What’s your Golden Ticket? What ‘hope for’ are you holding onto or out for? What big ‘want’ that will make it All right are you deeply invested in? A new job? A better relationship? Fortune? Fame? Inspiration? What one thing, or two, or three, are you banking on to bring you the dream? What reigns supreme on your ‘ I believe if I had this I would be happy’ list?
And what if that one thing was completely illusory? What if all the holding out and holding onto of what may never be is what is, in fact, poisoning the waters of your well of contentment? Whatever ‘thing’ we desire is only a state of anticipation and agrandisation of what is, because it is always a wishing, a wanting for it to be a different way than it already is. And as long as we are desiring what is not, we’re neglecting what is. We’re turning our backs on the fullness of the now in all of its completeness and spitting out rather than drinking in the juices of thankfulness for the moments that have birthed themselves into being- right in the here and now -for no other reason than our pleasure.
Every want is pointing us in the direction of ourselves. It says ‘Yes, look at me- I am completely attainable, if you truly believe on every level that you are worthy and that you are One with me, your longing, your need made manifest’. – “ But I am NOT All that you are. I am simply an aspect’, says the ‘thing’- “I am simply a reflection.” And we cannot spend all of our time looking in mirrors. For through them we only see an aspect of what Is, only part of the story.
“It is not through me”, says the want(ed) “that you will access what Is. It is through You.” And the coveted status, potential, companion, pleasure, momentum that you desire is only a stand-in for the original working wisdom that you may excavate within.
Your Golden Ticket is not a person, place, or thing. No thing will bring you to resolution with Self. Your Golden Ticket is gratitude and the sweet embrace of abundance of what Is, of what is current, what is present, what is perfectly placed before you, within you, at this very exact moment in time.
When you take a moment to fill your cup with the blessings that have already been bestowed upon you and the blessings that are abounding to be released from the bounty of gifts you bestow, you will know with full heart and content mind that anything else is just an extra- one more thing to be grateful for, to allow in, to be blessed with. Believe it to be not a need or a want to attain any other or thing in order to be full; in order to meet the mark or bridge the joy. Believe it to be in perfect order, as it Is. As it only can be.
Create the space for completeness in this now, and let it be so. In this, you will know the abundance of not-wanting and of Being in it’s fullest potential. Create the space of love through embracing the All that is present within your life, including your desires, but taking the pressure, the focus, and the expectation off of them to be what brings you peace.
Those elements, those things (all of them) are a piece of the puzzle of what makes you complete, but in them lies not the peace that you seek. Create your now bubble and allow those versions of yourself in your mind that require status, or recognition, or monetary gain, to be nurtured by the presence of you in your Truth. And let that be enough, for Now. Let that be your fullness and your flow. In this ease of being, so much more is born than could ever be attained by grasping or longing. In this ease of being, your Golden Ticket is each Now as it’s unfolding. In gratitude, we are abundant and blessed, and what we disire is never out of reach, because all separation ceases to exist and All simply Is.
In gratitude for each of you,
Sweet love and blessings,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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