Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Trigger Happy

As we’re being offered this profound opportunity to shift into an entirely new way of being, it can be easy to bypass the windows that are presenting in favor of falling into default.  These windows, when opened, offer us the fresh air of a perspective that’s beyond the one we’ve been privy to.  And in this consciousness expansion, we can gain greater strides in our awakening as we shift away from tendencies of blame and of victim-consciousness, and fold into a freer way that isn’t hindered by fear and projection.

Begin by allowing the ever-multiplying bouquet of triggers to float into and through your awareness rather than anchor you down.  You can do this!  It just takes a little intent and a lot of perspective about how pursuing triggers and getting sunk by them has never really brought you anything but grief.

Triggers are here to teach you, but they can’t do their job and you can’t evolve unless you’re able to separate yourself from the need to be sent.  Repeat to yourself ...     

 ‘ Just because I’ve always reacted to this set of circumstances in this way doesn’t mean I have to react to it that way again now.  I can do it different.  Why not? And in doing so, in choosing to just be the trout at the bottom of the stream, watching all of the bait go by, I can be removed from it enough to actually see what it’s here to teach me.  And when I can do that, when I can remain inactivated by this ‘thing’ that’s always set me off before, I can shift the energy and the vibration of it so that it will no longer re-appear in my life.

And beyond that, I will gain wisdom and I will gain strength and I can even gather profound perspective for myself in having suffered through that lesson  (and for all others who have suffered through, and are continuing to suffer, in the same way).

In this, you are made new.  In this, you achieve wholeness because you have gathered to yourself an aspect that has been adrift in your struggle to move beyond the point of trigger into a place of peace.

Lighten your load by releasing the need to carry around the yesterdays and the tomorrows.  Haven’t you got enough on your plate right now?!  Anytime your Now is flavored by what’s ‘always been’ or what hasn’t- it’s limited in it’s potential and skews your perspective, keeping you boxed in and disillusioned.
Strike the ‘shoulds’ from your vocabulary.  Past ‘shoulds’ and future ‘shoulds’ are an indicator that you are being derailed from your presence and your power.

Perspective, people, perspective!  As long as you view everything, anything, as meaning something, it does. But most often it doesn’t mean what you think it means at all.  When your perspective is based on your past, it filters out the truth and disables you from moving beyond the imposed limitation.

When you realize a trigger is on the horizon, when you See that it has the potential of unfolding and causing you to unravel- retreat.  Go inward, and away, to the best of your ability considering the circumstances, from the drama.  Allowing yourself to ‘move away’ from the situation gives you some breathing space so that you don’t get sucked into reacting, attaching, or judgment of what’s playing out.

Every time you don’t go there and give in to the habitual responses, you win.  You move forward.  You are further along in your game.  So when you juxtaposition yourself to remain still, remain objective, remain neutral, remain in the Now- you set yourself up to See the big picture and discontinue acting small (or from the stance of the littler ego self).

Moving forward, shedding all of these old triggers, gives more leverage, more leg room- gives an insiders advantage, because you’re able to See things from the inside out , from a higher perspective, and not feel so weighed down by what’s been dominating you forever.

Remember to find ways to shed that old skin as you’re releasing in droves.  You don’t need to hold onto the old perspective while simultaneously opening to the new.  Try salt showers, releasing rituals, surrendering to a higher power, and reconnecting with your higher self to keep things resonating from that ‘higher’ place.

It doesn’t matter what’s happened before. This moment is not a reflection of what’s been. This moment simply IS. This Now holds within it the potential of the new.  It is not condemned.  It is not tainted or tarnished unless you make it that way.  Choose the portal.  Choose new.  You deserve this newness.  You deserve to get unstuck.  A trigger holds within it the weight of what’s been.  That‘s why it has such a stronghold and an impact.  It’s got the hardware of what’s kept you paralyzed and in an unconscious groove.  But within the trigger is also a mystery to be unlocked which holds the magic of wisdom and of love.

A god mantra to get you through the day, 'None of this means anything at all'. This is one of the most powerful statements to keep you out of the way and in the flow. It really is that simple...when ya let it be.

Peaceful forward movement to you!

In grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Realigning with Center to Make Higher Choices

There comes a time on our path where consciousness moves in on such a level that we becomes more and more aware of our choices.  And for a time, this place on the path can be painful, because all of a sudden, we realize that our life is unsatisfying, our life is falling apart, or our life is painful due to the choices we are making.  Suddenly, we begin to know (and have to face) that we are causing the (perceived and chosen) suffering and we know (on some level) that we can no longer blame it on another.  For it is not the outside world that is causing us strife, it’s our own mis-alignment with our truth and ultimately our incongruence with center.

And so we begin to know that we must begin to make higher choices.  This is the part where so many of us stumble.  We know what we are supposed to do, but doing it is another story.  We see where we are going wrong, but getting it right seems to be impossible.  How can we be so conscious, so evolved, on one level, yet at the same time continually be tripping over our own two feet?

