening and realigning, as you’re adjusting to a more expanded (and vulnerable) way of being.  Most have lived lives with hearts closed and much healing energy is being directed to this area as we learn to live from a space of love and open to the expansiveness and unrestricted nature that that entails.  Be gentle and nurturing with you, fostering compassion as a daily practice.  The love you create for and within yourself will reflect outward.  Start with you.

Head: Major energy infusions.  Remember to breathe in deeply to your base and let the energy then flow up and out through the top of your head ( more on that process later).  You are receiving huge amounts of energy from the Universe and it needs to be grounded more often and more consciously in order to avoid more bothersome headaches and dizziness.  Also, as we’re transitioning, and base chakra stuff ( fear, survival ) is being triggered, there’s a tendency to shut down the bottom chakra as well as the crown chakra, which traps the energy in your body, restricting its flow.  This can cause anxiety, twitches, overwhelm, heart palpitations, and tension.  To release the energy and retain flow within the body, breathe into your base chakra and then open your crown chakra and spout the energy out  (like a whale).  Repeat several times as needed and anytime you find yourself in fear.  This exercise brings significant calming and balance, which is what is needed during these times of shift which are accelerating both within ourselves and all around us.

It’s pivotal to become familiar with and work with the chakras during your transition into greater alignment.  The chakras hold great wisdom and a wealth of information about your current state of being.  They know how to lead you back to your self.  When you find that your energy is off, that you feel disconnected, or down, checking in with your chakras to see where you are in balance (and out) will give you great perspective on what’s ailing you and what you need to do to come into balance.  We are being asked to center and become aligned during this time; to find our peace in the chaos; to know who we are so that we don’t become weathered by the storm.  Going inward and connecting on this deep level with your energy centers is a powerful way to find directive and achieve balance.  The more balanced we are, the greater aligned with our peace.  When all of our energy centers are open, we are flowing with Source, and from that place we can approach life and open to it with greater ease.

All of the chakras will direct you to the places in which you need to incorporate more balance.  Safety/Survival. Pleasure/Creativity. Power/Will.  Love-Giving/Receiving.  Truth-Expression/Repression.  Knowing-Thru Intuition/Seeing Thru God’s Eyes.  And Spirituality/Connection to Source (within and without).  All of these are aspects of being-both human and spiritual.  And it’s our task, our learning, to bring these areas (all of them) into alignment so that we can thrive.  The focus is not so directly on healing of or moving to the next place in any of these areas of growth.  It is about centering within the space of the moment and what each chakra is presenting, what is spoken, what it is telling you.  It is about being with that energy and quietly listening to and receiving the message and honoring it, and in doing so, honoring you.  And in that, and in surrender to higher guidance (and just the same, guidance from these all-wise sources of info), we are then led to the next moment of who and what and how we need to be.

We get there, to the next place in our evolution, that next step on our path, by moving through these spaces.  And we get there with far more grace and ease when we are able to center, to go within, and allow ourselves to be guided.

The ‘goal’ of the path is to establish greater connectedness to yourself and to your source and in tandem, you begin to co-create your life to the fruition of your truest desires.

As you fall into alignment, you are greatly rewarded with the treasures of joy and peace and contentment.  You begin to experience connectedness on a profound level that creates a life of flow and a radiant love of all things.

Go inward and connect with your breath, with your ever-wise energy centers, and with the flowing source of abundance that is always available to you from the All That Is. Trust in what you are receiving, as the messages from within pour forth, and as life plays out all around you.

This is a new way of being and these are powerful tools that can connect you with greater resonance, so that you may shine within the winds of change, as your barometer becomes your own solidity through connection and balance, through flow and faith.

(If you would like assistance in connecting deeper with your chakra centers, understanding them better, or guidance in balancing and coming into alignment, I'd be happy to show you the way. Contact me here)

Abundance and Grace!

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Gift

Today I give myself the gift of taking deep breaths, knowing that bringing fresh pure air and life force energy into my body, into my cells, will filter out the remains of what needs to go; knowing that in receiving this ever-present in every moment gift from the Universe, I am nurtured and made new.

Today I give myself the gift of sight.  I choose to see my day with God’s eyes, through the lens of beauty and light, knowing that all is well, knowing that I am fully cradled in His supportive arms.  In this, I see Truth, and I allow for all possibilities to unfold rather than needing them to match criteria or perspective.

Today I offer myself the gift of being free.  I release all attachments, all restrictions, all inhibitions, all fears.  I ride the wave of wisdom that is love, dancing to the rhythm of my heart song in bliss and honor of the sacred uniqueness that is me.  I delve into my radiance, exemplifying my everglow and redefine what it means to BE.

Today I give myself the gift of grace.  I call on my angels and my God and my own brilliant loving highest self to expand me in ways that I knew not that I was capable of, to overlap me when I feel I can’t possible be stretched further, and to whisper to me the secrets of peace especially in the moments that I’m sure I have been broken.  I open to grace to guide me through my day, to lighten my step and broaden my perspective, and to wash me clean in the ever-flowing, all-knowing light.

Today, I give myself the gift of a warm embrace.  I open my arms wide, and my heart wider, allowing pure love to pour forth, unhindered by anything that seeks to block, anything that holds me back, as I exchange my need to protect for a new way of living.  I open to receive, knowing fully that I am worthy of every ounce of love that is longing to complete me.  In this essence, I pour forth everything I AM as a radiant Being of Light- in one full spectrum of splendor and magnificence, knowing that my love is my light and my light is here to shine along side all of the other beautiful bright stars of the Universe.

Today, I give myself the gift of peace.  I do not limit my capacity ofr this vortex of oneness that ensues the truth of the ages.  I choose now and in every moment the gracious surrender that allows for the flow to enhance and direct me, releasing expectation, letting go of the burdens of the past, knowing that the indwelling fountain of contentment never runs empty and is free-flowing to me in every moment of my existence, despite any obstacles, inner or outer conditions, or resistance to go within and rememeber my Truth and my essence, my sovereign and sacred I AMness that brings me back to a simpleness and a clarity, and restores me to the perfection of my sacred Being.

Today, I offer myself the gift of choice. I distill the need to worry or limit myself through excessive contemplation or thinking and respond to life from a conscious perspective, giving myself permission to tap into, fully, the well of wisdom within me.   I follow the guidance of my heart as it leads me gently to every next thing, and leads me gladly back to myself.  I release the need to be victim, or to blame.  I recognize where I have and do give my power away and I reinstate myself eternally as creator of my reality, as authority of my life, as captain of my soul.  I honor and respect my choices and decisions, never looking backward or giving credence to the pervasive power of uncertainty or doubt.  I know with total and complete certainty that I am led, that I am cradled and supported, that I am completely capable of bringing to this world my greatness through my conscious creation of heart-based living and ever-growing peace of mind.

Today I offer myself the gift of five-star living.  I recognize that I am worthy of every want and desire I have ever dreamed of.  I cast aside the limitation of what appears to be in my life and what does not.  I open to the fullest potential of possibility for me to live in abundance in every aspect of living,  showered by the wonder and beauty of the world and all it has to offer, unabashedly giving of the gifts I have received.  And in this, I am set free to the  ebb and flow f creation as it pours forth into every aspect and corner of my existence.

Today, I give myself the gift to re-creation.  I allow myself to be born anew in all of my Greatness and glory, meeting life with freshness and implicit gratitude as I welcome and receive the fullness or every opportunity, embracing every blessing that is every moment, that is each thing, if I should choose to see it that way.  And I ask that I may walk my days forward in this light.

Loving you completely,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.