Easy.  Here’s your answer.  You’ve evoked consciousness- you see from a higher plane- you ‘get it’ on a deeper level, but how much of the time are you operating from that place of awareness in your day-to-day?  We seem to slip in and out of consciousness, merging with our God-Self in certain moments and then falling back into unawareness in others.  And when we do not bring that consciousness into everything- every moment, every breath- then we are unable to make mindful choices from which we can thrive and from which we can truly begin to taste the fruits of our labor.

When we are not present, engaging the Now, we are unconsciously operating from a place that’s not Center.  From this place that’s ‘not flow’ we continually make the choices (or mistakes) that we’ve made throughout our life (or for many lifetimes) that disable us from our power-place, that create more misalignment, that cause us grief and suffering, and send us spiraling into the abyss.

When we live on auto-pilot, our choices are vague, they are rogue, they are a repeat of the patterns engraved in our heads.  They are ‘the way we’ve always done it’- habitual responses that leave us wanting from more, wanting for better, and wanting desperately out of this mismatch to our higher knowing.

Consciousness comes in and we See how those choices affect us but we don’t see a way past them.  We wonder why we can’t ‘get it right’, ‘do it different’, or inact a different plan'.  We each have our own core stuff playing out that will be triggered and responded to repeatedly and again until one day we shift- we choose higher and we set the foundation for a new path, a higher vibration, a greater way.

As we stumble and fall over our choices and get tangled up in conflict with our selves, we may struggle to find the compassion for our own trial and tribulations- wanting so desperately to just ‘win’ to not fall into the same traps, that our focus remains on our ‘failures’ and our ‘flaws’.

Our ‘flaw’ is not that we keep tripping it up or are incapable of overcoming.  Our ‘flaw’ is our level of unconsciousness still playing out strongly within our lives that’s dominating our choices and making us feel like we don’t have the capability to choose another way.

Enter centeredness- and the need to remain connected- the need to remain grounded in your power and with your Source, for the greater part of the day.  When we go into fear, disenchantment, worry, anger, stress or strife, we disengage from Connection.  We disengage from life.  Once unplugged, we begin to spiral, tapping into all of the thoughts and emotions that readily support our travails.  We begin to feel tainted and bad about ourselves, about life, about possibilities- separating from God as we become self-rightious, separating form others as we begin to feel unworthy or wrong, separating from ourselves as we doubt and judge, plugging further into the false god of suffering and plunging further into disconnect and despair.  And from this place we operate.

These thoughts and emotions are so well-worn, so unconsciously familiar that we often don’t even know that that’s the place we’re living in.  We can go on in that state for hours, or days, months, infinity- completely unaware, mostly unplugged, searching our minds for answers and calling out in the night for relief.

When we operate from this place (and we do if we are continuing to struggle), we continue to make unconscious choices.  We continue to see life as struggle and ultimately, we continue to place the blame.  But blame is an unconscious maneuver and owning is exactly the caveat necessary to shift you to a higher plane.

In order to live from a higher place, we need to remain in the higher for the duration.  As we continue to shift in and out of awareness, we continue to live out the default of the highs and lows.  The more we maintain a presence in center, the more we can act froma place of intention, from a place of awareness- and the more life begins to flow.

Until we exercise consciousness consciously for the greater part of our waking time, we continue to play out more of the same. 

This is about maturation.  This is about taking ownership and stepping into authority within your life- within your being.  This is about no longer being moved by the tantruming inner child and being maneuvered by the habitual auto-pilot, but instead taking charge and owning your choices- owning your power-owning your resources- owning your life.

From the view of the inner child, the ego, the unconscious- it will always be the same way that it was.  It will always play out the same.  There is no choice, there is only the quest for safety and this is a modality based strongly in fear and mirrored wholly by the past.  When you have elevated in consciousness, you can inject that into your life and into your choices by becoming center and living from that place of Knowing (ultimately in every moment) so that you do not continue to act out more of the same (pain).  You can begin to sooth your inner tantruming which dominates your unconscious responses by reassuring that part of your self that you are, alas, an adult.

You can begin to know that you are capable of authority in your life when you can rise beyond the habitual way and embrace your fears with compassion as you transition into strength.

Those quelling parts of you need enrichment, not engagement.  They need direction, not detachment.  They need our embrace and our wisdom over our desire to collapse into tham and become the tantrum and the suffering ourselves.

As we move into mindfulness and realize that this is the ONLY place from which we can make higher choices (choices that support our heart’s desire, our forward movement, and fulfillment of self), we begin to know the utmost importance of maintaining a state of awareness throughout the day.

Remember to realign and reconnect whenever you find yourself out of alignment. Once you're back in center you will be in a place of being able to again make those conscious choices that will move you on down the line and into the freedom from the habitual past mistakes.

Balance your soul by breathing into your being and reconnecting with your high self. Breathe from this place daily and you will find greater ease flowing and less stress.

Be true to you, continually pivoting back to center, back to core.

You are blessed! Believe it, even when it doesn't seem that way!

Love and longevity of spirit,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.